Gagging on Lady Gaga

Maybe it was the Illuminati. Read it here.

So the illuminati came to Lady Gaga and taught her mind control so that she can use her powers to what? :straightface:

What the f*** is Lady Gaga going to do with her powers that THEY gave her?

WHAT? Tell me? Somebody tell me why LADY GAGA IS IN THE ILLUMINATI. PLEASE? Because I'm ready to punch some f***ing faces I'm so f***ing frustrated with other stuff.




I need a f***ing vacation.
The link I posted, sadly, does not go to that fantastic site that tells us how to understand that Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and a few others are Illuminati puppets.

Instead it's an article from New York Magazine, always a great read.

Growing Up Gaga
The self-invented, manufactured, accidental, totally on-purpose New York creation of the world’s biggest pop star.

One year ago this month, Lady Gaga arrived for an interview in the dark, oak-paneled lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel, a massive Spanish-style place in the tourist district of Hollywood that was supposed to make the area chic but has largely failed. “Just Dance,” the lead single off her first album, The Fame, had reached No. 1 in Australia, Sweden, and Canada in early 2008, but in March 2009, she was still an up-and-coming artist in America: a few thousand MySpace plays, a generic website, and a short tour as the opening act for New Kids on the Block. Gaga had a video, though. “My colleagues at radio in those three countries agreed to support her if I made a video,” says Martin Kierszenbaum, the president of A&R at her label, Interscope. The “Just Dance” video, shot a few miles from the Roosevelt, features Gaga shimmying with a disco ball in her hands while her friends drape themselves on a couch nearby—though most of those people were extras, not real friends. She didn’t know many people on the West Coast. “I don’t like Los Angeles,” she told me. “The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I’m from New York. I will kill to get what I need.”

Before the meeting, I assumed that someone with a stage name like “Lady” (her given name is Stefani Joanne Germanotta) was going to be a bit standoffish—that’s the strategy employed by most nervous young musicians on the occasion of their first real interview, in any case. But I never thought she was going to actually be Lady Gaga. These days, very few artists play the media like Bob Dylan, or stay in character as Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh did in his early career. In the age of VH1’s Behind the Music, tabloid culture, and reality television, musicians are aware that they should show themselves to journalists in as much mundane detail as they can muster. “But Lady Gaga is my name,” she said, amazed that I would have thought otherwise. “If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don’t really know me at all.”

Gaga eased into a brown leather couch with as much grace as possible given her outfit, a stiff white jumpsuit with a jacket cut from a Martin Margiela pattern, the enormous shoulder pads stuffed underneath the fabric extending toward her ears. At five-two and 100 pounds, with her hair styled into a mod blonde bob, she looked flush from a strict diet of starvation: “Pop stars should not eat,” she pronounced. She was young, skinny, and blonde, but she had a prominent Italian nose, the kind of nose that rarely survives on a starlet. (This was during Gaga’s “hair-bow” phase—that would be pre-hair-hat and pre-hair-telephone—and when I asked about the bow’s whereabouts, she rested her head on a pillow of her hands and said, “She’s sleeping.”) In the hallway near her table, families of tourists took pictures of one another with cameras, unaware of her presence, and she recoiled dramatically at every flash. “Oh, cameras,” she said, shielding her eyes. “I cannot bear the cameras.”

As we began the conversation, Gaga spoke carefully in a very odd accent—some combination of Madonna as Madge and a robot, an affect enhanced by the fact that she refused to remove her lightly tinted sunglasses over the course of two hours. “What I’ve discovered,” said robo-Gaga, with a photo-ready tilt of her head, “is that in art, as in music, there’s a lot of truth—and then there’s a lie. The artist is essentially creating his work to make this lie a truth, but he slides it in amongst all the others. The tiny little lie is the moment I live for, my moment. It’s the moment that the audience falls in love.”

Gaga was very taken with her new “bubble dress” at this point, and we talked about its unreality, the beauty of the imaginary. Everyone wanted that dress, but it wasn’t a dress at all—it was a bunch of plastic balls. “On my tour,” she declared, “I’m going to be in my bubble dress on a piano made of bubbles, singing about love and art and the future. I should like to make one person believe in that moment, and it would be worth every salt of a No. 1 record.” She dropped the accent for a moment now—the real girl, unartificed, was right underneath—and leaned in. “I can have hit records all day, but who f***ing cares?” she explained. “A year from now, I could go away, and people might say, ‘Gosh, what ever happened to that girl who never wore pants?’ But how wonderfully memorable 30 years from now, when they say, ‘Do you remember Gaga and her bubbles?’ Because, for a minute, everybody in that room will forget every sad, painful thing in their lives, and they’ll just live in my bubble world.”

the article continues at the link.

One of the comments...

"The artist is essentially creating his work to make this lie a truth"

She is plagiarizing Picasso here.

* By realmadrid7 on 04/01/2010 at 7:59 pm

Hahaha, people are so stupid. How is quoting someone informally or adopting their ideas in your speech the same as "plagiarizing".

About your question about what she has suffered, I am not sure of the answer, but she's highly creative, plagiarism aside, and has no doubt suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Do you see how much hate she draws? It's because she is self-actualizing. She's at the top of the Maslow pyramid, and people hating on her are generally unhappy about themselves.
The link I posted, sadly, does not go to that fantastic site that tells us how to understand that Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and a few others are Illuminati puppets.


About your question about what she has suffered, I am not sure of the answer, but she's highly creative, plagiarism aside, and has no doubt suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Do you see how much hate she draws? It's because she is self-actualizing. She's at the top of the Maslow pyramid, and people hating on her are generally unhappy about themselves.

Keyword: PUPPET consoles me. I have less of a problem imagining that the day Lady Gaga called Morrissey her "buddy" some illuminati somewhere went "yay." :straightface: But along with mind control comes ENORMOUS responsibility. Imagine you were taught this gift and it worked and suddenly you decided you wanted to get a lot of money or fame. So you project that need into the universe and with all things there's a balance that you shift and f*** up, so elsewhere what you get, someone gives, but necessarily in the form of money. It's hard to describe, but you can't just go f***ing with the cosmos without repurcussions that only people who've learned to experience ultimate empathy and humility can truely embrace. Whenever this talk of Gaga or Bouncy or Jayziz or Kanye comes up, I get irritated because imagining the responsibility associated with altering fate in their hands is frightening. Now if some illuminati dudes are using them as pop culture puppets, fine. :mad: I mean I still hate that idea as well but still, it;s slightly more comforting. You gotta know A LOT OF STUFF to responsibly "play" with life. I've read this anyway.

I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I know that there are some general concepts such as that the practitioner should be clear, and operate with good intentions. What you do comes back to you, and this is why people that practice with dark intentions often go insane or meet unhappy fates. But we are all blessed with Free Will and we all have potential to alter our realities. We do it all the time simply with the attitude we take towards things. For example, if something in a person's life is making them unhappy they have the choice to see themselves as a victim or not. That's not directed at anyone but just happens to be the example that comes to mind.

I don't see Lady Gaga having any negative effect. Now, I will say that some of her songs stick in my head and I don't like that. I'm not really a fan of her music generally. But I am completely 100% a fan of her image and her successful reinvention of herself into a huge star, who also happens to have the substance to call out Obama on his stance on homosexuals, for one example. She's having a good time and she's pushing people's buttons, and we all need that. We need to lighten up and stop letting the real terrorists, our government by fear, stop running every aspect of our lives.

She is doing what artists are supposed to do, and on a MASSIVE scale. I hate it when the chorus to Paparazzi gets stuck in my head, but I still "love" Lady Gaga.
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I know that there are some general concepts such as that the practitioner should be clear, and operate with good intentions. What you do comes back to you, and this is why people that practice with dark intentions often go insane or meet unhappy fates. But we are all blessed with Free Will and we all have potential to alter our realities. We do it all the time simply with the attitude we take towards things. For example, if something in a person's life is making them unhappy they have the choice to see themselves as a victim or not. That's not directed at anyone but just happens to be the example that comes to mind.

I don't see Lady Gaga having any negative effect. Now, I will say that some of her songs stick in my head and I don't like that. I'm not really a fan of her music generally. But I am completely 100% a fan of her image and her successful reinvention of herself into a huge star, who also happens to have the substance to call out Obama on his stance on homosexuals, for one example. She's having a good time and she's pushing people's buttons, and we all need that. We need to lighten up and stop letting the real terrorists, our government by fear, stop running every aspect of our lives.

She is doing what artists are supposed to do, and on a MASSIVE scale. I hate it when the chorus to Paparazzi gets stuck in my head, but I still "love" Lady Gaga.

In addition to being clear and having good intentions, you have to do it with love. I'm sure she's capable of that, but what about the people she's entrusted to desseminate the knowledge to? WHat if she's knocking back a few beers one night and starts blabbling what she learned to someone who tries her ideas and doesn't have love or good intentions in their heart? Thats all I'm saying.

As far as reality and not mind control or puppetry, her MASSIVE package is interesting. Nothing I want to spend countless hours studying because I'm not convinced they are all her ideas exactly, that she's the SOURCE of whatever information she's putting out, but nonetheless entertaining and interesting.
it would be like that scene at the bar in the X-Files when that General is giving Agent Mulder the alien technology and the Men In Black show up.
I am, in fact going to be writing a twelve-page paper analyzing the "Telephone" video as cultural pastiche and (misguided) social protest. It promises to be pretentious as hell and loads of fun. :D
do you believe the illuminati exists today and holds some kind of power over global matters?

yes or no answer please.

No. :rofl:
The media hype and marketing for this artist is disgusting. As far as the Illuminati puppets go, I'm sick of the same singers having their video shown repeatedly, winning all the awards time and time again, having all the TV coverage. Their song lyrics are worthless in my opinion.

Lady Gaga is manufactured and controlled, she is not original. She is Kylie but with out the $7 million videos.
She made $29 million last year but how much does the record company recoup?
maybe she sells alot of t.shirts to keep her rich. I'm not jealous, I just don't like the songs and the expense spent on her during every appearance but maybe the world needs a new Liberace.

The media hype and marketing for this artist is disgusting. As far as the Illuminati puppets go, I'm sick of the same singers having their video shown repeatedly, winning all the awards time and time again, having all the TV coverage. Their song lyrics are worthless in my opinion.

Exactly. The thing is, it's like the puppets are like race horses and the better one does, the better the illuminati is doing. It's like a pissing contest. WHat they need to do if they want to keep playing that game is to see themselves within an archetype of a performer so more varied performers can take the stage and limelight yet they can identify themselves with the archetype, that way the masses get a wider array of quality eentertainment instead of the same shit over and over times ten. It's like rooting or a team. When your team does well you feel great. But if another team repreesents the same ideals, even if they play your team and WIN, you should still root for that team as well despite your team losing. THis is making less and less sense as I explain it. Illuminati Counselling Session. :p
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