"These charming fans: Smiths devotees pose outside Salford Lads Club - in pictures" - The Guardian

"These charming fans" - some pictures here:

These charming fans: Smiths devotees pose outside Salford Lads Club - in pictures - The Guardian

Stephen Wright's iconic shot of the Smiths outside Salford Lads Club is one of the most famous photos in pop. Here, he captures Smiths fans paying tribute to the image. Wright's work will at The Gospel According To …, an exhibition of art inspired by the Smiths, at the Holden Gallery, Manchester from 16 March to 4 May.

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The comments below the photos are pretty well done. I especially like the one with the little girl in the background who "ruins" the shot.
Re: Article: "These charming fans: Smiths devotees pose outside Salford Lads Club - i

The comments below the photos are pretty well done. I especially like the one with the little girl in the background who "ruins" the shot.

Not to mention the faces and style of the mostly old age people that ruins all that was cool about being a Smiths fan.

Urban the swede (at least I had the dignity to retire from public events before I turned 40)
great idea. had it myself, when I (from hamburg/germany) visited manchester a year ago. check out my Facebook profile pic.

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