stop bitching about people it's not very nice as they're not here to defend themselves

Re: do you mean people like kenneth?

(This previous comment was made tongue-in-cheek, my good friends. I've been reading your postings for the better part of the day, as sad as that is, and I just had to get that in.)
Re: harry hill?

I think I can see where you're going with this.

Excuse me if I remain sceptical. I'm sure you'll snare a few suckers though.
Re: harry hill?

> I think I can see where you're going with this.

> Excuse me if I remain sceptical. I'm sure you'll snare a few suckers
> though.

Danny, do explain?
Where is he/she going, do you mean pretending to be Morrissey?
Re: harry hill?

But I never said I was Morrissey. Now you're conjuring. You're a smart one, Danny, but you conjured that one up all on your own.
There's more than one way to say something

But that's obviously what you want people to think. You attention seeker you!
Re: There's more than one way to say something

Danny, with all due respect, kind sir, I really don't care what people think. I came on here, read these postings, and thought I'd post something to quell some of the arguing. Instead, it turned into a Q&A type session through the course of the day, which I find quite amusing! I never go anywhere of this nature online, and it's actually quite fun. So I don't care what you think. You can think I'm the Man in the Moon, for all I care. You can believe what I say or not. It matters not to me!
Re: There's more than one way to say something

Fair enough. I was just having a laugh as well really. But you obviously did want some kind of reaction.
Re: There's more than one way to say something

You may be right. Deep down, I probably did, but not necessarily to this degree. I still maintain you're a bright one.
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