Thur 28th Brixton also off

Re: Brixton also postponed

no probs. i be in touch friday evening if no 'official word' hope it'll go ahead
Re: Brixton also postponed

cheers domper. :thumb:

come on moz... get your nodules out for the girls!!!xx :lbf:

Hey hey! *waggles eyebrows* :lbf:
Re: Brixton also postponed

oh gosh i hope it doesn't get cancelled,
the thursday and friday shows are currently the only light to guide me through this gcse ridden darkness :straightface:
Re: Brixton also postponed

C'mon please don't cancel...

Since Moz won't play my home country (Canada) due to the seal hunt of all things in ONE part of Canada, this will likely be my last chance.
Re: Brixton also postponed

Well, this is just great. Bought Birmingham tickets, gets cancelled. Buy tickets for this because of that, and it gets cancelled.
Re: Brixton also postponed

Nodules need surgery, often. If it's that serious the whole tour will get cancelled but who knows whether what he says on stage is true or not.

Based on my cursory research (an example here) of reliable sources, surgery is a RARE treatment for vocal cord nodules (only about 5% of the cases). Where do you get info that nodules often require surgery?

Rest is usually sufficient for most cases of vocal cord nodules. But in the long term Moz has to do something (rest more, a lighter concert schedule, and maybe voice therapy to teach him how to sing without straining his voice) to avoid the abuse of his vocal cords if the nodules are the culprit for the cancellations.
Re: Brixton also postponed???

To book the train or not to book the train???????? There is a £18 difference by booking in the next few hours, I wish they would tell us, think I should just book the train come up and spend loads of money I don't have. I s any one up for drinking if it does get cancelled?
Re: Brixton also postponed???

just phoned brixton and thurs night is def cancelled, waiting to hear bout fri and sat :(

No offence but these statements are coming from newbies here...which fills me with doubt as to the credibility. I think this is a hoax. If he has been ordered to rest for 2 weeks etc there would have been an announcement by now...surely...?!

No news on Brixton Academy website!

But...welcome anyway joannelouise :D
Re: Brixton also postponed???

phoned the the venue and the person who i spoke to said it was def cancelled, they were hopeful the fri and sat would go ahead as planned though x
Re: Brixton also postponed???

I think it's not listed on the Brixton Academy's website because it's not official yet.
They might have to wait until Moz' management issues an offcial statement or something.
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