Help me find a Moz/Smiths related name for my new puppy!

Thanks for the picture lux girl. What a cutie...
He is lovely, and I'm a cat person! So cute!! My cat gets called Fatty a lot, as it is my fave song, and she even gets dragged into a reluctant cuddle while I shout out the words at the top of my lungs! She is a true Moz fan, she even picks albums to play! Only Morrissey or the Smiths though, the rest of my CD collection is ignored!
But do you give her any other choices?
My CD storage is stacked on the floor along one wall. Every morning, the cat comes running in, makes a beeline for my CDs, and rubs herself all over the Morrisey section.. She picks different albums every day! It might be because they all smell of me more than my other CDs, but it is cute whatever the reason!
Awww Hector is totally adorable, really beautiful!!.... mind you I may be a bit bias as my 4 year old Jack Russell (Monty) is almost identical :D
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I've been looking for a dog to walk with, could I go for a walk with Hector 1 or 2 times aweek? He's sooo lovely!:)
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