Smiths Lyrics Quiz


New Member
There is a good Smiths lyrics quiz on for anyone who is interested.It is under yesterdays quizzes- Monday 30th November.Thought I would get them all right but only managed 36/40.Kicking myself for the ones I got wrong.
Oh yes.


Less than 7 minutes. Come on challengers.

I ran out of time at 32 :(

I kept getting stuck on the proper title -

I've just learnt that it's The Headmaster Ritual - not Headmaster's Ritual - as I've always thought.

And I got cross that it wouldn't accept:
Stop Me If You Think THAT You've Heard This One Before

And I couldn't understand
There's a Light That Never Goes Out

I'd love to say it was fun, but it was bloody frustrating!

I had about 2:30 left at the end. I agree with Stop me - I kept trying to add 'that'. I thought it was fun!
I just added a Morrissey Lyrics quiz to the same site. The longer titles will also accept the acronyms. :)
How do you get that screen print copied on to here? I just highlighted and did a copy and paste but it looks really weird. I got all 40 correct with 7:31 remaining. Would have probably done it faster if I realized earlier on that they were throwing them at me in a random order and not down the list and that I didn't have to capitalize words. Anyways, how do I get it to show on here? Thanks.

I didn't print screen mine. I finished with 9:18 left though, I think? Something like that. It was a while ago, I was gonna post but forgot. I'd have done better, too, but the titles! I was typoing all over the place. I'll try again...

The Morrissey lyrics quiz is kind of broken, no lyrics are showing up! And I wanted to take it. D:

A while ago I went insane and made TWO Morrissey Song quizzes on the same site, one just for the albums and one every not-cover song altogether. For my own purposes - I was never gonna make them public, but if you DON'T then you can't see the stats and I wanted to know what songs I was missing all the time.

As for the Smiths quiz...


Doesn't count for an official score or anything, though, considering this is, like, my third time taking it :p

GASP! The Morrissey Lyrics quiz works - I'm doing it now. :D

(I've got 35 out of 40 with 11 minutes left, but I honestly have no clue what the rest are and am just wildly guessing. This one's harder!)
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I think it's fixed - try again.
I searched for Morrissey and didn't find your quizzes!
There's a Morrissey one I see where no lyrics come up because you're just supposed to name every Morrissey song off the top of your head. I tried it without looking at any CD's, no cheating. Came up with 148 out of the 175 song titles in 20 minutes. I'm pretty sure most of the ones I missed were recent ones. I'm an old man and I can't remember every recent song as well as the old stuff.
There's a Morrissey one I see where no lyrics come up because you're just supposed to name every Morrissey song off the top of your head. I tried it without looking at any CD's, no cheating. Came up with 148 out of the 175 song titles in 20 minutes. I'm pretty sure most of the ones I missed were recent ones. I'm an old man and I can't remember every recent song as well as the old stuff.

That one's my fault entirely. :p My high score is 154 so far, or something like that, but then I took it five hundred times. Good waste of time. :p

Gave up on the Morrissey lyrics quiz with 35/40 and 7:29 left. Ugh, I gotta brush up. I missed THREE Viva Hate Songs (one of which I was absolutely convinced was from He Knows I'd Love To See Him, and the other two I thought were Maladjusted-era) and then two newer ones I had absolutely no idea on.

(And, on the subject of quizzes, here's the "Please name all the tracks on all solo albums" quiz, if any of you care to see it~.)
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Been listening to Smiths/Morrissey since 1985 so I guess some of it just comes to me quickly. Had to think on some of them though. I still don't know how to get the screen showing the time left to show up on here though.
That was a really fun quiz. I got 36/40. A few that stumped me were some of my favourites! I almost didn't remember How soon is now?
I missed;

But to you I was faceless, I was fawning, I was boring, a child from those ugly new houses

No I've never had a job...

A double bed, and a stalwart lover for sure, these are the riches...

I just might die with a smile...

AUGHH I so knew those, all of them.
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