Who is richer: Morrissey or Julia Riley?


the bachelorette

Who do you think is richer, Morrissey or Julia Riley? Let's think about it. Morrissey keeps the money flow coming in by doing tours and investing in properties. Julia just goes to concerts and makes a fanzine. So, is it that Julia is so much richer than Morrissey she doesn't have to even bother trying to rake in money or is Morrissey the richer one because he works it every couple years? Hmmm...
Well,I can say this from first hand knowledge............if people think the only house in L.A. is the one he lives in now is it,they are sorely mistaken. He has another....Now i know some here will say"aww PIMP you're fulla shit"...but I am not...he owns another house,and another car.......Ive seen both. I know people who have been to BOTH places and seen him at both places.

As for who has more money?????

Im not wuite sure why someone would ask such a stupid f***in question to begin with????? it doesnt f***in matter does it??????

this is like when people comment about" his hair,his dog,his sexuality,his cellibacy,how bad maladjusted"sucked"(which we all know it didnt...did you buy it??? do you listen to it??? is it part of your morrissey collection??? then it cant "suck" too bad right???),what coor his hair should be,mike joyce,andy rourke,shitty bands no one else here gives a f***ity f*** about,the cure,the strokes,how many bands are "influenced" by morrissey,the red wings,franz ferdinand,wrestling and anything else that seems to "pop up" here.

In simplest terms:


that is all...now,leave me...Im off to yoshinoya.......
Just for those who werent paying attention...I even threw a dig at myself with the red wings mention...Im an EOP...equal opportunity PIMP.,........Ill say shit to myself too........
Re: you talk about the Red Wings all the time Mr. Poopy

DOLT>>>read my last post...I said I even dig on myself...pay attention before you speak ok????????
Be fair people

Who cares how much money they have. I'm starting to come round to you, Mr Pimp. You're just that little bit nicer these days and you wear it well. Now as for Julia Riley, why all the fuss? She's just a fan who can afford to go to all the gigs and it doesn't really matter much to anyone else does it? Leave the wealthy girl alone. Not that she'd care much if you didn't i expect. Long live Mr Pimp. Long live Julia Riley and long live Mr Morrissey.
Re: Be fair people

> Who cares how much money they have. I'm starting to come round to you, Mr
> Pimp. You're just that little bit nicer these days and you wear it well.
> Now as for Julia Riley, why all the fuss? She's just a fan who can afford
> to go to all the gigs and it doesn't really matter much to anyone else
> does it? Leave the wealthy girl alone. Not that she'd care much if you
> didn't i expect. Long live Mr Pimp. Long live Julia Riley and long live Mr
> Morrissey.

I'm on the fence about whether I should go for it and fly up to Alaska to see Morrissey. It would be killing two birds with one stone, as I've long dreamed of visiting that state. Maybe I should be insired by Julia Riley to just f***ing put everything aside and do it. But I don't know how long I can get away from work yet, if I can at all. : / I'm very envious of Julia, in a good way. Totally admire her.
Re: Be fair people

Thanks....bout time you came around............I was speaking the truth......Who cares how much cabbage either has??? I dont...It has nothing to do with the music.....
Re: Be fair people

> I'm on the fence about whether I should go for it and fly up to Alaska to
> see Morrissey. It would be killing two birds with one stone, as I've long
> dreamed of visiting that state. Maybe I should be insired by Julia Riley
> to just f***ing put everything aside and do it. But I don't know how long
> I can get away from work yet, if I can at all. : / I'm very envious of
> Julia, in a good way. Totally admire her.

It's sad that you admire someone for going to every Morrissey concert. Let's be realistic - going to see Morrissey is NOT a humanitarian cause. I would understand how one could be inspired by her and admire her if she did something like volunteer to help victims of civil war in Rwanda or was a member of Doctors Without Borders, but she's just an obsessed fan. That's pretty lame, actually. You may as well admire the people who follow Phish on tour.

Well said Dagenham Chris!

> It's sad that you admire someone for going to every Morrissey concert.
> Let's be realistic - going to see Morrissey is NOT a humanitarian cause. I
> would understand how one could be inspired by her and admire her if she
> did something like volunteer to help victims of civil war in Rwanda or was
> a member of Doctors Without Borders, but she's just an obsessed fan.
> That's pretty lame, actually. You may as well admire the people who follow
> Phish on tour.

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