Subsidised Morrissey Release?



Re the recent discussion posted against Boz's statement.

Would anyone be prepared to give (substantial) financial backing to a new Morrissey album?

One possible idea being that we could subsidise a deal through an established label (Assuming that Morrissey would be interested in such a proposal).

Serious responses only please. Replies such as 'I'll give you a packet of smarties and a shoelace' will be deleted.

I've pledged £2000 to this...I have no idea how much we would need, but it's a start.
> Re the recent discussion posted against Boz's statement.

> Would anyone be prepared to give (substantial) financial backing to a new
> Morrissey album?

> One possible idea being that we could subsidise a deal through an
> established label (Assuming that Morrissey would be interested in such a
> proposal).

> Serious responses only please. Replies such as 'I'll give you a packet of
> smarties and a shoelace' will be deleted.

> I've pledged £2000 to this...I have no idea how much we would need, but
> it's a start.

that's nice, but i hope you aren't serious. i'm sure the money is a problem, but only part of it as he seems to have complaints about the number of records and the promotional ideas they've cooked up....and it doesn't seem like he's up for dealing with Sanctuary anymore, anyhow. And who can blame him if what he says is true and he's only had two meetings with them and they carry on as they have pretending like he might be signed any moment?

even so, morrissey himself could probably donate about 50 times that amount to his own fund and not miss it.
no, not me, i'm broke, i blew the lot on rent boys and poppers
Re: no, not me, i'm broke, i blew the lot on rent boys and poppers

and a new camcorder.
He's driving around LA in a fifty-thousand pound car.....

He can put a record out himself if he really wanted!
I am serious...

But I suppose I should listen to the doubters who suggest that Morrissey could do this on his own but can't be bothered.

But I don't want to believe that. I can't make assumptions about Morrissey's financial position.

All I know is that in the current climate, unless something is made to happen, Morrissey will never get a record deal because the tastes of the masses (or rather record companies perceptions of their taste) are completely devoid of any diversity or intelligence and someone like Morrissey won't even feature on the periphery anymore. All of the optimism after Boz's statement seems to be completely missing the point...there have been no offers since early 2002, only interviews.

And I'm sorry but I can't accept that and I'd rather fight it. I hope Morrissey feels the same. I believe he does.

> that's nice, but i hope you aren't serious. i'm sure the money is a
> problem, but only part of it as he seems to have complaints about the
> number of records and the promotional ideas they've cooked up....and it
> doesn't seem like he's up for dealing with Sanctuary anymore, anyhow. And
> who can blame him if what he says is true and he's only had two meetings
> with them and they carry on as they have pretending like he might be
> signed any moment?

> even so, morrissey himself could probably donate about 50 times that
> amount to his own fund and not miss it.
> I am serious...

> But I suppose I should listen to the doubters who suggest that Morrissey
> could do this on his own but can't be bothered.

damn skippy!

if that $2000 completely wipes out your savings account, i really wouldn't worry about it too much. the only people who should be forking over any cash to morrissey is OTHER people with the means to fork it over and who won't miss it, and the ideal bunch in that category are record labels. even if they lose money, at least they can recoup their investment via means that aren't available to you.

> But I don't want to believe that. I can't make assumptions about
> Morrissey's financial position.

he lives in a mansion in Hollywood and probably drives a car that costs the same as the place that i live in. the very fact that he's been able to subsist like this for nearly 6 years without a label and not even have the level of desperation to take a relatively paltry deal should be a good enough sign that he's not hurting.

> All I know is that in the current climate, unless something is made to
> happen, Morrissey will never get a record deal because the tastes of the
> masses (or rather record companies perceptions of their taste) are
> completely devoid of any diversity or intelligence and someone like
> Morrissey won't even feature on the periphery anymore. All of the optimism
> after Boz's statement seems to be completely missing the point...there
> have been no offers since early 2002, only interviews.

i'm sure a label can tell by how the interview goes if its worth their while to make him an offer. if he's already made it clear how much money he wants, and they were going to offer less, they surely aren't going to say, "we have an offer. here's only half of what you were asking for..." when they can already figure out that he'd laugh at it and keep walking.

they can tell by the tone of how he carries himself and what his concerns are if they are in a position to give him what he wants.

i think they have better things to do than say, "hey, for our amusement, let's make morrissey our own personal court jester!" and kick him around for a laugh. Labels are not the NME. They have nothing to gain by stringing someone along and alienating them if they are trying to get involved in talks to try and bring someone over to their label. its bad business for starters.

he not only has the problem of how many copies his last few albums have been selling, but also the fact that Reprise is having to release "the best of morrissey's three first tracks from Viva Hate" because he bailed on them, and they are fulfilling their obligations, and that he was also dropped from Mercury when it went under.

so he's got a work history for them to look at, and they probably don't want to offer a multi-album contract with lots of money because of it. they figure that what he'd probably do is make one album, and if it sells well and he regains his standing and can demand a much bigger contract, someone else will come along with another high $$ contract which Sanctuary would probably be in no position to counter offer, take him away, and they will have to be releasing "the remixed b-sides of Irish Blood, English heart" albums for the next 15 years.

> And I'm sorry but I can't accept that and I'd rather fight it. I hope
> Morrissey feels the same. I believe he does.
Re: If he's got a Jag I'd say he's not hard up for cash, mkay?
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