"Why Morrissey Is the Dumb Uncle We Can't Help but Love" by Maggie Serota - Village Voice

You know what I think is 'dumb': a person who considers herself to be a competent journalist and the best word she can manage to use as an insult is 'dumb'. That's a grade school playground jab. Morrissey is far from being 'dumb'; it seems like her criticism focuses less on his intellect and more on his eclectic (or eccentric to some) sense of style, which he has always had; his extremely opinionated social and political viewpoints (which he has also voiced right from the start); and his refusal to bend on any issues about which he feels passionately.

I'm not saying I agree with every statement that Morrissey makes (many, but not all), but I respect him for taking a stand on issues that he feels are relevant rather than just tweeting mindless drivel. She could certainly explain why she thinks his philosophies are out of touch without just labeling him as 'dumb'. Also, speaking of being out of touch, the cancellation problems were a few years ago and something that happened when he was in the Smiths as well. Does she really know anything about him?

Why do people act as if someone is forcing them to attend a Morrissey concert? Do you need a ticket stub to get your hipster badge? If you're over him, by all means save your money and make room for the people that want to be there. There are many of us who find joy, consolation, unity, and even humor in his words; if you don't, that's fine, but why the need to try and bash him while still claiming to be a fan?

She could have actually done some research and written an article about some new musical talent that readers might want to check out. This is just negative journalism that doesn't inform or educate anyone.


" His refusal to bend on any issues about which he feels passionately. " :blushing:

Oh yes, like when he dropped Mweat is Mwurder from his Chicago riot fest performance ?
Nice one Dorothy :rolleyes:

Oh but do you care ! Do you care ! Do you care ? On with the research Dot you're slacking.

Meat is money ! Cheese is tasty !

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