Morrissey is agains the dvd....ttzzzzz....



Well, if Morrissey owns the rights to this thing he'll better come out with it soon, otherwise I confess I'm gonna buy it anyway.

Why was this guy allowed backstage? Why is it taking a year already to get it sorted??

All this mess with contracts, rights, things that came out that he didn't want to come out make me want to boycott HIM. But I already own all his stuff, bleh......

This is annoying.
> Well, if Morrissey owns the rights to this thing he'll better
> come out with it soon, otherwise I confess I'm gonna buy it
> anyway.

> Why was this guy allowed backstage? Why is it taking a year
> already to get it sorted??

Over a year!

> All this mess with contracts, rights, things that came out that
> he didn't want to come out make me want to boycott HIM. But I
> already own all his stuff, bleh......

Oh, but is it his fault?

If he shelled out money buying the rights for this material away from this guy, and the guy agreed, I too would be a bit pissed if I noticed someone turning around and selling the very thing I had paid money to have exclusive rights for.

Morrissey, we ordain you not evil. you may kiss the bride. hands across america. Vini, V.D., Vici, i came, i caught, I conquered, etc.

> This is annoying.
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