Old News, But...


Lifeguard Sleeping

...did anyone happen to catch a Morrissey-related segment that aired on NPR's "The World" last week?

I only caught the last 45-60 seconds of it, but apparently, it focused on Morrissey's appeal to Latino youth of Southern California and Mexico. The Jaguares were also included in the segment, both their music and the lead singer's comments. Perhaps it was about them, though.

Anyway, there it is. I'm going to do a web search of the show and see if I unearth anything...
I Heart The Internet

Found it.

Click the link below to listen to the segment. Once on the page, scroll down - it's the last item.

Global Hit
Re: I Heart The Internet

> Found it.

> Click the link below to listen to the segment. Once on the page, scroll
> down - it's the last item.

Yeah, man, I heard that too! I was flipping thru the channels in my car, ready to pop my CD adaptor in the cassette...when finally, for once, something decent came on the radio! And it's weird because I usually only listen to Fresh Air on NPR, so that was an odd time for me to flip to it, and that segment began the second I flipped it on. Something out there must've guided me to it.....
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