what are your top five books


muggle, first order
out of interest really...
mine are:
(in no particular order)
the l-shaped room
high fidelity
harry potter series (counts as one!!!)
watership down
day of the triffids

okay i know thats six but i love them all! :D
and i know that they are not particularly 'cool' but they are very special to me. :rolleyes:

what are everyone elses? and be honest not poncy!! :p
1. 1984
2. Lord of the Rings (series)
3. Zeitgeist
4. Catch-22
5. The Castle
6. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
7. Foucault's Pendulum
8. Lullaby
9. Starship Troopers
10. American Psycho
11. Confessions of a Mask
12. Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
13. The Smithsonian Institution
14. Grendel
15. The Fall
16. Empire of the Sun
17. Frankenstein
18. Don Quixote
19. The Collector
20. Fahrenheit 451
21. A Confederacy of Dunces
22. Steppenwolf
23. Fathers and Sons
24. The Burden of Proof
25. The Divine Comedy
26. Crime and Punishment
27. Dune (1st trilogy)
28. Lolita
29. Breakfast of Champions
30. Quicksilver (the trilogy)
31. Trainspotting
32. The Mind-Murders
33. The Honourable Schoolboy
34. My Dark Places
35. The Invisible Man
36. In Cold Blood
37. Lord Jim
38. The Dark Tower (series)
39. Dracula
40. The Foundation (series)

i cant count
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vivaissy said:
out of interest really...
mine are:
(in no particular order)
the l-shaped room
high fidelity
harry potter series (counts as one!!!)
watership down
day of the triffids

okay i know thats six but i love them all! :D
and i know that they are not particularly 'cool' but they are very special to me. :rolleyes:

what are everyone elses? and be honest not poncy!! :p

not to be snobbish but :eek:
Please said:
not to be snobbish but :eek:


my brother in law got me into them and i just can't get enough! i know its sad, but i can't help it!! makes me happy :)
This is hard but

Stig Dagerman - A burnt child
John Steinbeck - The grapes of wrath
Simonde de Beauvoir - The blood of others
Fjodor Dostojevskij - The idiot
George Orwell - Animal farm or 1984
Anthony Burgess - Earthly powers
Willy Russel - The wrong boy ( great Morrissey-related book)
Thomas Mann - The magic mountain
Peter Singer - The Animal Liberation
J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the rings
Truman Capote-In Cold Blood
Jon Savage-Englands Dreaming
Stephen King-It
Everything by Harper Lee
Hepziah said:
Anthony Burgess - Earthly powers
Willy Russel - The wrong boy ( great Morrissey-related book)
Thomas Mann - The magic mountain
Peter Singer - The Animal Liberation
J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the rings

ah, i really didnt like the wrong boy at all, in fact couldn't even finish it, it was terrible. did it get good at the end?
One Hundred years of Solitude - G G Marquez
Master and Margarita - M Bulgakov
The temple of the golden pavilion - Y Mishima

difficult choice, maybe also
La Ciudad y los Perros (City and Dogs) - Mario Vargas Llosa
The Spark of life by E M Remarque

Non-fiction: Nevermind the bollocks: Women rewrite rock - Amy Rafael
Homage to Catalonia
the 2 volumes of Oscar Wilde Selections
the whole Truman Capote
From A to B & Back Again by Andy Warhol
Last Train to Memphis / Careless Love by Peter Guralnick

but mostly of all me tremendously enjoying Winnie-the-Pooh :)
that's The Book.
vivaissy said:

my brother in law got me into them and i just can't get enough! i know its sad, but i can't help it!! makes me happy :)

don't feel sad! if you had told me 3 years ago that i would not only own all the Harry Potter books but show up to the bookstore on it's release date to get the newest copy, i would have thought you were nuts.

If we're going to count the entire series as 1 book, then to follow up my list of favorites would be:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Wrong Boy by Willy Russell
The Dead Zone by Stephen King
Naked by David Sedaris
Charlotte's Web by EB White

OK, that's more than 5....
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Rabbit is Rich by John Updike
Sexus by Henry Miller
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
East of Eden by John Steinbeck

I really enjoyed Jon Ronson's books (Them and The Men who Stare at Goats) and also Louis Theroux's debut last year.
Stiff; The Curious Life of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audry Niffenegger
Jitterbug Perfume, by Tom Robbins
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Atonement by Ian McEwan
Well I'm going to add plays to mine...because im terribly important

1. Morrissey - Scandal and Passion
2. Kes
3. Jude the Obscure
4. Merchant of Venice
5. The Government inspector
Springheeledjim84 said:
Well I'm going to add plays to mine...because im terribly important

1. Morrissey - Scandal and Passion

Are you David Bret? You must be.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Captive State - George Monbiot
No Logo - Naomi Klein
The Beautiful Game - David Conn
The Benn Diaries - Tony Benn

(sorry only one novel as such, and I think I might have given away my politics there too!)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure - Stephen Colbert
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In no particular order.

Other Voices, Other Rooms - Truman Capote
Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Orton Diaries
Hello, I Must Be Going (conversations with Groucho Marx) - Charlotte Chandler

That's 6, but who's counting eh. :D
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