Eurovision 2024


you must not tamper with arrangements
The lovely Dutch act was axed a day before the final for asking a question at the wrong time, which also seems to have been inferred as anti-Semitic -

Our impish Irish entry, Bambi Thug, of whom I'm now a staunch admirer, was also forced to miss the last rehearsal, remove a tattoo in ancient Celtic writing meaning 'ceasefire', and was subject to interrogation and other obscure obstruction -

Israel's song was waved through despite breaking clear rules banning political content -

Switzerland won, I heard, but I couldn't stomach watching any of it with all those shady dealings. Am I over-reacting?
So many things here aren't true.

The Dutch act was disqualified because the singer threatened a female member of the crew. Nobody knows what happened, the matter has been handed over to the police. To claim that it was because he "asked a question at the wrong time" is wrong; it doesn't even say that in the article you linked to.

Israel's song wasn't "waved through". It got the top public vote from fourteen countries and ended up in 5th place. Many say it was the best song. They didn't break any "clear rules banning political content"; they were asked to change a lyric that was too political when they first submitted their entry in March, and they did.

And Bambie Thug wasn't "forced to miss the last rehearsal" - she missed it because she refused.
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I wish I could watch it!! As a Canadian I feel discriminated against!! 😞

You didn’t miss much, though. (Every year I promise myself not to watch it and then end up watching it anyway.)

2024 in a nutshell:

The non-binary entry got the most jury votes and won.

Israel got booed and Martin Österdahl, head of the EBU, got booed and the atmosphere was a bit tense, and there was a sigh of relief going through Malmö Arena when it became clear that Israel didn’t win.

France will present us with the same song over and over again until they finally win LOL

UK’s Olly Alexander made sure that we all understand that he is gay, in case anyone had any doubts about that.

The Greeks always bring it with their folklore/Zorba disco/Euro dance mash-ups, and they always have the best dancers and choreography!
So many things here aren't true.

The Dutch act was disqualified because the singer threatened a female member of the crew. Nobody knows what happened, the matter has been handed over to the police. To claim that it was because he "asked a question at the wrong time" is wrong; it doesn't even say that in the article you linked to.

Israel's song wasn't "waved through". It got the top public vote from fourteen countries and ended up in 5th place. Many say it was the best song. They didn't break any "clear rules banning political content"; they were asked to change a lyric that was too political when they first submitted their entry in March, and they did.

And Bambie Thug wasn't "forced to miss the last rehearsal" - she missed it because she refused.
When it comes to the subject of Israel or the Jews, goinghome seems to let reality and the facts go out the window. Apparently the Holocaust was morally and ethically in the same ballpark as cancer.
Israel's song wasn't "waved through". It got the top public vote from fourteen countries and ended up in 5th place. Many say it was the best song.

It’s not like Zionists tried to manipulate the outcome of the televote or anything because they thought it’d be good PR for Israel if they won the contest. When Israel finished second in the televote even in Ireland - probably the country with the most anti-Zionist population in the EU - you know some shenanigans were afoot. The most deceptive group of people on the planet attempted once again to deceive the public— who’d have thought it?


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It’s not like Zionists tried to manipulate the outcome of the televote or anything because they thought it’d be good PR for Israel if they won the contest. When Israel finished second in the televote even in Ireland - probably the country with the most anti-Zionist population in the EU - you know some shenanigans were afoot. The most deceptive group of people on the planet attempted once again to deceive the public— who’d have thought it?

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Yep, people don't like the Jews. We get it.
You didn’t miss much, though. (Every year I promise myself not to watch it and then end up watching it anyway.)

2024 in a nutshell:

The non-binary entry got the most jury votes and won.

Israel got booed and Martin Österdahl, head of the EBU, got booed and the atmosphere was a bit tense, and there was a sigh of relief going through Malmö Arena when it became clear that Israel didn’t win.

France will present us with the same song over and over again until they finally win LOL

UK’s Olly Alexander made sure that we all understand that he is gay, in case anyone had any doubts about that.

The Greeks always bring it with their folklore/Zorba disco/Euro dance mash-ups, and they always have the best dancers and choreography!
Olly Alexander has based his entire career on "look at me, I'm gay!" and it's so f***ing tiresome.

There's nothing novel about a gay artist competing in Eurovision. Pity no one told him.
Eurovision has become far to camp, and has been for some years now.
Long gone are the days when an act like Lorde, could ever win again.
To watch all these people, prancing about in
Ridiculous costumes, is well, very 4cking
Embarrassing to say the least.

Eurovision, is no longer a music contest.
It’s a complete waste of each country’s tax payers hard earned cash.
It should be banned.
Too camp, Baz? (That's "too camp, Baz" and not "too camp Baz"). I thought there was a hint of campness, but only a hint. I hope there'll be more next year...and full on, too.
It’s not like Zionists tried to manipulate the outcome of the televote or anything because they thought it’d be good PR for Israel if they won the contest. When Israel finished second in the televote even in Ireland - probably the country with the most anti-Zionist population in the EU - you know some shenanigans were afoot. The most deceptive group of people on the planet attempted once again to deceive the public— who’d have thought it?

View attachment 104077

It's called morale building and it's common in times of war.

Of course the Irish have good reason to hate the jews, after all, they were practicing usury in one Irish town a hundred years ago!

Btw, welcome back, honey bunny!! How was your time out?! I notice you have to wait three seconds now in between ratings! You did that, didn't you, you little scamp!!
it doesn't even say that in the article you linked to.
You are not backing up your arguments, and even if you did, isn't it hard to know how much of what's revealed can be believed?

Btw, that song by Bambie Thug was the worst thing I've ever heard or seen. It should have come with a warning label.

Spin said this about the Irish entry:

"7. Ireland: “Doomsday Blue,” by Bambie Thug
Finally, some fire! This music video starts out with burning candles and a handmade book entitled “BLAZE BIBLE,” so right away we know what we’re in for. Bambie Thug’s visual aesthetic is goth, their musical aesthetic is screaming, and their physical aesthetic is writhing.

I listened to “Doomsday Blue” three times and still had no idea what musical genre to place it in, which seemed like something I should figure out before publishing an article about it in SPIN. Eventually I asked the Internet and discovered that Bambie Thug has coined the term “Ouija-pop” to describe their music. Of course they have." -

Ouija pop? What next?! :brows:

When it comes to the subject of Israel or the Jews, goinghome seems to let reality and the facts go out the window. Apparently the Holocaust was morally and ethically in the same ballpark as cancer.

Curious. Holocausts are mass murders, perhaps genocides. They were done, and continue to be done, to population groups all around the world. When the BBC went to film the Russians rescuing survivors of concentration camps in 1945, it was their propaganda department that was at the helm. The results were evidently very effective in singling out one monstrous atrocity as worse than all the rest.

It’s not like Zionists tried to manipulate the outcome of the televote or anything because they thought it’d be good PR for Israel if they won the contest. When Israel finished second in the televote even in Ireland - probably the country with the most anti-Zionist population in the EU - you know some shenanigans were afoot...
Little did I expect Born to Harangue to sweep in and strengthen my case. :highfive: Revelations from yesterday and the day before keep confirming that we are often being fed tripe, even while all's well, say BBC scum.

At least let us be able to question the dominant narrative, which may be correct, but not always.
I saw at least as many VOTE GREECE! tweets from friends of Greece and the Greek tourism board etc in the run up to the final (I’d paste them here but I am very busy and important)!

One can legitimately accuse the Zionist lobby of evil things, but trying to get people to vote for Israel in a music competition really isn’t one.
I saw at least as many VOTE GREECE! tweets from friends of Greece and the Greek tourism board etc in the run up to the final (I’d paste them here but I am very busy and important)!

One can legitimately accuse the Zionist lobby of evil things, but trying to get people to vote for Israel in a music competition really isn’t one.

Thank you for reinforcing the anti-Zionist case. Now that you’ve admitted the Zionist lobby legitimately can be accused of evil things you have no excuse for continuing to overlook it. No one suggested their attempted manipulation of the Eurovision televote was on the same level as the genocide they’re currently carrying out, the claim was that they saw it as good PR and as an opportunity to clean up their image by making it seem like the European population is largely in support of what they’re doing. You may have seen ‘vote Greece’ tweets from the Greek tourism board, but since Greece for example isn’t at this moment annihilating tens of thousands of refugees who crossed the sea from Libya including entire families, they’re not asking people to vote for them for propagandistic purposes. So in your eagerness to have a cheap laugh at my and goinghome’s expense you granted us that the people you side with - and voted for in Eurovision - can legitimately be accused of evil things, but you just wanted to correct us that their vote manipulation wasn’t evil which wasn’t even something that had been claimed. But I know you’re busy so you don’t have time for things like coming up with well thought through arguments.
as a lover of eurovision over the decades this was really the worst ever,
its a song contest hijacked as usual by politics.
its style over substance now.

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