Peter Hogg

I don't really know what people seek to gain by scrutinising Morrissey's private life and possible lovers, etc. Whatever they could find or think, is nothing Morrissey hasn't anticipated already many years ago.

"He's (Morrissey) had a lot of girlfriends in the past and a few men friends as well" - Johnny Marr, 1984.

What else is there of interest to say??

Certainly nothing that could be revealed by a 2-page kiss'n'tell in the Sunday tabloids.
Certainly nothing that could be revealed by a 2-page kiss'n'tell in the Sunday tabloids.

If you think there aren't many thousands of pounds in a story about this with definite 'proof' then you're very much mistaken. For all the supposed 'revelations' (which are composed of self-contradictory statements from the man himself, and baseless speculation by others) over the years, there has never really been definitive proof either way. The fact that this thread exists on an informed Morrissey fan forum is testament enough of that.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or blame you for anything. I'm not saying that it's rude to make suppositions because I make suppositions myself (I personally still want to convince myself that I could stand a chance with him, which is silly and ridiculous, I know), I just don't know if it makes sense. And it feels a bit like reading other people's correspondence, you know that you shouldn't do it, you just can't resist.

Oh you did not hurt me, you just reminded me that I was thinking out loud and I am glad you did. Everybody knows I have no idea whatsoever what happens in Morrisseys heart, mind, pants, bed, imagination... no idea and everybody pretty much knows that nobody else does either.

I am happy that you pointed out to me that it is in fact making presumptions... I didn't feel like you were attacking me or putting me down for it - but I do agree that I should respect that topic and not discuss it on an internet forum and I was basically thinking outloud and forgot myself... you reminded me thats all... and I thank you for it... and its obvious I can only project onto Morrissey in that regard because nobody really knows... at least that's how I see it.
If you think there aren't many thousands of pounds in a story about this with definite 'proof' then you're very much mistaken. For all the supposed 'revelations' (which are composed of self-contradictory statements from the man himself, and baseless speculation by others) over the years, there has never really been definitive proof either way. The fact that this thread exists on an informed Morrissey fan forum is testament enough of that.

I never said that the decision for a former lover to kiss'n'tell on Morrissey wouldn't benefit them financially, certainly they would make a lot of money, but it wouldn't really tell the fans anything they don't already know about Moz.
I never said that the decision for a former lover to kiss'n'tell on Morrissey wouldn't benefit them financially, certainly they would make a lot of money, but it wouldn't really tell the fans anything they don't already know about Moz.

Well I agree it wouldn't tell the fans anything important I don't think it matters to most fans whether he is gay, straight, bi, practicing or celibate. Or it shouldn't matter, really. But - maybe trivially - it would actually let us know some facts; whether he is really celibate or not, for example.

Well, no matter what the truth is, one can't help but wonder what he's thinking about as he looks out the window watching the world go by.
Well, it is possible, certainly. If so, he has been a very, very good judge of character. Especially considering, as I said, that it seems Morrissey does have this habit of treating people badly (by conventional standards) when he doesn't want to be friends with them anymore.

On the balance of probabilities, considering the value in the 'Morrissey is gay' (even, in fact 'Morrissey is straight') story in the UK (where he is still, if not a household name, a national figure - just look at the across-the-board newspaper, radio and tv coverage of this latest scandal) I just find it improbable that there is a succession of lovers out there with a story to tell.
I think that is the only rational way to look at it. For people to try and pretend Morrissey is this person who has a perfectly normal romantic life but manages to escape exposure by make these amazing judgements on character just defies common sense. Particularly as he seems to dramatically lose his ability to judge character as soon as he's faced with a snotty nosed journalist. Are people seriously expecting us to believe he is such a mastermind at controlling his public image after the latest scandal?

Morrissey is a man who has crippling self esteem issues and is very shy. He is also a bit of a misfit and keeps most people at arms length. His favourite form of communication seems to be by email, which has replaced fax, which replaced sending postcards. This is why you don't get anyone claiming to be his ex, or even former friends who fall out with him revealing any details about his exes.
Good points Danny. Anyone who thinks that it's impossible for a human being to have sexual and / or emotional desires yet be unable to satisfy them because of personal 'issues' (as opposed to simply nobody wanting you) is suffering from a lack of personal experience in this area, or imagination.
Constant rejection sure can help cripple one's self esteem. I'm just saying.
Constant rejection sure can help cripple one's self esteem. I'm just saying.
Particularly if it happens at a certain critical stage in your development. I don't think Morrissey would have been seen as much of a "catch" on the streets of Manchester in the seventies. This was way before "geek chic" remember. That's bound to stay with you. So what, if he then became famous and everyone wanted a bit of him? To a reasonably intelligent sensitive person, there would be a strong conclusion you were likely to draw. "Well, they didn't want me when I was unknown, so the only reason they want me now is because I am famous."
Constant rejection sure can help cripple one's self esteem. I'm just saying.

Yeah, but it's not just that. Some people finding it hard to imagine Moz choosing to be celibate because (obviously) very many people would have him, and be willing to take part in whatever relationship it was he wanted. But, things aren't that simple. Whilst there are many people in the world who, in that situation, wouldn't hesitate to find someone, go out with someone, be with someone - there are others that wouldn't, because of personal preferences / anxieties / issues etc.
Whatever the case, I'm glad Linder was there to look out for him. AND take his picture.
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