I kinda do hate it when my friends become successful


My secret's my enzyme.

I mean it's not that I'm lazy or don't know how to market myself as an artist or whatever, be a "success." I'm just doing this thing now while I have little responsibilities, no children or mortgage or whatever. Being a rolling stone in the Dylan sense. However...

I have friends who have tons of money. Spend it like water. Have a brand new kitchen and eat out EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. Buy fancy clothes and think nothing of travelling. And maybe this isn't exactly what Morrissey is singing about but I seethe a little that success comes so easy to them while I'm trapped in my brain. And I sense that I inconvenience our friendship because sometimes I don;t have enough money to afford the gas to drive to their house. And I also get bitter when people get married. :p

I am a poor, petty thing sometimes.
Am I alone in these thoughts?
I know what you mean. I'm not poor at all but when I picked up the 3 year old from school one day one of the mum's there said how cute the 1 year old is and said I must be proud so I said I'm their nanny and then she looked at me really strange and said "oohh, so you're just a nanny?". And looked at me as if I was a complete idiot. Not that she actually do anything important, no no, she just managed to marry rich and lay on her back. And she looks at me as if I'm a complete idiot. So I told her I have a degree in religious studies and that I'm actually on a break from my ph.d. studies. Then she didn't say anything else.

I mean it's not that I'm lazy or don't know how to market myself as an artist or whatever, be a "success." I'm just doing this thing now while I have little responsibilities, no children or mortgage or whatever. Being a rolling stone in the Dylan sense. However...

I have friends who have tons of money. Spend it like water. Have a brand new kitchen and eat out EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. Buy fancy clothes and think nothing of travelling. And maybe this isn't exactly what Morrissey is singing about but I seethe a little that success comes so easy to them while I'm trapped in my brain. And I sense that I inconvenience our friendship because sometimes I don;t have enough money to afford the gas to drive to their house. And I also get bitter when people get married. :p

I am a poor, petty thing sometimes.

tee hee, i hear you loud and clear CG!
I've pretty much stood still since leaving high school... spent 20 years in Higher Education, 20 years with Mr Nightie, 18 years living in Glasgow (with 1yr break in London).... i effectively have failed to move on, yet my friends are getting married, having careers, moving into stately homes, traveling widely, driving their own cars....

Who cares... i'm not jealous of their palatial pads or nubile squeezes :squiffy:... i've got my cats and Mr Nighty to chauffeur me around:squiffy: *weeps for self*
If nobody minds, here's my "Take" on this song, and Its Lyrics.....( from a "Northern England" perspective...).

EG: 1. Wayne Rooney.
Currently the most HATED man on the planet, ( In the UK, anyway...)...for the simple fact that he gets Brilliant wages, for doing a "Job" he is very good at.
( Dabbling with Prostitutes while allegedly Happily married hasn't helped his "Profile" much either, I suppose..But thats hardly an excuse to burn Effigies of him now, is it...??)
(there are Much worse acting millionaires out there, after all....)
He is Hated mainly ( In Liverpool, UK because he is seen as a"Traitor" to a football club he once played for, and then Moved to another...).

EG:2. John Bishop.

A "Merseyside" comedian, currently doing VERY well in the UK, is Detested in Liverpool, for being from "Out of town" ( I am not sure where he was actually born,but it was either Runcorn, Widnes, Manchester or Warrington...)
But, because he started to get "Noticed" first in Liverpool, THEN had the audacity to move away,he is reviled ( DESPITE SIX sold -out gigs in L/pool arena coming Up soon!!!).

EG: 3. John Lennon/ Beatles.

As soon as they begn to have hits, MOST of Liverpool Turned against them.
When he Married Yoko,most of the world did too.
this "Turned around suddenly" when he was shot .
Liverpool Loves him again ( we even tolerate Yokos regular visits ( to do AMAZING Charity stuff) nowadays, and you can't move for Statues..( THIS from a City that Demolshed the World famous "Cavern" club, to make way for a Fecking CAR PARK!!!)
I will probably continue on this subject, but my computer keyboard is being silly today....Hope what I have done is OK so far....
If nobody minds, here's my "Take" on this song, and Its Lyrics.....( from a "Northern England" perspective...).

EG: 1. Wayne Rooney.
Currently the most HATED man on the planet, ( In the UK, anyway...)...for the simple fact that he gets Brilliant wages, for doing a "Job" he is very good at.
( Dabbling with Prostitutes while allegedly Happily married hasn't helped his "Profile" much either, I suppose..But thats hardly an excuse to burn Effigies of him now, is it...??)
(there are Much worse acting millionaires out there, after all....)
He is Hated mainly ( In Liverpool, UK because he is seen as a"Traitor" to a football club he once played for, and then Moved to another...).

EG:2. John Bishop.

A "Merseyside" comedian, currently doing VERY well in the UK, is Detested in Liverpool, for being from "Out of town" ( I am not sure where he was actually born,but it was either Runcorn, Widnes, Manchester or Warrington...)
But, because he started to get "Noticed" first in Liverpool, THEN had the audacity to move away,he is reviled ( DESPITE SIX sold -out gigs in L/pool arena coming Up soon!!!).

EG: 3. John Lennon/ Beatles.

As soon as they begn to have hits, MOST of Liverpool Turned against them.
When he Married Yoko,most of the world did too.
this "Turned around suddenly" when he was shot .
Liverpool Loves him again ( we even tolerate Yokos regular visits ( to do AMAZING Charity stuff) nowadays, and you can't move for Statues..( THIS from a City that Demolshed the World famous "Cavern" club, to make way for a Fecking CAR PARK!!!)
I will probably continue on this subject, but my computer keyboard is being silly today....Hope what I have done is OK so far....

All Scousers move out of the city at the first opportunity, yet trade on their 'Scouseability'.
The Beatles, Tarby, Cilla et al.
Ken Dodd can stand proud in never bailing out.

In Manchester, Morrissey and the Gallagher's didn't take too long to go down the M1 but on the whole, Manchester artists stay true to their roots :guitar::cool:

PS Don't even mention Mick Hucknall, coz he's just a twat:lbf:
All Scousers move out of the city at the first opportunity, yet trade on their 'Scouseability'.
The Beatles, Tarby, Cilla et al.
Ken Dodd can stand proud in never bailing out.

In Manchester, Morrissey and the Gallagher's didn't take too long to go down the M1 but on the whole, Manchester artists stay true to their roots :guitar::cool:

PS Don't even mention Mick Hucknall, coz he's just a twat:lbf:

....Hope what I have done is OK so far....

Ya done good. :p No this totally makes sense. I am frequently baffled by how the press treats it's own. I've come to think in my mind it's very English to be unsupportive in general. :squiffy:
Ya done good. :p No this totally makes sense. I am frequently baffled by how the press treats it's own. I've come to think in my mind it's very English to be unsupportive in general. :squiffy:

It's the classic ''build 'em up to knock 'em down'' mentality of Her Majesty's Finest Gutter Press.
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