Just listened to it for the first time: truly, truly, disappointed


Jeane Smith

I finally got my copy of ROTT today. I just listened to it for the first time. And I think it's God awful. The songs don't have a melody, they don't rhyme, they don't sound catchy at all, and you can't really sing along with them. If it wasn't MORRISSEY who put out this album, it would be rated very low. But just cuz it's from him, people are saying it's good. Admit it; it's really bad! The only songs that are decent are I'll See You in Far Off Places and YHKM. Even Life is a Pigsty, that everyone is raving about, is just okay. It looks like Moz has lost his ability to write songs. Cuz these aren't songs, they're song titles that you would think belonged to a good song, but what's on this album is really just him expressing ideas, not putting them into a format that can be called a song. Do you get what I mean?
And I thought Maladjusted was bad. Remember Roy's Keen? I had thought it was one of his worst songs, but at least it's catchy.
since when is morrisseys music about being catchy?
listen to it again. and if you dont like it - then you dont. but really, its not bad. you might not like ut. but its not awful.
I felt exactly how you do now, the first 4 or 5 times I listened to it. Then SUDDENLY it all made sense, and now I love it. It's a difficult album to love, but when you finally do, the payback is fantastic.

Stick with it, I beg of you!
Too much froth and not enough substance for me. Over hyped as well. 6 out of 10.
> I felt exactly how you do now, the first 4 or 5 times I listened to it.
> Then SUDDENLY it all made sense, and now I love it. It's a difficult album
> to love, but when you finally do, the payback is fantastic.

> Stick with it, I beg of you!

I'll have to stick with it, cuz I have to save face with everyone who makes fun of me for liking Moz so much! And cuz I've been a fan since 92ish, I guess I'm in for the long haul, no matter how bad it gets.
> I'll have to stick with it, cuz I have to save face with everyone who
> makes fun of me for liking Moz so much! And cuz I've been a fan since
> 92ish, I guess I'm in for the long haul, no matter how bad it gets.

Give it a few more listens...

If you can't see the majesty of it then thats your problem. Noones making you listen. Plenty more music out there for you to sink your teeth into....
I liked the album the first time I heard it. I didn't think it was a "difficult" album at all. But I do hope he'll do something different next time. No more rock please.

> I finally got my copy of ROTT today. I just listened to it for the first
> time. And I think it's God awful. The songs don't have a melody, they
> don't rhyme, they don't sound catchy at all, and you can't really sing
> along with them. If it wasn't MORRISSEY who put out this album, it would
> be rated very low. But just cuz it's from him, people are saying it's
> good. Admit it; it's really bad! The only songs that are decent are I'll
> See You in Far Off Places and YHKM. Even Life is a Pigsty, that everyone
> is raving about, is just okay. It looks like Moz has lost his ability to
> write songs. Cuz these aren't songs, they're song titles that you would
> think belonged to a good song, but what's on this album is really just him
> expressing ideas, not putting them into a format that can be called a
> song. Do you get what I mean?
> And I thought Maladjusted was bad. Remember Roy's Keen? I had thought it
> was one of his worst songs, but at least it's catchy.
Oh well. If you don't like it then that's just too bad.
I am collecting unwanted cds for... erm... orphans or something, so you might as well send it to me and I'll take care of it for you.
Think of the children.
Address supplied on request.
Well, it is "too bad" because I've been looking forward to the album for months. I feel sorta cheated.

> Oh well. If you don't like it then that's just too bad.
> I am collecting unwanted cds for... erm... orphans or something, so you
> might as well send it to me and I'll take care of it for you.
> Think of the children.
> Address supplied on request.
Did Morrissey make you some kind of promise?
He documents his life, his way.

Sometimes it's a catchy song, sometimes it is genius. Sometimes both.
when i look at the tracklist i don't know what i want to hear, but pressing play or random is a good choice.
its odd that a collection of seemingly disappointing songs can be a very good album.
Listen to it for at least five times... you'll love it. And by the way: Roy's keen is great!
Re: Listen to it for at least five times... you'll love it. And by the way: Roy's keen is great!

I've been listening to it more. It still bothers me that nothing rhymes or sounds clever or witty. The first track, I Will See You, has definitely grown on me. I like the instrumental aspects of the album. More creative, different. Dear God Please Help Me is also somehow growing on me. And The Father Who Must Be Killed is getting better too. Now I Am Born is still awful!
Me too - but its growing on me - and BTW Maladjusted is brilliant

On first listen I thought the only redeeming features were provided by Visconti and the band

Still very disappointed in the lyrics. Almost devoid of wit.

BUT I've listened about 15 times and I'm starting to like it. Its catchy without a doubt. AND "Its another SOS" has to be one of the best opening lines of all - the way its delivered is mesmerising. In fact i now realize "Pigsty" is a very fine song.

I thought the same of Maladjusted when I first heard it - now its about my most played album.

So stick with it
I also found it quite awful at the beginning and though that the whole fuss people were making about Life Is A Pigsty was a disgrace and a joke. Trite, dull and not even catchy.
But the album's definitely a grower, and I it gets better when you listen to it more often. Nothing exciting, but not as bad as it first seems.
Re: Me too - but its growing on me - and BTW Maladjusted is brilliant

I actually found the "same old SOS" quite embarrassing. "There are some bad people on the rise" was brilliant, but this is nothing. SOS is kind of a stupid word too.
Getting used to it too now

I am getting used to it too now. I put the four or five songs that caught my attention first time around on my Ipod and am listening to them constantly. I'm finding Dear God sorta embarassing to listen to. I hope my Dad is never in the car when that one comes on! I have found The Father Who Must Be Killed to be a good song. It actually rhymes and is catchy. One thing bothers me about I Will See You--the "why why why" part. It has these cheesy guitars in the background and I feel like it ruins the song.

> I also found it quite awful at the beginning and though that the whole
> fuss people were making about Life Is A Pigsty was a disgrace and a joke.
> Trite, dull and not even catchy.
> But the album's definitely a grower, and I it gets better when you listen
> to it more often. Nothing exciting, but not as bad as it first seems.
There are people here who would have said they loved any old crap, if it had Morrissey's name on it! I admire your honesty, it's rare on this site. I too had serious reservations about this album on first listen, but that soon passed, and I'm growing very fond of it now.

I also felt it necessary to post my feelings, despite all the gushing accounts being spilled out (it was about 7 hours after release), so go on girl, say what you think, and change your mind as and when you like.
its not only good ...

... its the best, i havent listened to anything like this in a very long time.

im not mad about the first track, i just keep getting it muddled up with america even though it sounds nothing like it !! but from dear god please help me onward it goes up and down so well it truly is a masterpiece.

when morrissey writes one dimensional political gestures its clever but it pales quickly, but his lyrics about love are fantastic he can mean SO many different things .. and in some ways when he keeps it dead simple like pigsty, or work of art or u have killed me ( i remember saying this 2 someone a few years ago !) its even more evocative and special

the ONLY criticism of the album i have in the slightest is .. not enough guitars .. otherwise god its really good
Re: Getting used to it too now

i think some of the production is a bit odd when you first hear it but then when has he ever made a normal sounding album ... i listened to vauxhall in comparison and thats really muddy in parts compared to this.

the very minimal strings on god please .. are just so perfect, and the weird piano.

im glad to see youre coming round to liking it, everything really good takes a bit of work

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