Fiona Dodwell: new interview coming "very" soon (April 2, 2023)

maybe there was a lot of things that she couldnt ask the last time and will get a second chance,
just had a quick word with fee and the interview was recorded in the harrogate arms a few days ago.a good time was had by all.
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maybe there was a lot of things that she couldnt ask the last time and will get a second chance,
just had a quick word with fee and the interview was recorded in the stray ferret in harrogate a few days ago.a good time was had by all.
The stray ferret is the name of the paper isn’t it? Wasn’t it the Harrogate Arms? Otherwise great effort 👍🏻
maybe there was a lot of things that she couldnt ask the last time and will get a second chance,
just had a quick word with fee and the interview was recorded in the stray ferret in harrogate a few days ago.a good time was had by all.
The Stray Ferret is the local news office. Try again.
The stray ferret is the name of the paper isn’t it? Wasn’t it the Harrogate Arms? Otherwise great effort 👍🏻
didnt realise that,strangest name for a paper ever.
“Morrissey, you’re great and everything you’ve ever done in your life is also great. That’s right, isn’t it? Yes. Thought so. Great.”
From Chatgtp:
Fiona: Good afternoon, Morrissey. It's been a few months since we last spoke. Can you tell us what you've been up to?

Morrissey: Good afternoon. Yes, I've been quite busy recording my new album "Without Music The World Dies". It's been an intense but fulfilling process, and I'm really excited about it.

Fiona: That's great to hear! Can you tell us more about the album? What was the inspiration behind it?

Morrissey: Well, as the title suggests, the album explores the idea that without music, the world would be a dull and lifeless place. It's an ode to the power of music and how it can bring us joy, comfort, and even salvation in the darkest of times. The songs are a mix of introspective ballads and more upbeat tracks, but they all share a common theme of celebrating the beauty and importance of music in our lives.

Fiona: Sounds like a fantastic concept for an album. When can we expect to hear it?

Morrissey: We're currently in the final stages of mixing and mastering, so I'm hoping to release it within the next few months. I'm really excited for people to hear it and hope that it will resonate with them as much as it did with me.

Fiona: That's great news. Now, you mentioned in our last interview that you had two unreleased albums. What can you tell us about them?

Morrissey: Yes, that's correct. The first one is "Bonfire of Teenagers", which is currently being held hostage by Capitol Records. Unfortunately, there have been some legal issues that have delayed the release, but we're working to resolve them as soon as possible. The second album is still in the early stages of development, but I'm really excited about the direction it's taking.

Fiona: I see. And have you made any changes to your management or record label?

Morrissey: Yes, I voluntarily parted ways with Maverick/Quest management and Capitol Records after some disagreements regarding the handling of "Bonfire of Teenagers". I'm currently exploring new management and label options and hope to have some news on that soon.

Fiona: Thank you for the update, Morrissey. We're all looking forward to hearing your new album and hope that the legal issues surrounding "Bonfire of Teenagers" can be resolved soon.

Morrissey: Thank you, it's always a pleasure to speak with you.
Way too probing.
I just hope he doesn't say anything that merits another cringe-worthy Paul Joseph Watson video: "and the old Mozzer is back, dropping truth bombs once again!" But opportunistic Watson will glom onto almost anything; the only sure strategy to mute the turd would be to have factory farming footage as the backdrop, wear a "SOY BOY" t-shirt beneath the blazer, and bring the answer to every question around to animal rights. Which naturally won't happen, since Morrissey Central shares his videos and obviously likes them.
Used to share. We'll have no more of that kind of Malarkey round here!
But why "very" soon? Seems that Fiona totally got the assignment to be not too specific about when/if this interview will see the light of day as in true Central tradition.
But why "very" soon? Seems that Fiona totally got the assignment to be not too specific about when/if this interview will see the light of day as in true Central tradition.
Well let’s assume it was recorded at the end of last week (or even today with the post going out). It will then need to be edited etc so maybe that’s the vagueness.

Or perhaps there is something spicy in the interview that needs confirmation first (Gigs, ticket dates, release dates etc…)

It does seem that it’s all negativity on here, and a lot of criticism of Fiona for some reason.
More whinging about record companies, the woke media etc etc
From Chatgtp:
Fiona: Good afternoon, Morrissey. It's been a few months since we last spoke. Can you tell us what you've been up to?

Morrissey: Good afternoon. Yes, I've been quite busy recording my new album "Without Music The World Dies". It's been an intense but fulfilling process, and I'm really excited about it.

Fiona: That's great to hear! Can you tell us more about the album? What was the inspiration behind it?

Morrissey: Well, as the title suggests, the album explores the idea that without music, the world would be a dull and lifeless place. It's an ode to the power of music and how it can bring us joy, comfort, and even salvation in the darkest of times. The songs are a mix of introspective ballads and more upbeat tracks, but they all share a common theme of celebrating the beauty and importance of music in our lives.

Fiona: Sounds like a fantastic concept for an album. When can we expect to hear it?

Morrissey: We're currently in the final stages of mixing and mastering, so I'm hoping to release it within the next few months. I'm really excited for people to hear it and hope that it will resonate with them as much as it did with me.

Fiona: That's great news. Now, you mentioned in our last interview that you had two unreleased albums. What can you tell us about them?

Morrissey: Yes, that's correct. The first one is "Bonfire of Teenagers", which is currently being held hostage by Capitol Records. Unfortunately, there have been some legal issues that have delayed the release, but we're working to resolve them as soon as possible. The second album is still in the early stages of development, but I'm really excited about the direction it's taking.

Fiona: I see. And have you made any changes to your management or record label?

Morrissey: Yes, I voluntarily parted ways with Maverick/Quest management and Capitol Records after some disagreements regarding the handling of "Bonfire of Teenagers". I'm currently exploring new management and label options and hope to have some news on that soon.

Fiona: Thank you for the update, Morrissey. We're all looking forward to hearing your new album and hope that the legal issues surrounding "Bonfire of Teenagers" can be resolved soon.

Morrissey: Thank you, it's always a pleasure to speak with you.
Hell would have to freeze over and become a family fun ice rink before he said ‘thank you it’s always a pleasure to speak to you’
How soon is soon?
But why "very" soon? Seems that Fiona totally got the assignment to be not too specific about when/if this interview will see the light of day as in true Central tradition.
good friday im going for,watching the interview while chomping on an easter egg,thats what you call a good friday.
Well let’s assume it was recorded at the end of last week (or even today with the post going out). It will then need to be edited etc so maybe that’s the vagueness.

Or perhaps there is something spicy in the interview that needs confirmation first (Gigs, ticket dates, release dates etc…)

It does seem that it’s all negativity on here, and a lot of criticism of Fiona for some reason.
its only a two camera set-up,editing wont take long.
To quote Alan Partridge whilst being interviewed by a sycophantic worshipper, “It’s well known that you are one of the toughest interviewers in the business…”

I will Moz on, I really do but the last 10-15 years have been hard graft, quality control set to very low in recorded material and live too. Soz…

Wake me when it’s over…
“Morrissey, you’re great and everything you’ve ever done in your life is also great. That’s right, isn’t it? Yes. Thought so. Great.”
Followed by:
F:"Why are the record companies conspiring together not to release your records - is it because you are so intelligent and wonderful, unlike everyone else?'
M: 'Yes, that's it exactly."
Used to share. We'll have no more of that kind of Malarkey round here!

I don’t think I’d bet on it, but all he has to do is, say, groan about the Roald Dahl books and give a good quip in doing so: Watson would make a video, and you know what would happen next.
I’m sure the interview will be very basic. Fiona doesn’t like to rock the boat. I really miss the days when he’d give witty interesting and fun interviews. I looked forward every weekend to find Morrissey in Q magazine back in the day. But I understand he’s been burned and feels the need to control interviews now…it’s just not as entertaining. But any word from Morrissey is better than nothing, so I’ll take it.
Nice. Looking forward to it. Hopefully she's asked him about the possibility of self releasing.

Well let’s assume it was recorded at the end of last week (or even today with the post going out). It will then need to be edited etc so maybe that’s the vagueness.

Or perhaps there is something spicy in the interview that needs confirmation first (Gigs, ticket dates, release dates etc…)

It does seem that it’s all negativity on here, and a lot of criticism of Fiona for some reason.
“Can I ask you what’s your current feeling of the situation Morrissey?”
“Well, ghastly rotten c¥nts mainly Fiona”

Looking forward to the honesty.
fiona dodwell

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