Mr Floppy - 100,000 Morrisseys


spectral hand

For you completists out there ... this is an anti-Morrissey song from Australian band Mr Floppy.

I think this was around 1990 or 1991. I know it was released as a single in the UK, anyway.

It's not really very good, but it is slightly amusing.

Mr Floppy - 100,000 Morrisseys
thanks, i've actually been wanting to hear this for a while - but you're right, not great at all, which i think is the case for most (all?) of these morrissey-'tribute' songs unfortunately. here are a few more:

My Morrissey Shirt - The Smugglers:

Flower Fight With Morrissey - Cherry Poppin Daisies

I Hate The Smiths - Ween

and a Morrissey cover by James (I'm not sure if this was posted recently, but here it is again, just in case)

We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful - James (Live)

> For you completists out there ... this is an anti-Morrissey song from
> Australian band Mr Floppy.

> I think this was around 1990 or 1991. I know it was released as a single
> in the UK, anyway.

> It's not really very good, but it is slightly amusing.
Download limit exceeded? Booo.

I remember this. Triple J used to play it all the time. I think it was either 1989 or 1990. Would really like to hear this again. Can you repost?
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