Morrissey Central MORRISSEY AND MILEY CYRUS, RELAXING. (February 10, 2022)

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What could he possibly say to her that she’d understand? He has always made fun of her in the media, and she’s a known poser. 😒
If she is obviously a hollow girl, she contributes nothing to humanity!!!! Ha ha, I still don't understand that photo Moz: I don't like that too bold photo, lying on top of Morrissey! Moz I don't like that photo,
Is there something beautiful about that photo a beautiful puppy in the distance .Moz has a dog??
Underrated in the sense of not being taken seriously from a fundamental musical standpoint. She has serious talent. Just because 30,000 teanie boppers pack a stadium to see her .. doesn't mean she's not underrated. She's the real deal.
Moz is not underestimated at all and Cyrus is overestimated, Moz is not popular thank God, and , I would not like Moz to be as popular as Ramones or Rollings Stones, and for everyone to walk around in Morrissey shirts,!! I also think Moz is not for everyone
Looks like Johnny wants to be pegged as well:

Look at me! I might not have a deal, and I'm less popular than tuberculosis, but here's a picture that shows I'm down with the kids, who all like Miley, right?
I can't imagine hating someone as much as you hate Morrissey? Totally weird that a grown man would be like you. Usually when a person dislikes another they stay away from them as much as humanly possible.

yet you're still here. He really is all you need.
Boring!!! I am waiting for Mozza's big duet with Kid Rock, now we're talkin'
The thought of Moz singing the "Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live" bit on Kid Rock's last single is alarmingly funny to me.
Poor Janis !!!! Those screams miley makes are noises, noises !!!! Ruining other people's songs, that's why she's bold because she covers other people's songs wrong, she's bold because of that.... you have to dare to sing something about Janis and she doesn't care about anything!!! Que ATREVIDA LA MINITA!!!!!
Imagine if they ever released a duet together, Skinny would self combust on the spot.
I want Moz and Siouxsie back together. Whatever happened to Siouxsie after Mantaray album? Back living in France I suppose. What a voice. I daresay she was the lead vocal on Interlude. Her voice went well with Moz's but she dominated that song in a good way.
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Poor Janis !!!! Those screams miley makes are noises, noises !!!! Ruining other people's songs, that's why she's bold because she covers other people's songs wrong, she's bold because of that.... you have to dare to sing something about Janis and she doesn't care about anything!!! Que ATREVIDA LA MINITA!!!!!
Ok first off Janis sucked . I guess you never had to sit through Kristen young open for about noise! I have seen moz 74 times and about 30 of them Kristeen young opened . I would rather have seen Miley open
Ele usa um relógio com uma pulseira de couro que é o favorito da monarquia britânica.
This is just terrible

Depends how you look at it. It's a solid vocal performance. But the real problem is it's simply imitative. In my opinion, that's the entire problem with millennials. From horrific karaoke shows like 'American Idol' an entire generation has learned that the way to get accolades, cash, and fame is by skillfully MIMICKING the aesthetic choices of much much much more interesting and unique performers who blazed the trails.

Millennial music on the whole SUCKS BALLS. At least there's some interesting millennial R&B, though most of it is british - Mahalia, Ella Mai, etc.
Depends how you look at it. It's a solid vocal performance. But the real problem is it's simply imitative. In my opinion, that's the entire problem with millennials. From horrific karaoke shows like 'American Idol' an entire generation has learned that the way to get accolades, cash, and fame is by skillfully MIMICKING the aesthetic choices of much much much more interesting and unique performers who blazed the trails.

Millennial music on the whole SUCKS BALLS. At least there's some interesting millennial R&B, though most of it is british - Mahalia, Ella Mai, etc.
I have to disagree that it's a solid vocal performance, I think it's imitative in the way that she just sang it in an opposite way of the original. She is aggressive and screaminng and the original is cooly detached, Debbie even rolls her eyes sometimes, it conveys a completely different attitude.
Also, Debbie wore some pretty sexy clothes, but never looked trashy.
I have to disagree that it's a solid vocal performance, I think it's imitative in the way that she just sang it in an opposite way of the original. She is aggressive and screaminng and the original is cooly detached, Debbie even rolls her eyes sometimes, it conveys a completely different attitude.
Also, Debbie wore some pretty sexy clothes, but never looked trashy.

Even if you don't appreciate her, Morrissey and Marr do.

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