Question time last night


Well-Known Member
Did you see it? Two Blair stooges on the panel.

Oona King- political campaigner. Campaigning for what exactly? To be reselected in another constituency at the next election. Or even reselected in hers/ And as for that parasitical Geoff Hoon.... we still believe we were right to go to war. There have been mistakes (but noone has said what they actually were) but yes we're quite happy that we got rid of Saddam... oh other dictatorships that act like megalomaniacs... Oh leave them... I've met Mugabe. Nice chap...and on and on."

And then This Week afterwards had Alan Milburn instead of Diane Abbott on it, actively looking to further his political career. Even calling Crony, Tony.

Slimy cretinuous slugs the lot of them. Remember the Spitting Image puppet of Kenneth Baker.... wonder what the collective noun for a bunch of slugs is.

The Blair Broadcasting Corporation. It fking stinks!
I couldnt agree more with you.

While I welcomed him and them in 1997 it didnt take me long to realise he is the worst prime minister in parlimentary history and they are the worst ever goverment too.

And while I cant bring myself to vote Tory I will probably abstain next time or even vote for the Offiicial Monster Raving Loony Party...If they`re still going that is.I doubt Respect will have a candidate in my area so my choices are limited and as for Liberal,well,the less said the better.

Labour are a bunch of c*nts and for any of the ones who arent, (anti Iraq war MP`s etc,) then in my view they should have resigned from the Party so they are still c*nts to me.
it is corrupt. it is full of lies and dishonour and incompetence.
it is the worst kind of show business.

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