Spencer Cobrin - "Morrissey, Omnipresent" photo on Facebook

We play real sports like Football, Baseball, and Basketball. We also win the most medals in the Olympics and to put it all in perspective for all you anti-Americans. The USA has beat and tied England in the World Kickball Socker Championships, whatever it's called. At least this is what I was told by people in England when I said I hated Kickball. How can a country (the USA)where 95% of the inhabitants don't even know how to make a kicking motion with their leg, beat and tie the country that supposedly invented Kickball/Socker? You people are so lost. Anonymous-
You play barbarian football, that sticks and big gloves game and great basketball. I know. I'm not anti-american, since I'm from America, too. You are from USA, which is a portion of America. I don't have a clue what kickball is, here in Argentina we have decent football players. Olimpycs? We shoulnd't talk about that scam here.
As someone once sang, "you're wasting your time." Seven pages later Derek will claim he is a black, gay, Jewish, rugby player from a traveler background, and that it doesn't offend him so it shouldn't offend anyone.

I am transracial. Stop hating!
Hey Steve,

I've been thinking about this for awhile and pleeeease don't tell anyone! I am thinking about breaking away from The Corcoran Group and forming my own real estate company and would like to make you a partner!! We can call it Spence and Steve- A1 Realtor Professionals-New York-Los Angeles. I can specialize in the Brit ex pat wanting to live in America market in New York and you can use all your movie and rock star contacts in LA to make a killing! Look, I already made your business card.

Steve P. Morrissey
Realtor Professional
The Spence and Steve Group LTD
(hablo espanol)
We play real sports like Football, Baseball, and Basketball. We also win the most medals in the Olympics and to put it all in perspective for all you anti-Americans. The USA has beat and tied England in the World Kickball Socker Championships, whatever it's called. At least this is what I was told by people in England when I said I hated Kickball. How can a country (the USA)where 95% of the inhabitants don't even know how to make a kicking motion with their leg, beat and tie the country that supposedly invented Kickball/Socker? You people are so lost. Anonymous-

American football is the stupidest sport ever invented. What is there to admire about big ass bullies wearing couch mattresses on their shoulders and slapping each-other buts. How sensational. And stop calling football kickball. It's either soccer or football and it is the most popular sport in the world, you crank.
"Stupid" "Big Ass" classic anonymous coward poster. What's next? Tour of Canada, Morrissey spotted in Manchester, Mayor of London, Morrissey lives in Switzerland and hates America (but lives in LA). You people are pathetic. Go back to your caves and holes in the ground. Anonymous-

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