Theo- Memories of Vietnam

I couldn't let the day go by without reminding the US Marines/Troops how despicable they are.

After having seen the massacre of Haditha and Ishaqi, and reportedly Sumara, I would just like to say, thank God I am not American.

British Soldiers are scum, but you take the f'ing biscuit,..lowlifes.

A Brit was on tv tonight saying he saw yankee doodle dandies shooting civilians indiscriminately.

All I can say is...I bet you treat animals even worse (get the joke theo)
Here's a quote from an article I thought was interesting. This takes place in Haditha.
brutal insurgents rule Sunni citadel
DVDs of beheadings on the bridge are distributed free in the souk. Children prefer them to cartoons. "They should not watch such things," said one grandfather, but parents appeared not to object.

One DVD features a young, blond muscular man who had been disembowelled. He was said to have been a member of a six-strong US sniper team ambushed and killed on August 1. Residents said he had been paraded in town before being executed.

The US military denied that, saying six bodies were recovered and that all appeared to have died in combat. Shortly after the ambush three landmines killed 14 marines in a convoy which ventured from their base outside the town.

I am against this war in Iraq and I consider myself proud of America and the ideals that this country is based on. The problem I have with what you wrote is that you seem to think the same thing that many conservatives do, that being against the war is somehow anti-American and it isn't at all. We still have the freedom to have an opinion, although we are losing our freedoms rapidly under the current administration.

About the soldiers, I haven't been through what they have. I don't know how I would react. I'm not against the soldiers though. War changes people. I can see, after reading about this particular town, how it might seem to make perfect sense to shoot people indiscriminately. The people there seem to feel that they are under the protection of the insurgents and I am sure that changing their minds about that idea is a major reason for whatever took place there. I'm sure that the soldiers were well aware of the DVD mentioned above too and of course some of what occurred is because of revenge and frustration.

It probably looks like I would try to justify anything done by American soldiers and that isn't true. I do think that we don't know the facts though and that we have no concept of what they go through daily.
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