read this in chat


King for a Day

-What a dumb baby 13:40:09

these girls who all these insults keep bothering must be the ones that these guys keep mentioning and insulting otherwise they
wouldn't get so offended. but i think these girls (mozluv, still docked,spooky, vwchick, marisela, manzette, selena, laura,
melissa, elvira, verymoz, christina, molly and everybody other bitch who gets insulted) deserve all of this. they've been in here
all these years throwing their WEIGHT around insulting everybody else themselves and now that it has come around to them
they don't like it. proof that everybody pretty much has figured these evil bitches out is that you don't see them in here as mush
anymore, or so you think. but they are still in here! you just don't see them under their famed name, as they have brought shame
to those names. these sad and pathetic women have even taken it to the next level by ruining people's lives in the real world,
outside of this chatroom. and they know who they are! that's why some of them have moved very far away and they won't
come in here with their same name. everything being said about these pathetic women is for the most part very true. these old
maids don't have anything better in their life to do but to be in this chatroom all damn day waiting to see when some poor
shmuck who's ass they'll kiss to come in so they can have a tasty little chat with and lie to about the progress they say they are
making in life. really sad. these idiots worship these bitches too. they'll come in here and lay their lives on the accountability of
these lying pigs. these men know who they are. they are pathetic shmucks and deserve to be pissed on by everybody else as
well! why these guys love these whores later on. but back to these fat pig whores. the reason these sad pigs get all this heat is
because they've lied, cheated, harmed, etc., etc., and the people who they have crossed see this chatroom ridicule as being fit
for these tramps, when really it's just mild payback. these hags have personally ruined people's lives in the real world,
sometimes even causing physical and emotional harm and property damage. so they really deserve much more than just some
insults. a few measly insults in a chatroom is nothing compared to what these bitches have done to some guys and even some
other girls. i've even heard of 1 of these women stalking another woman for going out with some guy from this chat. that's just
low people. so why else would people HATE these old fat boars? their greatest conquest in life is to persuade any poor guy in
here to call them so then they can put on their sad story for them about how so many have wronged them, and how really they
are really a decent girl. all this to make the poor fool believe that they are really a good catch and not a bitter old whore. then
they will almost always tell about how bad the last guy treated them (the last guy, usually some guy who left them 5 years ago
for being a fat bitter whore, and likely their youngest kids dad. but they won't mention having them having any kids till until
they've sucked your cock really good a few times and you grow accustomed to it). then they'll send this poor unsuspecting
moron a picture of themselves that was probably taken at their prom 9 years ago, then they add how they've put on a pound or
two since then. in a way they are not lying about their weight. they have put on a pound or two, most times it'll mean 2 though.
but what they mean is that they have put on 2 pounds for every 1 pound since that picture was taken (so if they weighed 120
that's 120X3=360 pounds). these sad old lasses will be in here all day, as they have nothing better in life to do. sometimes
you'll get home from a club at 3-4 am and just come in here and check, and you will see 1 of them just hitting reload. it's really
sad if you don't know that it's really 1 of these bitches who deserve to be alone. they've got no other choice. it's either in here
alone and reloading with hope someone will see them and maybe even chat to them. or out in the real world alone (which
means that room they never leave where no 1 will talk to them or see them anyway). sometimes these pigs will plan to get
together and go out in a group. they'll usually go to an old stuffy club that might be cranking out those cheesy tired 80's hits,
maybe twice a year. usually around morrissey convention nite or a local club's smiths nite. they like it cause it takes them back
to their senior prom memories, and it is also likely that they will bump into other old people they know there. these pigs like it
when they hang around with other pigs, as they can cross notes as to who they've been mean to in the chat, what guy they've
sucked recently and who's life they ruined in the real world. sometimes, some of these pigs can't stand each other in reality but
will set their loath aside and call it truce for the sake of having their pig staff meeting if you will. but often these pigs even insult
each other in this chatroom as well. sometimes these pigs air out 1 another's dirty laundry and spill the beans about another
whore. that's when this room gets really interesting! i recall having a phone conversation that lasted hours with a girl who i later
found out to be 1 of these depressed pigs, and all she did was talk negative about other girls that frequent this chat. who she
can't stand, who's a slut etc. she also told me which girls have f***ed which guys. and she went into detail. i guess that's the
only reason that made that call so interesting as to have me on the phone for that long. "that night has opened my eyes!" and it
wasn't the first time i heard these stories. the other bitches that deserve everything that comes around to them as well, are these
stupid guys who kiss these fat gossiping cow's asses. these are men who were likely raised by their mother and have the
feminine she-boy complex of obeying anything a bitch tells them. these men or boy's actually, are also bitches in my book. we
know who these guys are. and they too know who they are! but here's some tips in spoting them. they usually try and act like
they are more educated then most, this is usually a more keen eye towards details as they have that feminine thing going on.
you'll usually see them post things in manner of saying or they will quote witty sayings they read in some fashion magazine cover.
they'll usually try to be overly crafty about their screen name. again, that feminine thing about them. these guys, you have to
remember, were raised by mommy and were constantly being told 'look at your hair, it's out of place!', 'tie your shoe and dust
off your jeans, you look like a boy!'. these guys are still being told what to do by people that resemble their mother, a fat bitter
whore who's kid's father was likely a 1 nite stand. these guys used to be mommy's little boy, and now they come in here
looking for that same attention and recognition. yes, in these fat bitter whores that live in here. these sorry excuses for men
come in here and do the whole cat fight thing along side of these fat pigs. in reality, these guys hide from everyone. just like the
pigs! (by the way, i love the was they tell you off then leave only to come right back in under a new screen name and expect
you to believe it. that should only show you how stupid they really are)

personally i think this is all very funny.

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