What is currently your favorite television show(s)?

It's terrible. Now I'm devastated. Tig Notaro plays the main character in One Mississipi.

Never have an idol as Måns Ivarsson said when Cat Stevens converted to islam. Had he said that today god knows what would have happened.

He was a fan of Moz too good old Måns.


Icelandic drama with the english title "Prisoners". About a high society daughter getting locked up after her father is found badly beaten in his home.

Opening episode felt a bit like a updated version of the famous aussie drama with almost the same title apart from the S at the end.

Can't wait to see more of this cause the characters in the prison felt very authentic and loads of new actors I've never seen before. They use a song by Chelsea Wolfe during the opening credits.

Icelandic drama with the english title "Prisoners". About a high society daughter getting locked up after her father is found badly beaten in his home.

Opening episode felt a bit like a updated version of the famous aussie drama with almost the same title apart from the S at the end.

Can't wait to see more of this cause the characters in the prison felt very authentic and loads of new actors I've never seen before. They use a song by Chelsea Wolfe during the opening credits.

We could not stop watching it until the end and this is THE best tv series I have ever seen due to the acting and way they handle the different stories side by side and the flow of it all that manages to avoid a single dull second.

So glad it ended with an opening for a season 2 and I just cannot wait for it but guess I sadly have to. This was a fantastic production where all the scandinavian state channels were involved.

This was the second autumn in a row where a tv series from Iceland had me captivated all way through.


Super excited about the new happy series. Based on a crime comic written by grant Morrison which is like super awesome. They picked a good lead and I'm hoping it comes out well
Richard Ayoade’s C4 show Travel Man has grown on me recently.

Each episode sees the host nip off to a number of (usually) European cities for 48 hours, guest in tow, to explore. Ayoade’s mannered humour might well grate with some, but although sometimes dependent on the quality of the guest it’s never less than interesting, and often funny with it.

Secondly, Star Trek Discovery has come to the end of its run, seemingly resolving the battle with the Klingons with a single shot. This show could have been any space opera. It bore little or no resemblance with the Star Trek many of us grew up with, beyond the insignia, ship and phasers. The central storyline, [spoiler ahead] is that the Federation have discovered a warp engine that essentially runs on mushrooms. I kid you not. Clearly the script meetings did too.

Finally Marvel’s Inhumans. I grew up reading reprints of the Lee & Kirby Fantastic Four so these characters are close to my heart. This show, however, does them little credit. It looks cheap, the script is woeful, the acting not that much better and only thing that saves it from being a complete washout is Lockjaw, the giant teleporting dog. More mushrooms.

Probably the last ones to see it but we're watching all the seasons of this at the moment. Jamie Dornan being a United fan like me made me interested since he appears on the club tv channel now and then.

Gillian cold as ice as always.
No.... not even old TV...

Some habits lead nowhere... cocaine, alcoholism, eating meat, TV, etc.
Why would ANYONE watch TV?

I doubt people these days watch linear tv when a show is aired. Streaming services are of course the prefered way to watch "tv" nowadays. Most people have no tv anymore, they have a screen that can be used in so many more ways than old tv's could.

Gomorra season 3 is finally here and I will watch it over Christmas so this is easily the best present this year.

Updated version of the old classic trying to portray the world and values of today.

Fave tv soaps of mine:

1. Dallas
2. Falcon Crest
3. Dynasty

Sad aren't I?
The first episode of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel lived up to the hype. I’m excited to watch the rest

Season 2 of swedish tv series Modus is horrible from start to finish despite a big budget production that tries to give us that Hollywood feeling. Joel Kinnamans sister Melinda is a poor actress to say the least.

Not even Kim Cattrall playing the first american female president is able to lift it one bit. When they wrote this they expected Hillary to win it so her character is Hillary Clinton but with another name.


Well made american/israeli crime drama about a FBI agent disappearing for 6 years after tracking a serial killer. 1 episode into it and it seems very promising.

7 part series from Norway taking place in the far north of the country. A young girl goes missing and her boyfriend dies so police inspector Hedda has to return to her birthplace to try and solve the case and chase down a serial killer with a new weird colleague.

Cold and rough scenery and interesting that it features some religious cult as with the real life on going case of sexual abuse in a remote village in the north of Norway reported in the news recently.

After 2 episodes I cannot wait to watch the rest of it.
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