question about "irregular regulars"


Active Member
I have searched the forums & come up empty handed.

Could someone please tell me if the term "irregular regulars" is one that Morrissey has used himself? Where/when did it originate?

Also, have been searching archived interviews & can't find any reference to it.

many thanks
If you scroll down this thread you'll find links of earlier threads which you might find the answer. ;)
Here's my answer:

I don't know if Moz used the term prior to Lyon 2002, but I've never heard of it prior to then.

Thanks Mel. :)


27 October 2002
Le Transbordeur, Lyon, France

I Want The One I Can't Have
Little Man, What Now?
Hairdresser On Fire
Hand In Glove
Irish Blood, English Heart
The First Of The Gang To Die
Jack The Ripper
Alsatian Cousin
Everyday Is Like Sunday
Sister I'm A Poet
The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores
November Spawned A Monster
Meat Is Murder
I Like You
/There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Morrissey was in top form in Lyon, very talkative despite the "Stockholm throat", as he complained as some point into the show, and despite being in front of a foreign audience. His fans were also very enthusiastic, two of them made it on stage. But the event that made this date memorable was the live introduction of "Hand In Glove". The song the Smiths performed the most often throughout their live career had never been sung in public by Morrissey before in his solo years. Surprisingly the performance was true to the original version. There wasn't any significant lyrical or musical updating, as might have been expected from the 2002 performances of older material. "November Spawned A Monster" returned to the setlist instead of "Late Night Maudlin Street".
Morrissey seemed more comfortable than on his previous visits to France, adressing the audience with a few words in French, or in English with a mock-French accent. He translated some titles in French, introducing "Hairdresser On Fire" as "Coiffeur en Flame" for example. Another song was introduced as "Pomme, Pomme, Pomme" which means "Apple, Apple, Apple"!. "Meat Is Murder" was introduced as being about "charcutiers" (butchers). He particularly chatted with the fans in the front rows as usual, acknowledging the "irregular regulars"and fanzine editor Julia Riley who he said had "...swam from Stockholm".
Thank you both for your help.

I had checked heaps of threads & found reference to the term, but not Morrissey actually using it. Really, I was after him using it in an interview.

But the use of it at the concert in Lyon has helped so much!!
Moz used the term "irregular regulars" at the jacksonville show 7/17/07. He dedicated the new song I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris to the irregular regulars.
in all honesty Mozz was just being nice.

he meant to say 'crazy stalkers'.
in all honesty Mozz was just being nice.

he meant to say 'crazy stalkers'.

You say 'crazy stalkers' like it's a bad thing.

You're from Texas, so obviously your opinion doesn't really count anyway, but bless your pointed little head for your attempt at communication.
You're from Texas, so obviously your opinion doesn't really count anyway, but bless your pointed little head for your attempt at communication.

Excuse me, sir/ma'am, but I am from Texas and take serious offense to that statement. Why exactly doesn't our opinion matter? I'd really like to know. And don't give me some hillbilly-"Deliverance" bullshit; everyone knows (hopefully) that that is an untrue stereotype.
Cassius, not to worry about the ignorance of that person. He wanted to make a name for himself by resorting to namecalling and state-bashing/profiling.

Bless his flattened little head, flat because there is obviously not a brain inside of it.
Excuse me, sir/ma'am, but I am from Texas and take serious offense to that statement. Why exactly doesn't our opinion matter? I'd really like to know. And don't give me some hillbilly-"Deliverance" bullshit; everyone knows (hopefully) that that is an untrue stereotype.

LOL holy shit the dude with the 'tude is from GEORGIA
(where Deliverance was filmed no less!)
Cassius, not to worry about the ignorance of that person. He wanted to make a name for himself by resorting to namecalling and state-bashing/profiling.

Good point.

LOL holy shit the dude with the 'tude is from GEORGIA
(where Deliverance was filmed no less!)

Cassius, not to worry about the ignorance of that person. He wanted to make a name for himself by resorting to namecalling and state-bashing/profiling.

Except for the state-bashing, I believe you were referring to yourself.

I wasn't going to rise to the bait of you referring to irregular regulars as stalkers because I would only be stung if it were actually true and if it weren't so obvious that you are pathetically jealous, but your hypocrisy about name-calling is hard to let pass.
Excuse me, sir/ma'am, but I am from Texas and take serious offense to that statement. Why exactly doesn't our opinion matter? I'd really like to know. And don't give me some hillbilly-"Deliverance" bullshit; everyone knows (hopefully) that that is an untrue stereotype.

I think it's universally accepted that Texans are pointless, and, to be blunt, fairly worthy of mass extermination. That said, I was just generally mocking him for calling some of my nearest and dearest "stalkers".

As for the gentleman who said something negative about Georgia, I agree. I am NOT from Georgia. I am from The People's Republic of Atlanta, which is a beautiful jewel floating in a sea of shite.

It's all in good fun. My friend (and sometimes irregular regular) Andrew, who is a hot and sexy beast, he's from Texas. I'd spare him from my Final Solution, but I think he might be the sole exception.
I think it's universally accepted that Texans are pointless, and, to be blunt, fairly worthy of mass extermination. That said, I was just generally mocking him for calling some of my nearest and dearest "stalkers".

As for the gentleman who said something negative about Georgia, I agree. I am NOT from Georgia. I am from The People's Republic of Atlanta, which is a beautiful jewel floating in a sea of shite.

It's all in good fun. My friend (and sometimes irregular regular) Andrew, who is a hot and sexy beast, he's from Texas. I'd spare him from my Final Solution, but I think he might be the sole exception.

Just remember, we spawned George Bush. We can do it again.
George Walker Bush is from Connecticut, not Texas. He just acts like an arsehole from that backwater toxic waste dump to appeal to hillbilly AmeriKKKa.
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