Manchester Apollo Tickets - genuine?


Burnley Moz

If any1 could help me on this I'd be very grateful.

Like most other genuine Moz fans I have been forced to buy tickets for Moz's tour off Ebay. The Blackburn ones I have received seem fine - standard size, and Ticketmaster hologram. However the Manchester Apollo ones are abour 2 by 5 inches and although they profess to be from Ticketmaster, have no coresponding hologram. Can anyone confirm whether these latters ones seem genuine?
There isn't a hologram on the Manchester Apollo tickets. There are many different ticket types on this tour, some venue specific and some even differ within the same agency but for different concerts. Yours appear to be fine from your description, they sound just like mine. There is an auction on Ebay now with a picture of the tickets in question. Ticketmaster use several formats some more square with holograms and other slimmer ones without and probabaly more variations in between.
Oops haven't got the hang of this msg board yet!

Many thanks Willow, that has reassured me. The seller on Ebay is the guy I bought mine off actually.

Bring on May!
> If any1 could help me on this I'd be very grateful.

> Like most other genuine Moz fans I have been forced to buy tickets for
> Moz's tour off Ebay. The Blackburn ones I have received seem fine -
> standard size, and Ticketmaster hologram. However the Manchester Apollo
> ones are abour 2 by 5 inches and although they profess to be from
> Ticketmaster, have no coresponding hologram. Can anyone confirm whether
> these latters ones seem genuine?

My Apollo tickets are the same without the logo on. Nice to see another Moz fan from Burnley!
No problem mate, just thinking back to the days when tickets actually had pictures on or were in keeping with the bands album art or whatever. Pity you only get some generic heat printed ticket instead of the older style. Still far easier now (present tour not necessarily included)to get tickets so I suppose it's a small price to pay but a price nonetheless!
> My Apollo tickets are the same without the logo on. Nice to see another
> Moz fan from Burnley!
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