TTY: Michael Bracewell comments on Morrissey being without a record label

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Michael Bracewell comments on Morrissey being without a record label
9 September 2015

"The situation is BEYOND BELIEF..... not wishing to be facile, but this is like Hockney being unable to get a gallery, only slightly worse and even more baffling... How very odd that the cost of being an icon is isolation..."
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I'm veering off-topic here, but there's of course many many songs with Marr involvement that are great too. To mention only a couple of co-writes: Gravitate to Me (The The), Sexuality (Billy Bragg), Get the Message, Disappointed (sic), Getting Away with It (all Electronic), Walking down Madison (Kirsty Maccoll), never mind the mark he's left on other writer's songs (the entire Dusk album by The The and Nothing but Flowers by Talking Heads come to mind).

Point is - both have created great songs within and without The Smiths. There's no point comparing or stating who's "better". But I would like to see them on a podium together once, not necessarily with the other two (although I like Andy's work with The Smiths), just to hear what it would sound like now.

such a beautiful and accurate comment:thumb:
What world do you live in?
Comparing Morrissey to the Ordinary Boys is reaching into the absurd. The band are truly awful, the singer can't sing and looks dreadful and is a middle class boy trying to pretend he's working class, not to mention a desperate man who sold his band down the river to go on Big Brother, then went down the Hello magazine route.
Everyone from Morrissey to Paul Weller knows they are crap. Those two usually like anyone who name checks them, especially Morrissey. Preston likes to put it around Brighton and to the media about his meeting with Morrissey and how they played Meltdown. What he never mentions is Meltdown was a gig about Morrissey, his influences and who he influenced. The Ordinary Boys were merely put in the queue as a few people dropped out and their manager got them a spot. As for the meeting, that was a case of chance.The Ordinary Boys happened to be playing Later with Jools Holland, at the same time as Morrissey. Preston (their singer) went up to Morrissey and all Morrissey said was "I know who you are" (lets face it Mozzer knows anyone who's wearing one of his tshirts, name checks him, lifts one of his song titles and etc.)Then he blanked them forever more, he banned them from even being in the same room hallways as him.
Brighton has many people who claim to on speaking terms with Morrissey. the singer from Gene. They also played Meltdown, in the reception area. Martin has also only met Morrissey once..and that was because one of the backing band set it up, not to mention it was an article in the music press, during a slow time.
Julie Burchill, lives in Brighton and also likes to put it about that shes friends with Morrissey. They aren't.They have only met once.
Steve Coogan often runs his mouth in regards to Morrissey but they aren't friends either.
There is that guy (Ally, Alex,Alan or something) who looks more like Morrissey than Morrissey and is meant to be rather like him, for one no one knows if he's gay or straight (I hear he's straight and went out with Kristeen Young, not sure if thats true.) and he's meant to be odd. Though I haven't seen him in Brighton for a while. I did hear a rumour that he was hanging out with Morrissey in LA, that was fairytale land. He met Morrissey in the pub in LA and thats it.
Doll and The Kicks were based in Brighton and of course toured with Morrissey and he did like them, not sure Doll had the same relationship with him that Kristeen had, though Kristeen's relationship wasn't as close as she liked to tell people.
Brighton is amass of Hipsters these days, its an empty place. I'm happy to have moved back to London away from all that bullshit.

Morrissey doesn't need kick starter, he wasn't in Menswear, he was in the Smiths and has number one books, sell out gigs around the world. He knows what he's doing.

Who compared Morrissey to the Ordinary Boys you silly c***?

Your intimate knowledge of who Morrissey has and has not met is...terrifying.

My suggestion was simply that Mozzer has to think about doing things differently IF he wants another moment in the spotlight. Maybe he doesn't in the which case he should just...keep in keeping on. Maybe you could ask him the next time he's telling you how many times he has met Peter Andre.
I hear you. I loved Mike Joyce on drums. He is much maligned, mainly because of the court case, but he added a lot to the sound of The Smiths. That's what I think anyway. I guess my one fear of a Moz/Marr reunion is the crazily high expectations everyone would have. Typically Great Expectations are a disappointment that leave us raving for what could have been in a Miss Havisham induced nightmare.


I think Mike Joyce was appreciated as a good drummer back in the day. I remember seeing Buzzcocks in the 90's and he was their drummer at a number of gigs. Don't think he will ever take to a stage with Morrissey again but If I was him I would have took Morrissey/Marr to court as well. Interesting that Marr went down the appreciation route and settled, whereas Morrissey fought tooth and nail to deny him anything?

When i think about it he probably played to a bigger crowd with Buzzcocks than he ever did with The Smiths (I may be wrong) Here is is playing drums in Heaton Park, Manchester with Buzzcocks in 91. I was there, great gig, also Johnny Marr played the same day with Electronic.

Mike Joyce/ Buzzcocks -

Johnny Marr/ Bernard Sumner - Electronic -

And then for anyone who is interested Johnny Marr/ Bernard Sumner doing getting away with it 2 years ago at New Orders mega gig at Jodrell Bank
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Who compared Morrissey to the Ordinary Boys you silly c***?

Your intimate knowledge of who Morrissey has and has not met is...terrifying.

My suggestion was simply that Mozzer has to think about doing things differently IF he wants another moment in the spotlight. Maybe he doesn't in the which case he should just...keep in keeping on. Maybe you could ask him the next time he's telling you how many times he has met Peter Andre.

I'm not sure why he has the obsession with record deals. Most bands today appreciate that the money is in touring. I mentioned in previous posts that I go out drinking with the singer of a well known Manchester band and they make a fortune from touring compared to what they make from record sales.
They were. Past tense. Never will happen again. Maybe The Smiths would have seen a downturn in song quality if they had done another few albums. Johnny Marr is inconsistent at best (since leaving The Smiths I mean). You named 'one' song there. Moz has created at least 40 songs that are as good as or better than The Smiths: November, Everyday, Suedehead, Irish Blood, First of gang, Boxers, Last of famous, Nobody loves us, will never marry, reader meet author, pigsty, Jack The Ripper, I've changed my plea, etc etc.
P.s. If you fell asleep listening to Hawley's 'Tonight the streets are ours' then you're on medication of some sort.

Oh i don't expect for a moment that Moz and Johnny could pick up the brilliance of The Smiths again - I was only answering the question as to why people would like to see them back together. But I certainly do suspect they could inspire each other to a degree that nobody else possibly could, and, while Mozzer's songwriting and Johnny's music are still on the boil, that's the tantalising thing for many.

I haven't fallen asleep listening to Hawley; I'm not old and I don't listen to him. I find his music insipid. However, I'm with you on your choice of some top Moz tunes, though you didn't mention the best - "Sister I'm A Poet".
I think Mike Joyce was appreciated as a good drummer back in the day. I remember seeing Buzzcocks in the 90's and he was their drummer at a number of gigs. Don't think he will ever take to a stage with Morrissey again but If I was him I would have took Morrissey/Marr to court as well. Interesting that Marr went down the appreciation route and settled, whereas Morrissey fought tooth and nail to deny him anything?

When i think about it he probably played to a bigger crowd with Buzzcocks than he ever did with The Smiths (I may be wrong) Here is is playing drums in Heaton Park, Manchester with Buzzcocks in 91. I was there, great gig, also Johnny Marr played the same day with Electronic.

Mike Joyce/ Buzzcocks -

Johnny Marr/ Bernard Sumner - Electronic -

And then for anyone who is interested Johnny Marr/ Bernard Sumner doing getting away with it 2 years ago at New Orders mega gig at Jodrell Bank

Oh happy days ! The hairs stood on my back watching that, thanks for posting it Surface (no doubt Braveheart will have something to say)


The situation is STAGGERING BEYOND BELIEF ! Last year my manager Ken Worthington said John ! I'm going to throw you a swerve ball ! ( oh ! I thought this sounds serious )
Morrissey has been in touch and he wants you to record a track with him for an album of cover songs, apparently he's a big fan of the John Shuttleworth sound !
Anyway to cut a long one short I ended up in the studio with him and his band, a lovely set of chaps that like to dress the same as each other for some reason, anyway we recorded a song of mine called " I can't go back to savoury now " with me on the old Yamaha. We did it in one take and spent the rest of the day in the Bay Mare like a proper gang of lads.
Anyway the album Kerrygold never saw the light of day in fact I must ask Ken if I've been paid for that yet !
So anyway I heard he's in a spot of bother because he phoned and asked me to make comment on him using the power of social media/worldwide web about him not having a record label. So !

" I John Shuttleworth think its a disgrace that Morrissey has not got a record label, it's like Hockey with no ice rink it really is "

John Shuttleworth

CC. Benny-the-British-Butcher
Oh happy days ! The hairs stood on my back watching that, thanks for posting it Surface (no doubt Braveheart will have something to say)


Which one Benny? You can buy the Cities In The Park gig on DVD or you can probably see the whole thing on you tube - was a great couple of days and one of the few live gigs that Sumner/Marr played.
Which one Benny? You can buy the Cities In The Park gig on DVD or you can probably see the whole thing on you tube - was a great couple of days and one of the few live gigs that Sumner/Marr played.

Sorry ! I was referring to the Buzzcocks and Mike performing that wonderful song in Heaton Park. Such a shame we never get songs like that anymore as soon as you hear it you remember your feelings and memories of how you were at the time, loved it.
( I left you a message on the List of the lost artwork page btw a while back, a couple of G B interviews on utube. Just search G B cooking in the kitchen. Hope u like)


The situation is STAGGERING BEYOND BELIEF ! Last year my manager Ken Worthington said John ! I'm going to throw you a swerve ball ! ( oh ! I thought this sounds serious )
Morrissey has been in touch and he wants you to record a track with him for an album of cover songs, apparently he's a big fan of the John Shuttleworth sound !
Anyway to cut a long one short I ended up in the studio with him and his band, a lovely set of chaps that like to dress the same as each other for some reason, anyway we recorded a song of mine called " I can't go back to savoury now " with me on the old Yamaha. We did it in one take and spent the rest of the day in the Bay Mare like a proper gang of lads.
Anyway the album Kerrygold never saw the light of day in fact I must ask Ken if I've been paid for that yet !
So anyway I heard he's in a spot of bother because he phoned and asked me to make comment on him using the power of social media/worldwide web about him not having a record label. So !

" I John Shuttleworth think its a disgrace that Morrissey has not got a record label, it's like Hockey with no ice rink it really is "

John Shuttleworth

CC. Benny-the-British-Butcher

John Shuttleworth actually exists I checked him out on Wikipedia. Wtf is going on here
Sorry ! I was referring to the Buzzcocks and Mike performing that wonderful song in Heaton Park. Such a shame we never get songs like that anymore as soon as you hear it you remember your feelings and memories of how you were at the time, loved it.
( I left you a message on the List of the lost artwork page btw a while back, a couple of G B interviews on utube. Just search G B cooking in the kitchen. Hope u like)


Cheers, will take a look. I had a chat with him at the beer festival, he was a lovely guy and really down to earth. Re the Buzzcocks song, fully agree and I'm off to see them for over the 30th time next month.
John Shuttleworth actually exists I checked him out on Wikipedia. Wtf is going on here

its best this track remain unreleased. the original is cheesy enough. the particular choice of covers is perhaps one reason countryfile rejected the album.
at the end of the day i like that morrissey wants a deal but wants it on his terms and doesnt want to cave. his denial of his desire and steadfastness is such a treasured trademark of his whole character
at the end of the day i like that morrissey wants a deal but wants it on his terms and doesnt want to cave. his denial of his desire and steadfastness is such a treasured trademark of his whole character

Well it's not getting him what he himself wants, is it?
Well it's not getting him what he himself wants, is it?

i think it is. his wants conflict and he gets what he wants most by his own decisions. he wants a record deal but not more than he wants to stick to his principals and terms. i think it more us that wants him to have a record deal at any costs because were thinking of ourselves and pour wants
i think it is. his wants conflict and he gets what he wants most by his own decisions. he wants a record deal but not more than he wants to stick to his principals and terms. i think it more us that wants him to have a record deal at any costs because were thinking of ourselves and pour wants

Nonsense. He wants nothing more than the continuation of recognition. And by your own reasoning, his stance isn't getting him it.
Nonsense. He wants nothing more than the continuation of recognition. And by your own reasoning, his stance isn't getting him it.

he does indeed just not at any cost or action. if so he would be doing product endorsements for butter or something silly like that or doing reality tv shows. he would take any deal offered under any conditions which we already know he refused. why did he fall out with harvest instead of doing what they wanted if he craved recognition above all. answer that. he wants recognition but not more than anything in the world. not more than his self respect
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