For italian fans, but not only


Pensavo sia una buona idea scrivere al sito di "Che tempo che fa" ([email protected]) chiedendo alla redazione di invitare Morrissey per una chiacchierata. Magari potrebbe pure accettare. La cosa importante è essere numerosi!


I was thinking it would be a good idea writing to the website of "Che tempo che fa" ([email protected]) asking the editorial staff to invite Morrissey for a chat. He might even accept it. The most important thing is being numerous!

Thank you
Ahahaha. Certo che la gente se ne esce fuori con idee balzane, ma chissà, potrebbe accettare.
(Rough translation: people have weird ideas sometimes, but who knows, he might accept.)

Does he like Fazio? Does he know who he is?
The biggest problem to me is that the majority of Italian people don't have a clue of who Morrissey is.
Of course it would be nice to see him on TV.
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