'I’ve Been Dreaming Of A Time When...' statement; "For Britain" support - Morrissey Central

Today's missive from our favourite radical spokesperson.

I’ve Been Dreaming Of A Time When / the English / are sick to death of Labour and Tories - Morrissey Central
April 20, 2018

I despise racism.

I despise fascism.

I would do anything for my Muslim friends, and I know they would do anything for me.

In view of this, there is only one British political party that can safeguard our security.

That party is For Britain.

Please give them a chance. Listen to them. Do not be influenced by the tyrannies of the MSM who will tell you that For Britain are racist or fascist - please believe me, they are the very opposite!!! Please do not close your mind.

Labour is hopelessly naive.

Theresa May’s policies have turned Britain into a international target.

The BBC has closed down.

The Loony Left is concerned only with victim culture.

For Britain will keep British society together. Violence is not the way forward.
There are many problems in modern Britain that have become too large for Theresa May to deal with - mostly because she created them in the first place. The press appear to deal only in fashionable outrage; inflammatory and unjust comments against any new party that threatens the same old bloody pointless two-party system.

Please give For Britain a chance. They will bring an end to the modern Westminster mania for self-destruction. For Britain is the bulldog breed that will never surrender. Both Labour and Conservatives have already sold you down the river into righteous oblivion.

This is my last political strike. No wish to upset anyone! But the time has come to fight, and Labour and the Conservatives have their backs to the sea.

Are you capable of change?

Thank you, and peace for all of us


20 April 2018
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I believe it is natural to not bow to pressure and allow others to dictate your life, not doing that is unnatural and shows the natural selection in man and nature.

Anyone embracing people from another race or culture than their own are doomed and will die, that is how this creation works. Especially if they abandon their own race and culture and work toward making life worse for their own race.

Traitors usually get a lot of time to do a lot of damage but look at history and how they were dealt with. We have an eye on you traitors and we are or someone else like us will come for you. Most of you will die from the fact that nature always make sure to cull those that drifts off from where they belong.

We have invented enough disease through race mixing to make it even worse. These are the words of a realist. I wish life and nature and destiny had room for everyone and that we did not have to care about our race and history and everything that goes with it but many have tried to ignore that and failed.

There is a very fixed setting when it comes to the link between race and nature and we are all part of that no matter how much some deny it. The saying that the good ones die first is true and the reason is that they betrayed their own and nature will cut them down in their prime and always have been and always will.

I no longer believe in disease but I do believe in nature and the way it controls life and creates disease and other things to control those that went out of line. That is what some call God but it's just nature which in itself is a very complicated code.
What? Where do you get your hating info from? Skinny?:swear

Chosen ones? WHOOOAAA, antisemitism rears its ugly head. Why not just qoute from
the Protocols..no 1 among the left wing loony books 'you've read.' Shame!!!!

If there was a wave of Jews emigrating into the UK you left loons would go beserk:horny:

Yap yap yap yap yap.
And in other news hating Jews is obviously fine too. It's just a religion. If you don't like their food or their ideas of being the chosen ones, it's OK.

Obviously there would be outrage if somebody came out with that and rightly so but it's no different, just the name has changed.

Who said anything about hating anyone - surely people can just disagree on moral or philosophical level? From a left-wing / liberal perspective, you may object to FGM and what appears to be the innate homophobia and mysoginy in Islam, but that doesn’t mean you automatically hate anyone who practices the faith. It should go without saying that no-one - without exception - should be persecuted for their beliefs.

But your digression into the subject of anti-Semitism is a pertinent one because the most anti-Semitic countries are also the most Islamic. So using your example - eg not liking a particular religion’s ideas - if you object to anti-Semitism that is sanctioned by Islam (as in Saudi Arabia for instance), does that mean that you are now also an Islamaphobe? Some would argue that you are. So this can get very complex very quickly, but also shows why we need to have discussion and debate.
Who said anything about hating anyone - surely people can just disagree on moral or philosophical level? From a left-wing / liberal perspective, you may object to FGM and what appears to be the innate homophobia and mysoginy in Islam, but that doesn’t mean you automatically hate anyone who practices the faith. It should go without saying that no-one - without exception - should be persecuted for their beliefs.

But your digression into the subject of anti-Semitism is a pertinent one because the most anti-Semitic countries are also the most Islamic. So using your example - eg not liking a particular religion’s ideas - if you object to anti-Semitism that is sanctioned by Islam (as in Saudi Arabia for instance), does that mean that you are now also an Islamaphobe? Some would argue that you are. So this can get very complex very quickly, but also shows why we need to have discussion and debate.

My comment wasn't aimed at not having a discussion, just at the types who bang on about Islam all day, the EDL twats, you know the sorts.

The Middle East is an entirely different topic, where do you start with that?
My comment wasn't aimed at not having a discussion, just at the types who bang on about Islam all day, the EDL twats, you know the sorts.

The Middle East is an entirely different topic, where do you start with that?
In what way are the EDL wrong when it comes to the views they have?

They describe your every day life in a nutshell. You are extremely impacted by that turk in your family line. Imagine me banging on about thai people just cause Pilla's dad married one.

I feel sorry for women from third world toilets having to marry men abroad to be able to eat.
In what way are the EDL wrong when it comes to the views they have?

They describe your every day life in a nutshell. You are extremely impacted by that turk in your family line. Imagine me banging on about thai people just cause Pilla's dad married one.

I feel sorry for women from third world toilets having to marry men abroad to be able to eat.

I challenge those who support Morrissey's openly declared support of "For Britain" to defend that support as both consistent with his previous statements (For instance, his support for James Baldwin, a left wing internationalist, who believed in both socialism and multiculturalism), and as a morally acceptable road forward for this country .
Of course, I accept his absolute right to free speech. But such speech should be open to challenge. The party he has endorsed is clearly not Fascist (but rather free market capitalist and in this regard promotes economic policies similar to those of Margaret Thatcher) , but it also basis its popularity on a range of Islamaphobic attitudes and that is where the racist charge kicks in. "For Britain" , on its website, portrays images of the East End of London as sinister, with pictures of Muslim citizens going about their everyday business, as in some manner this was threatening. Yet this part of London is one of the most culturally vibrant and cohesive parts of our country and indeed very peaceful. This has always has been so - starting with the Huguenots, Jewish refugees etc.
So why describe London as a debased?
Please defend.

I thought they were no longer around. To be fair they were a bunch of football hooligans wanting to be able to have a ruck a bit more often than the football could provide.

You need to go online and find the intellectual racists that have really moved on so much you'd be forgiven for thinking you were listening to intellectual professors going at it.

The swedish nationalists are on a whole different level now.
My comment wasn't aimed at not having a discussion, just at the types who bang on about Islam all day, the EDL twats, you know the sorts.

The Middle East is an entirely different topic, where do you start with that?

Islam and the Middle East are two entirely different topics? Say what? Islam and the Middle East
are two entirely different topics??????. Perhaps you have overdosed on too many Evennow (the Grand Baronial Dame) posts, for god sake:crazy:
Islam and the Middle East are just about synonymous, except for that wonderful, brave slice called Israel.:thumb:
Like the Moz song.
The Middle East and Islam are totally Different Topics.:mock:
Hey Vegan, when you're busy wanking to my posts, do you poke your finger up yer bum?

Always with the funny stuff.:straightface:
Let me forward this to our own Bea Arthur, 100 percent he is going to be interested.:clap:

Going to be posting more stuff about Jews and the chosen people?:ha-no:
No, I think you're more of a cucumber up the bum kind of guy.

Whats with all the bum stuffing stuff? Pikes , poles, cucumbers, cactus etc? Thats wrong to say.
What if you walked into your "sensitive" sons room unanounced only to find him with a carrot in his mitt? You wouldnt post him up would you?
You wouldnt have much to say then I bet...

Anyways, Evennow, old dude, you out there?, grab your walking stick and head on over to CCs, he may have
some work you may be interested in.:whip:

I will have my :eyes: open for those unacceptable 'chosen people' posts, so chin up.:poutingcat:
Whats with all the bum stuffing stuff? Pikes , poles, cucumbers, cactus etc? Thats wrong to say.
What if you walked into your "sensitive" sons room unanounced only to find him with a carrot in his mitt? You wouldnt post him up would you?
You wouldnt have much to say then I bet...

Anyways, Evennow, old dude, you out there?, grab your walking stick and head on over to CCs, he may have
some work you may be interested in.:whip:

I will have my :eyes: open for those unacceptable 'chosen people' posts, so chin up.:poutingcat:

I'll tell you what, try as I might to entertain you, I haven't got a f***ing clue what language you're writing in half of the time.
Whats with all the bum stuffing stuff? Pikes , poles, cucumbers, cactus etc? Thats wrong to say.
What if you walked into your "sensitive" sons room unanounced only to find him with a carrot in his mitt? You wouldnt post him up would you?
You wouldnt have much to say then I bet...

Anyways, Evennow, old dude, you out there?, grab your walking stick and head on over to CCs, he may have
some work you may be interested in.:whip:

I will have my :eyes: open for those unacceptable 'chosen people' posts, so chin up.:poutingcat:

Hi Biebs, your trolling is failing big time. You have been found out once again. How many times have you assumed another persons online name? At least 3 times I reckon. Your finished here with your blathering bullshit, so get back to whatever you did before you decided to troll this forum you turd.
I'll tell you what, try as I might to entertain you, I haven't got a f***ing clue what language you're writing in half of the time.

I figured you get amnesia and play possum.
Suddenly no bum for the dog LOOLL:rofl:

Now that we have that out of the way, whats your take on Evennows notion that the English Barons invented religion back in the 9th century?:crazy:
Pretty out there insane, LOL, right?
for britain
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