It’s not about politics

That’s great, but I’m not a strict Muslim either. In fact I’m not even a believing or practicing Muslim, yet you keep coming at me with all the girl-grooming, boy-bumming, gay-killing stuff which are totally against my principles. I think you have a double standard.
Why adopt islamism at all then? Oh right, to be an edgelord for the ladies.
Why adopt islamism at all then? Oh right, to be an edgelord for the ladies.

No, it’s because I like the aesthetics enough and because my ideological enemies are “cultural Christians” and kosher right-wing podcasters and such. They hate Muslims and vice versa, so I’ll take a side for the sake of taking a side. Look at all those dilettante pro-Palestinian college kids wearing keffiyehs and bowing towards Mecca. Those are my people now.
No, it’s because I like the aesthetics enough and because my ideological enemies are “cultural Christians” and kosher right-wing podcasters and such. They hate Muslims and vice versa, so I’ll take a side for the sake of taking a side. Look at all those dilettante pro-Palestinian college kids wearing keffiyehs and bowing towards Mecca. Those are my people now.
Just like an edgelord 👍
Just like an edgelord 👍

I thought an edgelord was someone who deliberately took an extreme position for shock value. There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world. I don’t know if the second-largest and fastest-growing religion can be considered all that “edgy.”
I thought an edgelord was someone who deliberately took an extreme position for shock value. There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world. I don’t know if the second-largest and fastest-growing religion can be considered all that “edgy.”
You're doing it as a reaction against something. That's very irresponsible when you consider the devastating effects Islam has had on the west. So again, just like an edgelord.
You're doing it as a reaction against something. That's very irresponsible when you consider the devastating effects Islam has had on the west. So again, just like an edgelord.

What about the devastating effects the West has had on Islam? If you lament the Iranian revolution, then that was a reaction against the U.S.-sponsored monarchy there, and nothing has radicalized Islam against the West like the creation and behavior of Israel. Talk about irresponsible, it cuts both ways.
I guess if I’m an edgelord, then so is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s taking up Christianity as a “reaction against something.” Edgelady, perhaps, if the word is gendered.
I guess if I’m an edgelord, then so is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s taking up Christianity as a “reaction against something.” Edgelady, perhaps, if the word is gendered.
I like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is a brave woman risking death to be an apostate and criticise Islam. Free thinkers everywhere should admire her.
I like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is a brave woman risking death to be an apostate and criticise Islam. Free thinkers everywhere should admire her.

I have admired her, too, for the same reasons. Unfortunately, she has lost her marbles and become a casualty of the “culture wars.”
I have admired her, too, for the same reasons. Unfortunately, she has lost her marbles and become a casualty of the “culture wars.”
Why do you say she has 'lost her marbles'? Because she has converted to Christianity? Isn't that her (free) choice? And you may have noticed, Aubs, converting to Christianity is the new black. :lbf:
Why do you say she has 'lost her marbles'? Because she has converted to Christianity? Isn't that her (free) choice? And you may have noticed, Aubs, converting to Christianity is the new black. :lbf:

Very funny. There's no doubt converting to Christianity is the hot new trend—that is, if we're strictly talking about Petersonista "heterodox" hipsters who like kosher right-wing podcasts. In that case, it's all the rage. If we look at the whole world instead of one little bubble, though, Islam is growing faster.

Anyone who accepts Ayaan Hirsi Ali's contention that this an ideological, civilizational clash had better get themselves a double bed and a stalwart trad-wife for sure (no contraception, either), because this is a contest of babies. Evangelism is no match for high birth rates and child indoctrination. Don't expect nicky wire's legs to help you out, either, even though she's simpatico to the cause. She claims exception as an "intellectual."

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Very funny. There's no doubt converting to Christianity is the hot new trend—that is, if we're strictly talking about Petersonista "heterodox" hipsters who like kosher right-wing podcasts. In that case, it's all the rage. If we look at the whole world instead of one little bubble, though, Islam is growing faster.

Anyone who accepts Ayaan Hirsi Ali's contention that this an ideological, civilizational clash had better get themselves a double bed and a stalwart trad-wife for sure (no contraception, either), because this is a contest of babies. Evangelism is no match for high birth rates and child indoctrination. Don't expect nicky wire's legs to help you out, either, even though she's simpatico to the cause. She claims exception as an "intellectual."

It is indeed all about birth rates. Modern secularism isn't very good for human reproduction. Maybe the Catholic Church had the right idea about the condom and the pill all along? That they are the work of the devil? There is certainly much about Islam to admire. But there is also much to thoroughly detest - as there is in all organised religion.
It is indeed all about birth rates. Modern secularism isn't very good for human reproduction. Maybe the Catholic Church had the right idea about the condom and the pill all along? That they are the work of the devil?

Modern secularism perpetuates the species just fine. The global population is 8 billion. More people are currently alive than the sum total of everyone who lived for about the past six thousand years. Do you think we somehow need more? It seems to me like the work of the devil would be unfettered population growth, since more people = more suffering. Schopenhauer said the devil laughs at every orgasm. I'm sure the devil would be laughing uncontrollably at Muslims and Christians having a birth rate competition on the precipice of climate change and potential civilizational collapse.

There is certainly much about Islam to admire. But there is also much to thoroughly detest - as there is in all organised religion.

Sorry, Born to Harangue. Just know that it was intended as a generic critique, not as a personal dig at you being a father of seven. I'm sure they're all adorable as they dance around the house to Ariana Grande and Faux Real.
We need more white Europeans and less of everyone else, particularly in our countries. Everyone else can do whatever they want in their own countries as long as they stay there. You sorely need to update your views because you’ve probably been repeating the same thing for 20+ years and it misses the reality of the situation. You can claim all you like that there should be fewer babies being born but the Indians (pop. 1.44 billion), the Chinese (pop. 1.43 billion), the Africans (pop. 1.49 billion) aren’t going to take these views on board so it’s a useless opinion to attempt to propagate. All it amounts to is “have fewer children, white people — save the planet!” when we’re already a global minority. If you had ever learned how to talk to women you might have had a few children of your own 20 years ago and you wouldn’t be talking like this. If this planet doesn’t have a sizeable percentage of white people on it - the people who gave you just about everything you love and care about - with their own countries, controlling their own destinies, then f*** the planet.

This is what I think of that vision of the future of the planet:
We need more white Europeans and less of everyone else, particularly in our countries. Everyone else can do whatever they want in their own countries as long as they stay there. You sorely need to update your views because you’ve probably been repeating the same thing for 20+ years and it misses the reality of the situation. You can claim all you like that there should be fewer babies being born but the Indians (pop. 1.44 billion), the Chinese (pop. 1.43 billion), the Africans (pop. 1.49 billion) aren’t going to take these views on board so it’s a useless opinion to attempt to propagate. All it amounts to is “have fewer children, white people — save the planet!” when we’re already a global minority. If you had ever learned how to talk to women you might have had a few children of your own 20 years ago and you wouldn’t be talking like this. If this planet doesn’t have a sizeable percentage of white people on it - the people who gave you just about everything you love and care about - with their own countries, controlling their own destinies, then f*** the planet.

I didn't hold these beliefs 20+ yrs ago, I don't think white people could save the planet by having fewer children, and I completely acknowledge that the reproductive habits of people in Asia and Africa are not going to change on account of me. "Saving the planet" isn't my goal. The planet is going to be fine, but I'm reasonably confident that the people are f*cked, so my logic is that the fewer people (of any race) there are when famines, die-offs, and societal collapses occur, the better. I could be wrong, but personally I'll err on the side of caution.

I conceived a child once (20+ yrs ago) and we opted not to have it for reasons unrelated to the environment. If we'd made the opposite decision, then sure, maybe I "wouldn't be talking like this" and I'd justify having a child. Or with my luck, Bud or Little Timmy would be a Petersonista with a blog entry called My Idiot Cuck Dad Tried To Raise A Soy Boy And Thank God He Failed (Losers Gonna Lose) and I'd have given the world one more useless eater of meat. Who knows. But in retrospect, given my current apocalypticism, the decision seems all the more wise.

Individual assessments of the climate threat differ. Anyone optimistic about the future is more than welcome to breed according to their hopes; indeed, "everyone can do whatever they want." My eco-fascism is a pipe dream; I'm realistic about its chances being nil. With no hope of making policy, all I can do is make observations. I like to note the number of children had by people who clamor for upping the birthrates. Are you planning to contribute, or do you want to delegate the new white man's burden to the midwits and dimwits?
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I didn't hold these beliefs 20+ yrs ago, I don't think white people could save the planet by having fewer children, and I completely acknowledge that the reproductive habits of people in Asia and Africa are not going to change on account of me. "Saving the planet" isn't my goal. The planet is going to be fine, but I'm reasonably confident that the people are f*cked, so my logic is that the fewer people (of any race) there are when famines, die-offs, and societal collapses occur, the better. I could be wrong, but personally I'll err on the side of caution.

I conceived a child once (20+ yrs ago) and we opted not to have it for reasons unrelated to the environment. If we'd made the opposite decision, then sure, maybe I "wouldn't be talking like this" and I'd justify having a child. Or with my luck, Bud or Little Timmy would be a Petersonista with a blog entry called My Idiot Cuck Dad Tried To Raise A Soy Boy And Thank God He Failed (Losers Gonna Lose) and I'd have given the world one more useless eater of meat. Who knows. But in retrospect, given my current apocalypticism, the decision seems all the more wise.

Individual assessments of the climate threat differ. Anyone optimistic about the future is more than welcome to breed according to their hopes; indeed, "everyone can do whatever they want." My eco-fascism is a pipe dream; I'm realistic about its chances being nil. With no hope of making policy, all I can do is make observations. I like to note the number of children had by people who clamor for upping the birthrates. Are you planning to contribute, or do you want to delegate the new white man's burden to the midwits and dimwits?
AI or an asteroid hitting the planet pose far greater threats to humanity than 'manmade climate change' ever could.
AI or an asteroid hitting the planet pose far greater threats to humanity than 'manmade climate change' ever could.

What makes you think so? I’ll concede, the data could be anomalous. But it’s not as if there’s no data whatsoever, and even if the warming is natural, that doesn’t mean it still won’t cause feedback loops (permafrost melt, decrease in Arctic sea ice) that would increase the rate of warming.
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