TTY: The Morrissey Cloud

Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

it doesn't look like tin tin or moz. That cloud looks like the evil guy from lazy town to me :straightface:


This? This looks like this.


It's like one of those six degrees games.

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Don't try and wriggle out of it now, your ignorance is on record, you only have to look back at your own posts, look for the one where you think you can spend euros in scottish pubs, our currency is sterling in case you're still not sure, you don't have to worry about that though, dollars is the only currency you will ever need

Maybe they got confused and thought you were Irish.
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.


This? This looks like this.


It's like one of those six degrees games.

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe they got confused and thought you were Irish.

Evennow is a he, not a them and you don't have scottish pubs in Ireland, you've obviously found your intellectual level with lazy town, now keep up or keep out
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Evennow is a he, not a them and you don't have scottish pubs in Ireland, you've obviously found your intellectual level with lazy town, now keep up or keep out

Give it a rest blowhard. I don't keep transcripts of every post I ever made and I am sure if I did make the mistake you are referring to then I can assure you that it is not the only inaccuracy I have ever posted here. The difference is that I am not out to hurt and insult people on this site other than yourself. You are a bully and a fraud and should be brought to task for calling people retarded for which YOU have never apologized. It is obvious you are not intelligent, but at the very least you can take responsibility for your actions.

You and Morrissey are very similar in this regard. It is always someone else's fault. Woe is me! You both finger point so much I am surprised you don't have arthritis in your pointer fingers. Fat, loud, Americans may ruin your day, but you ruin all of ours with your nasty and mean spirited posts that never come close to the topic at hand. This cloud in a sunny, blue sky looks very much like Moz, I am sure yours would be a dark cloud spewing cold rain. Much like those around the coast of the land you call home. Please leave the Irish alone, they have done nothing to you.
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Whats so great about Europe anyways? Nothing but old churches and warm beer, and the natives dont even go into the churches.

FFS you are the pub to serve the customers not to play with the wifi.
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Look at the length of your posts evennow, look how long it takes you to say absolutely nothing, now that's a blowhard, as for the fraud comment, I'm a moz fan, I've been to dozens of morrissey gigs all over the uk and Ireland, I've been to the salford lads club and had the iconic photo taken, I've even got a moz portrait tattoo, you are an American who has never been out of America who spends way too much time on a website dedicated to a English singer, you are the biggest fraud of all
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Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

IrishBlood and Calamine Lotion, please stop hijacking.

You can go to off-topic fight thread.

Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

WTF are you talking about? I'll explain this to you slowly, he was talking about spending euros in scottish pubs in scotland, Ireland was not mentioned in that conversation, is that clear enough for you?

Please drop dead Pippy. I am off to enjoy a sunny weekend here in the US far away from the likes of you and whatever angry tirade you might decide to smear all over these boards. Stop trying to defend yourself it is unbecoming such a prominent member of Irish society. :lbf:
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Please drop dead Pippy. I am off to enjoy a sunny weekend here in the US far away from the likes of you and whatever angry tirade you might decide to smear all over these boards. Stop trying to defend yourself it is unbecoming such a prominent member of Irish society. :lbf:

You have a good weekend in the good old USA, at least you won't have to worry about what currency to use, try spending some quality time listening to Vauxhall and I, it'll chill you out, ya'all have fun now
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

IrishBlood and Calamine Lotion, please stop hijacking.

You can go to off-topic fight thread.


No disrespect intended but I think the "cloud that looks like Morrissey" subject was pretty much exhausted. :D I did hear it was being chased by a cloud that looks like Mike Joyce, though.
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Please drop dead Pippy. I am off to enjoy a sunny weekend here in the US far away from the likes of you and whatever angry tirade you might decide to smear all over these boards. Stop trying to defend yourself it is unbecoming such a prominent member of Irish society. :lbf:

Have a great weekend 'evennow'.
Our clocks have changed to summertime so we have long days building up now ! Woo-hoo !
Best wishes to you and yours Sir.

People in Scotland wear black socks with their sandals. They stick out like a sore thumb wherever they go which is mostly to the pub across the street.
This particular intellectual, Irish Blood, British work permit, probably is independent minded and wears green ones.

Moz, the subject of this forum, considers sitting in hotel foyers a hot time, so the jet set talk may be misplaced.
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

IrishBlood and Calamine Lotion, please stop hijacking.

You can go to off-topic fight thread.


Why don't you post these warnings when Benny and co. hijack every thread for the same old boring shit that generally has very little to nothing to do with the topic at hand? Oh that's right...
Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Look at the length of your posts evennow, look how long it takes you to say absolutely nothing, now that's a blowhard, as for the fraud comment, I'm a moz fan, I've been to dozens of morrissey gigs all over the uk and Ireland, I've been to the salford lads club and had the iconic photo taken, I've even got a moz portrait tattoo, you are an American who has never been out of America who spends way too much time on a website dedicated to a English singer, you are the biggest fraud of all

I enjoy your posts and most of the time they are spot on.
The jury has reached its verdict !

The cloud was Tin-Tin and not Steven. The Judge also commented that he found Steven to be, "Devious, Truculent and Unreliable."

So that's that nipped in the bud folks let us here no more of the sideways cloud and concentrate on more important Steven attention seeking stuff like ! Did you know whilst I was shopping in Tesco yesterday at 4:47pm the ear-worm music in the background was Every day/Sunday ! (Discuss at great length).

Re: The Morrissey Cloud.

Why don't you post these warnings when Benny and co. hijack every thread for the same old boring shit that generally has very little to nothing to do with the topic at hand? Oh that's right...

You report nearly everything they post. You get very, very, very agitated about it. In fact you are very close to being banned for report abuse violation. You let it bother you far too much. Chill out.

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