Whats the best way to meet the great man himself?

Find out who his Doctor is and sit in the surgery every day for a year - You will probably meet him numerous times!
The best way is pray to god inside a church, and expect that one, day he may appear in a festival or concert near where you stand!:rolleyes:
lainey = stalker:p

No, I will not be waiting for hours like people did on Sunday ( not you, cheeky) as you will build it up and be disappoined if you miss your chance.
I will hope for a handshake in or outside the theatre:D
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it doesn't make sense:crazy:

you'll be there at 9am patrolling the grounds:lbf::lbf:

sadly on the friday, it's MY birthday and I have to work. I will turn up around 6 if I can find the place, I'll act cool as I try to get a ticket for face value:crazy:(now I'm crazy)
then I will celebrate MY and Morrissey's birthday.:o
sadly on the friday, it's MY birthday and I have to work. I will turn up around 6 if I can find the place, I'll act cool as I try to get a ticket for face value:crazy:(now I'm crazy)
then I will celebrate MY and Morrissey's birthday.:o

is it your birthday? never, i don't believe you:straightface:

it's easy to find by the way.
you've only told me about 60 times since sunday:lbf:

:blushing:I know, sharing his birthday is the best thing about my life and I also hope someone might read this and have an extra ticket for the 22nd and think "they deserve to go" and contact me.
now that bonkers and daft but I live in hope..like to day I hope Arsenal will win and that Hull will defintely be up for it so there's hope.
meeting morrissey
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