Introducing Morrissey: 'Shoplifters' footage?


New Member
As we all know, the concert was filmed at the Sheffield and Blackpool concerts during the Boxers tour 1995. I'm curious if footage exists (and amateur footage is ok as well) of the encore--Shoplifters of the World.

Of course, the pro footage of the encore exists's hoping it will be released sometime. perhaps when the DVD of the show is officially released. if it ever happens.

Best concert footage ever!!!
I've been on the lookout for footage of the full Sheffield gig ever since I got an internet connection ten years ago, the bit where I got on stage at Sheffield is replaced by Blackpool footage in the official release! What luck uh?
If anyone does know of original footage i would also love to know as although i do feature in it a fair bit but there was some footage
of me back stage with Morrissey that got cut but i would obviously love to see it.
If anyone does know of original footage i would also love to know as although i do feature in it a fair bit but there was some footage
of me back stage with Morrissey that got cut but i would obviously love to see it.

which one are you?
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