Morrissey Central: Tommy Robinson Freed - Styxhexenhammer666 YouTube

It’s absolutely terrible. What has the uk come to? It’s so sad.

I would never blame the entire country but only the government, even more when democracy is quite limite there, so common people is not responsible. The judicial power has many flaws, it has nothing to do with the modern and powerful country UK actually is. Said by someone like me who lives in a country where the judicial power has all possible flaws, so I know a lot about disastrous judges.
I know this is only anecdotal, (which I hate using, but anyways.......) but have you ever had many German friends?
lanterns LIVES in Germany, you dope
lanterns LIVES in Germany, you dope
But is she really living though or just maintaining an image of a author without a novel and a director without a film?

She will never be as cool as you! (thanks for the you-know-what).
for the last months I log in, and see items with comments over 100,200, 400 comments, can't get into it, Bravo social media, papers and anonymous whose only [not all] to get the fire burning,I know Morrissey outed some issues which raised a lot anger/disbelief....and a lot of debates here...till the word N*** used that much in debates, I will skip, and feel like a lot think WWII was a movie...go to the camps, see how milions of peole deported by a fascist/rascist regime....have a fine day,all
Things moved on a lot since EDL and they are not even a thing now. People have moved into serious politics and left the lefties still in the streets cause it's not like they have a job or something.
Soros is paying huge sums of money to ship and bus and fly people in to make it look in a way and then the likes of you believe in it.[/QUO
Soros. who funds those NGO

Thanks for sharing. Any reasonable person who believes in free speech will have sympathy for what happened to Mr Robinson - just as they would for any marginalised figure who had the weight of the British state used against them in an attempt to crush them utterly. I don't agree with everything he says - but I defend his right to say it. Moz is brave for doing so too. What guts for an artist of his stature to take such a career-threatening stance over, let's face it, a fairly minor news story, but one, which clearly, has significant implications for anyone who cares about Britain.
for the last months I log in, and see items with comments over 100,200, 400 comments, can't get into it, Bravo social media, papers and anonymous whose only [not all] to get the fire burning,I know Morrissey outed some issues which raised a lot anger/disbelief....and a lot of debates here...till the word N*** used that much in debates, I will skip, and feel like a lot think WWII was a movie...go to the camps, see how milions of peole deported by a fascist/rascist regime....have a fine day,all
So you’re saying site traffic is up, which means more money for the site, which Moz supposedly hates :D
I agree with you
QUOTE="reelfountain, post: 1987103885, member: 28179"]But all this Moz drama is brilliant.

People in the UK are sleepwalking their way to national suicide, and who is speaking out? Nobody but Morrissey. When The Smiths existed there were other problems to discuss and Moz mentioned those things too (and was slagged off at the time for it), but they were on a lesser scale to the emergencies we have today. Here are a few of the outrageous things that are or have happened:

1)The Tories in line with the press are destroying the threat of the Labour party through bullshit accusations of mass anti semitism.
2)Tommy R got locked up for absolutely zero.
3)MP Jo Cox was effectively killed by MI5 (grab a local loner as patsy) to emotionally manipulate voters into remaining in the EU (almost worked).
4) Our security services sent British based jihadis to fight in Libya then shipped them safely back to Blighty when the job was done - all for one of them to blow up 22 people, mainly children, in Manchester Arena...

And people are supposed to stay tight lipped?

The elites running Britain are a joke.

Morrissey is the only famous person with the guts to point out the truth. He should be commended for it - and will be in the future by all[/QUOTE]
David has a laissez faire approach which is particularly appreciated by the likes of fascists, other racists, liars arguing in populist bad faith and the delusional.
Really? I see it differently, first of all, freedom of speech is the most important freedom and secondly, these right wing nuts:
Derek, reelie, Urbie, the fellow in the video, etc :rolleyes:
I seriously doubt anybody sees their stuff and goes:
“Oh yeah, I’m totally down with that.” :lbf:
If anything, it just shines a light onto where the cockroaches are hiding, better it’s in sight of some kind, they are self defeating in the end...
for the last months I log in, and see items with comments over 100,200, 400 comments, can't get into it, Bravo social media, papers and anonymous whose only [not all] to get the fire burning,I know Morrissey outed some issues which raised a lot anger/disbelief....and a lot of debates here...till the word N*** used that much in debates, I will skip, and feel like a lot think WWII was a movie...go to the camps, see how milions of peole deported by a fascist/rascist regime....have a fine day,all
im like you celibate,cant be arsed with these political threads on here these days.these posts should be in the forums section under politics.this used to be a music site.
im like you celibate,cant be arsed with these political threads on here these days.these posts should be in the forums section under politics.this used to be a music site.

Same here, life’s to short to get hung up on worrying about this and that, or trolling like Vegan. A lot of the posters nowadays seem to be anons or people who have previously been banned. Bit sad really.
im like you celibate,cant be arsed with these political threads on here these days.these posts should be in the forums section under politics.this used to be a music site.

This hasn't been a music site for a long time apart from a few sane individuals who can post here without insulting anybody or indulging in character assassination on morrissey.
Only artists change the world and very few of them bother trying, it might smear their lovely careers , to paraphrase.
I admire morrissey for speaking out and have always been amazed at the OTT response he has gotten, from day one on celibacy, animal rights and now the manipulation of our world by the puppet political players.
All the world is a stage.... I'm glad someone is awake.
I know this is only anecdotal, (which I hate using, but anyways.......) but have you ever had many German friends? The ones I have certainly feel a sense of remorse and shame over WW2, and these are Germans of an age 40 and under. I do think their current embrace of open boarders (until recently when the tide of public opinion turned) has had a lot to do with that country's history of fascism and the holocaust and a desire to (0ver)compensate.

I'd also agree that the powers who are pushing this are definitely corporate in nature and to a large extent making a 'business' decision. I think it's a blend of the two. Corporate multinationals are using the guilt and remorse of post World War Two Germany to implement their financial agendas. I think this has been touched on in past threads, the irony that globalist multinationals are using Progressive Liberals (who by their very nature are opposed to these types of hyper-capitalist corporations) as the public face of their plans for profiteering from mass immigration. Genius really.
i dont have any friends anymore, and the few i had were indeed german. ;)
believe me, there is not as much shame and remorse as there is an acceptance of a checkered past. there had been a massive immigration wave of refugees and dispelled persons especially from eastern european countries in the late 1940s after ww2. 14 mio people of german origin moved or were moved to the west, into what is germany today. hundreds of thousands did not survive it. i think this experience and stories about having lost a home and being forced to flee, are still prevalent and talked about in millions of families in germany. people prefer seeing themselves as victims, not so much as perpetrators, which is quite natural. this refugee experience, and thus an identification with current victims of political persecution, made many germans support the open-border-policy of merkel, i think.
i wouldnt doubt what you say about globalist mulitnationals' secret agenda and their efforts to instrumentalize and take advantage of the outcome of ww2. i read this very interesting book by robert pfaller called "language of adults" in which he argues similar to you, namely that a highly sensitive identity politics works hand in hand with the brutal exploitation of corporate mulitnationals. as long as we accuse each other of being racists, bigots, nazis, you name it, like children in a kindergarten, those in power can rub their hands as the principle of divide et impera has been implemented brilliantly.
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Really? I see it differently, first of all, freedom of speech is the most important freedom and secondly, these right wing nuts:
Derek, reelie, Urbie, the fellow in the video, etc :rolleyes:
I seriously doubt anybody sees their stuff and goes:
“Oh yeah, I’m totally down with that.” :lbf:
If anything, it just shines a light onto where the cockroaches are hiding, better it’s in sight of some kind, they are self defeating in the end...

Well, they're mostly down with what each other says (although it's not entirely a simple continuum, sometimes it may seem that X is more of a nut than Y generally but there's the odd nutty view that Y espouses that X is more realistic about). But in a way it's good that they embolden each other into making less effort to seem like reasonable people.

The thing I hate most is when their lack of morals leads them to spout propaganda that they don't even really believe themselves. Everything else caused by stupidity, gullibility or lack of morals I can kind of be philosophical about it, because they probably can't help being the way they are. But when people are spreading shit they don't believe because they don't even think that the truth as they see it is enough to convince people to think what they want them to think, that's contemptible, and there's no point wasting time on people arguing in bad faith.

The problem is that in individual cases it's not always easy to tell. People DO believe some bollocks.
i dont have any friends anymore, and the few i had were indeed german. ;)
believe me, there is not as much shame and remorse as there is an acceptance of a checkered past. there had been a massive immigration wave of refugees and dispelled persons especially from eastern european countries in the late 1940s after ww2. 14 mio people of german origin moved or were moved to the west, into what is germany today. hundreds of thousands did not survive it. i think this experience and stories about having lost a home and being forced to flee, are still prevalent and talked about in millions of families in germany. people prefer seeing themselves as victims, not so much as perpetrators, which is quite natural. this refugee experience, and thus an identification with current victims of political persecution, made many germans support the open-border-policy of merkel, i think.
i wouldnt doubt what you say about globalist mulitnationals' secret agenda and their efforts to instrumentalize and take advantage of the outcome of ww2. i read this very interesting book by robert pfaller called "language of adults" in which he argues similar to you, namely that a highly sensitive identity politics works hand in hand with the brutal exploitation of corporate mulitnationals. as long as we accuse each other of being racists, bigots, nazis, you name it, like children in a kindergarten, those in power can rub their hands as the principle of divide et impera has been implemented brilliantly.
Well I now realise you may have a few German friends after some twat informed me that you do indeed live in Germany, LOL. Thanks for the thoughtful reply, it seems as though we may not be too far apart on how we see this. I really feel if more conversations like this happened rather than loaded words like ‘Nazi!’ being thrown around anytime someone vocalises a sceptism where mass immigration is concerned we may get somewhere
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