Christmas Card 4 Moz

  • Thread starter Merry ChristMoz* Please read!
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Merry ChristMoz* Please read!

I will be sending Moz a Christmas card this year! If you have a message that you would like to send to him.. Please email it to me at [email protected]
I will be more than happy to include your holiday greetings in the card.
Have a lovely holiday~!!
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

Personally, I'm a recovering catholic. there's no yuletide cheer in this house, no christmas tree or carols. Christmas has become so commericialized that its true meaning has been lost. And now you can't even have a Santa Claus at the mall in some towns here because it's going to offend somebody. Only politically correct "Holiday Wishes" and "open til midnight through Christmas Eve" 's abound.

i'm not a total scrooge though...i have gotten gifts for loved ones. Anger makes your skin wrinkle
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> Personally, I'm a recovering catholic. there's no yuletide cheer in this
> house, no christmas tree or carols. Christmas has become so
> commericialized that its true meaning has been lost. And now you can't
> even have a Santa Claus at the mall in some towns here because it's going
> to offend somebody. Only politically correct "Holiday Wishes"
> and "open til midnight through Christmas Eve" 's abound.

hey, i see santa and light decorations plenty of places, but then again, i also live in the south where the thought of anyone not celebrating christmas is sort of alien.

but i dunno. i still think that buried deep in that muck, and sadly, most of what anything in america revolves around is the need to buy stuff, i think the very basic idea gets through. you can go out and buy all the crummy CDs and DVD players you want for people who are on your list, but people are flying home and driving long distances to be with their family for a reason. i know that as much as i used to love getting the presents, i would also be going around for weeks and weeks counting the days we could go to grandma's.

there is a big dinner and loads of yummy desserts you won't have at any time of the year, and even if it's not for the basic idea of baby jesus, then maybe it's a reason to celebrate the basicness of our lives. i think of it like a gigantic party where everyone can get involved, unlike a friend's birthday parties or valentine's day where only a few people can come and there is a question about other people.

> i'm not a total scrooge though...i have gotten gifts for loved ones. Anger
> makes your skin wrinkle

That's when you ask santa for that fancy anti-age cream from Lancome-paris.
Re: You don't have to be Catholic to celebrate Christmas

If you think religion is a touchy subject, trying teaching school in America today! I'm tired ot tiptoeing around the subject. You have to carefully and discretely survey each class before you can even mention "Rudolph!"

Bah humbug to "winter holidays, season's greetings, let it snow, warm wishes," and all the generic terms we use instead of the old favorite "Merry Christmas."

My atheistic neighbors have just put up their Christmas tree and big red bows are on everything, even the great dane. I just got a Christmas card from my Jewish teaching assistant, and a container of homemade chocolate cookies from the Hindu school secretary.

Go figure. Maybe it is the spirit of the season not the venue.

Anyway ... Merry Christmas!
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> hey, i see santa and light decorations plenty of places, but then again, i
> also live in the south where the thought of anyone not celebrating
> christmas is sort of alien.

I live on America's north shore i.e. right on one of the Great Lakes. Typically we'd be knee deep in snow by now. We've had mild sweater weather and rain. No snow yet. Doesn't feel much like Christmas without the white stuff. Besides, it's not much fun putting up a fabulous Christmas tree when the only person who'll see it is me, and the person I love lives states away. I can look out the window and see plenty of Christmas lights if I really need to.

> but i dunno. i still think that buried deep in that muck, and sadly, most
> of what anything in america revolves around is the need to buy stuff,

and that people at Christmas time have started to get to the point where they expect gifts. And you've always got to out-do what you did for them last year because if you don't you know you'll have a disappointed person on your hands.
> think the very basic idea gets through. you can go out and buy all the
> crummy CDs and DVD players you want for people who are on your list, but
> people are flying home and driving long distances to be with their family
> for a reason. i know that as much as i used to love getting the presents,
> i would also be going around for weeks and weeks counting the days we
> could go to grandma's.

Me too. The best part of the year was going to Grandma's. But Grandma died and Grandpa followed her 7 years later due to his sadness. After Grandma died, although he didn't come out and admit it, we all know that he was trying to kill himself to be with her. After he drove his car into a pillar a couple times at high speeds, then later threw himself down a hill of concrete steps, breaking his neck, at least I knew what he was up to. He died last year days before Thanksgiving due to infection brought on by his breathing tube at the hospital. My boss at the time wouldn't let me off work to be with him the day he died because he's an asshole.

> there is a big dinner and loads of yummy desserts you won't have at any
> time of the year,

There was. Not anymore. After my Grandparents died, the rest of the family fell apart and are all doing their own things now. My obviously feminine gay cousin got married, his parents divorced, and another uncle turns out "bi". The rest of the uncles are drunks. One aunt thinks she's better than all the others. So naturally all 'the others' spend their time talking about her. I like her but my mom hates her and I'd rather not get involved. Just because she got breast implants right after her divorce doesn't mean she's a bad person! Nah, I've got my own thing to do. I don't want any part of that charade.

> and even if it's not for the basic idea of baby jesus,
> then maybe it's a reason to celebrate the basicness of our lives. i think
> of it like a gigantic party where everyone can get involved, unlike a
> friend's birthday parties or valentine's day where only a few people can
> come and there is a question about other people.

I think you're on to something there.

> That's when you ask santa for that fancy anti-age cream from
> Lancome-paris.

Eww no, do you know what's in that stuff?!?!
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> I live on America's north shore i.e. right on one of the Great Lakes.
> Typically we'd be knee deep in snow by now. We've had mild sweater weather
> and rain. No snow yet. Doesn't feel much like Christmas without the white
> stuff. Besides, it's not much fun putting up a fabulous Christmas tree
> when the only person who'll see it is me, and the person I love lives
> states away. I can look out the window and see plenty of Christmas lights
> if I really need to.

i don't worry about that stuff. i have a 3' tree plastic tree in my livingroom. nobody will probably see it, but i don't care. i like the idea of coming home and having something a little bit bright. and you plug in the lights and they have a nice little hypnotic wave and they are very peaceful. and it's also sort of a memorial tree because it has some ornaments that belonged to my grandparents and some older ones my parents don't use anymore.

> and that people at Christmas time have started to get to the point where
> they expect gifts. And you've always got to out-do what you did for them
> last year because if you don't you know you'll have a disappointed person
> on your hands.
> i

oh please. i can disappoint people every time of the year. but yes, i know about giving to receiving.

> Me too. The best part of the year was going to Grandma's. But Grandma died
> and Grandpa followed her 7 years later due to his sadness. After Grandma
> died, although he didn't come out and admit it, we all know that he was
> trying to kill himself to be with her. After he drove his car into a
> pillar a couple times at high speeds, then later threw himself down a hill
> of concrete steps, breaking his neck, at least I knew what he was up to.
> He died last year days before Thanksgiving due to infection brought on by
> his breathing tube at the hospital. My boss at the time wouldn't let me
> off work to be with him the day he died because he's an asshole.

but bosses are assholes. i haven't been in the workforce for too relatively a long time, and i've come to discover that Ebenezer Scrooge is down the hallway from most anywhere i will ever be. most have brown nosed their way in or got it because of some other extrenous circumstance. i think that deep down they know they don't deserve it, but they try to convince themselves they were better than everyone else so they do the crap that they do to make themselves feel better.

> There was. Not anymore. After my Grandparents died, the rest of the family
> fell apart and are all doing their own things now. My obviously feminine
> gay cousin got married, his parents divorced, and another uncle turns out
> "bi". The rest of the uncles are drunks. One aunt thinks she's
> better than all the others. So naturally all 'the others' spend their time
> talking about her. I like her but my mom hates her and I'd rather not get
> involved. Just because she got breast implants right after her divorce
> doesn't mean she's a bad person! Nah, I've got my own thing to do. I don't
> want any part of that charade.

it's similar here. all my grandparents are gone and everyone else is either crazy, out of state, or gone. and my sister will be off with her fiance this time around, so it will be a small group indeed, but i think that's how the cycle continues. the children get old enough to have their own children and then they all converge on the new grandma's place....i always had this matriarchal idea of grandma being the center of the family. at least, that's what i understand. there are some people about my age who have nieces and nephews and in-laws and they make it sound like it's as busy a christmas as the ones i had growing up. it's fun for them watching a little two year old saying cute things because their grasp of the world is not very full so they think their aunt lives at the airport and stuff.

> I think you're on to something there.

> Eww no, do you know what's in that stuff?!?!
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> i don't worry about that stuff. i have a 3' tree plastic tree in my
> livingroom. nobody will probably see it, but i don't care. i like the idea
> of coming home and having something a little bit bright. and you plug in
> the lights and they have a nice little hypnotic wave and they are very
> peaceful. and it's also sort of a memorial tree because it has some
> ornaments that belonged to my grandparents and some older ones my parents
> don't use anymore.

I have a reef tank in my living room which keeps me both occupied and mesmerized. The pulsing corals, the pinks and greens, all are as beautiful as any christmas tree if not more hypnotizing.

> oh please. i can disappoint people every time of the year. but yes, i know
> about giving to receiving.

> but bosses are assholes. i haven't been in the workforce for too
> relatively a long time, and i've come to discover that Ebenezer Scrooge is
> down the hallway from most anywhere i will ever be. most have brown nosed
> their way in or got it because of some other extrenous circumstance. i
> think that deep down they know they don't deserve it, but they try to
> convince themselves they were better than everyone else so they do the
> crap that they do to make themselves feel better.

Yes, it happens that way at every office. The one's who actually 'get their hands dirty' and do the work are always the ones overlooked. Smooze up to the head cheese, delegate out all your 'work', learn to play golf and you're rewarded with a fancy title, no responsibility and a free car.

> it's similar here. all my grandparents are gone and everyone else is
> either crazy, out of state, or gone. and my sister will be off with her
> fiance this time around, so it will be a small group indeed, but i think
> that's how the cycle continues. the children get old enough to have their
> own children and then they all converge on the new grandma's place....i
> always had this matriarchal idea of grandma being the center of the
> family. at least, that's what i understand. there are some people about my
> age who have nieces and nephews and in-laws and they make it sound like
> it's as busy a christmas as the ones i had growing up. it's fun for them
> watching a little two year old saying cute things because their grasp of
> the world is not very full so they think their aunt lives at the airport
> and stuff.

I'm the end of the line...only "boy" child and won't be reproducing unless science comes up with a way for a man to conceive. My two sisters, well, the one will, sad to say, end up the 'old maid' living at mom&dad's until she's 80 (her 1st love broke her heart unrepairable) and my other sister's never going to find anything other than a jerk who won't commit (but that's how she wants it). Doesn't look like there will be any children from this side of the family. Then there's my cousin who's married...but he's a closet case gay man (proof exists=I ran into him in a gay bar) so if any kids come from that home it will be via Immaculate Conception.
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> I have a reef tank in my living room which keeps me both occupied and
> mesmerized. The pulsing corals, the pinks and greens, all are as beautiful
> as any christmas tree if not more hypnotizing.


> Yes, it happens that way at every office. The one's who actually 'get
> their hands dirty' and do the work are always the ones overlooked. Smooze
> up to the head cheese, delegate out all your 'work', learn to play golf
> and you're rewarded with a fancy title, no responsibility and a free car.

you're speaking my language. yes, and to dwell on the subject, i was passed over for a promotion because I cover two jobs and they keep whining about budget cutbacks officially, and unofficially, my boss is lazy. she likes the way i do what i do, therefore, she doesn't want to replace me. when i tried to switch jobs, she made it very clear that she hated my guts. that is, until that person left and i was stuck covering both my new and old responsiblities.

and so, when i did get passed over, she made it sound like "oh we're in a bind and need someone right now that knows what's going on and i'm looking for a new job and when i leave you will get to have that other one, i promise you...."

so, of course, she is still there months later. but this other person they hired over me is leaving, and of course, i walk in after my vacation and my boss starts saying, "oh your desk is so easy! there is no work involved. now, this other desk requires *thought*. I can do your desk with my eyes closed. i can do all this stuff and be done by 3 o'clock and it ws so relaxing."

and i got insulted. she is so dumb she didn't realize that i had spent time fixing as much stuff before i left as i did so she wouldn't have do to that much. but then i found out about the job listing and reinterpreted it as "please, dear god don't apply and make *me* have to work!"

and it was easy for her. because the sales people let orders pile up and then when i came back, they dumped a ton of them on my desk while they gave her only the pressing stuff, and she managed to screw some of it up! and she has been doing this for years and years and i've only been doing this specific job since May. I found keying errors. and this is the woman that supposedly works with the "hard" job, which is a job similar to mine. and she can't even do little things of my work.

> I'm the end of the line...only "boy" child and won't be
> reproducing unless science comes up with a way for a man to conceive. My
> two sisters, well, the one will, sad to say, end up the 'old maid' living
> at mom&dad's until she's 80 (her 1st love broke her heart unrepairable)
> and my other sister's never going to find anything other than a jerk who
> won't commit (but that's how she wants it). Doesn't look like there will
> be any children from this side of the family. Then there's my cousin who's
> married...but he's a closet case gay man (proof exists=I ran into him in a
> gay bar) so if any kids come from that home it will be via Immaculate
> Conception.

heh. well, my sister plans on having kids. unless there is a problem, i believe it will happen eventually. as for me....i'm too much of a freak to be married or be a parent to anyone. i sort of identify with the old maid of your family. and i honestly don't want to raise a kid by myself. it looks very hard and my income is enough for one person. I don't want to be one of these people who has to get 2 jobs and let the kid raise themselves. i have a friend who works with special ed students, and most of them come from that sort of background. many have emotional and behavioral problems and their school abilities are grade levels behind everyone else's. some young ones she worked with had impaired speech because nobody was even around to talk to them that much.
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> you're speaking my language. yes, and to dwell on the subject, i was
> passed over for a promotion because I cover two jobs and they keep whining
> about budget cutbacks officially, and unofficially, my boss is lazy. she
> likes the way i do what i do, therefore, she doesn't want to replace me.
> when i tried to switch jobs, she made it very clear that she hated my
> guts. that is, until that person left and i was stuck covering both my new
> and old responsiblities.

> and so, when i did get passed over, she made it sound like "oh we're
> in a bind and need someone right now that knows what's going on and i'm
> looking for a new job and when i leave you will get to have that other
> one, i promise you...."

> so, of course, she is still there months later. but this other person they
> hired over me is leaving, and of course, i walk in after my vacation and
> my boss starts saying, "oh your desk is so easy! there is no work
> involved. now, this other desk requires *thought*. I can do your desk with
> my eyes closed. i can do all this stuff and be done by 3 o'clock and it ws
> so relaxing."

> and i got insulted. she is so dumb she didn't realize that i had spent
> time fixing as much stuff before i left as i did so she wouldn't have do
> to that much. but then i found out about the job listing and reinterpreted
> it as "please, dear god don't apply and make *me* have to work!"

> and it was easy for her. because the sales people let orders pile up and
> then when i came back, they dumped a ton of them on my desk while they
> gave her only the pressing stuff, and she managed to screw some of it up!
> and she has been doing this for years and years and i've only been doing
> this specific job since May. I found keying errors. and this is the woman
> that supposedly works with the "hard" job, which is a job
> similar to mine. and she can't even do little things of my work.

We just had a lady who was hired as a "regional sales representative" back in May of this year get promoted to "Regional VP" solely because the owner of my company (who's famous name you'd probably know but who will remain nameless) wants to slip her his manside. He's certainly not subtle in his lust for her either. Well since she was promoted, her boss was too because they didn't want him to get jealous. At the same time, a younger 30 something jocko sporto who sure can talk baseball and carry around a golf bag (anything that doesn't require some thought he excels in) gets promoted to Senior VP. So of course, some of the existing older 50 something VP's get jealous. One quits all together, the other cries about it and gets himself a promotion too. Meanwhile, the homophobic ex-army soldier who's hated in every one of our offices throughout the country gets promoted to Director. Director of what? He comes in stoned and on speed everyday, does nothing but toss hatred and ends up promoted with car paid for too? I just don't get corporate america.

> heh. well, my sister plans on having kids. unless there is a problem, i
> believe it will happen eventually. as for me....i'm too much of a freak to
> be married or be a parent to anyone. i sort of identify with the old maid
> of your family. and i honestly don't want to raise a kid by myself. it
> looks very hard and my income is enough for one person. I don't want to be
> one of these people who has to get 2 jobs and let the kid raise
> themselves. i have a friend who works with special ed students, and most
> of them come from that sort of background. many have emotional and
> behavioral problems and their school abilities are grade levels behind
> everyone else's. some young ones she worked with had impaired speech
> because nobody was even around to talk to them that much.

I totally agree with you here. A friend of mine since High School, brilliant girl who would have gone far ended up pregnant Senior year. She didn't go to college as planned so she could raise her kid. Now she's got a 12 year old on ritalin, works 2 jobs and has no life but stress lines. She's 30 and looks 45. Poor dear always asks herself "what if". I couldn't live life that way.
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> We just had a lady who was hired as a "regional sales
> representative" back in May of this year get promoted to
> "Regional VP" solely because the owner of my company (who's
> famous name you'd probably know but who will remain nameless) wants to
> slip her his manside. He's certainly not subtle in his lust for her
> either. Well since she was promoted, her boss was too because they didn't
> want him to get jealous. At the same time, a younger 30 something jocko
> sporto who sure can talk baseball and carry around a golf bag (anything
> that doesn't require some thought he excels in) gets promoted to Senior
> VP. So of course, some of the existing older 50 something VP's get
> jealous. One quits all together, the other cries about it and gets himself
> a promotion too. Meanwhile, the homophobic ex-army soldier who's hated in
> every one of our offices throughout the country gets promoted to Director.
> Director of what? He comes in stoned and on speed everyday, does nothing
> but toss hatred and ends up promoted with car paid for too? I just don't
> get corporate america.

i do.

i keep imagining our country is going to eventually collapse in on itself from all of its excess.

people keep mentioning the "Protestant Work Ethic" as the basis of our country. Well, some habits have no problem in dying, and so I think it should actually be called something more accurate. The very basis of America is making money. It's how this country was started. People tout this religious freedom crap, but before then, people came here to grow tobacco and to try and find gold. It continues on to this day. Everything in America revolves around making money. Even after the 9-11 ordeal, people were running around saying, "buy stuff or the terrorists will have won!" and true enough, instead of donating our time to helping those in need, even on the local level, a good many americans ran out and bought tacky plastic flags to put on their cars as some sign of support.

i mean, do you want to know why the terrorists made little difference in our economy? I think it was already on the downslide. the place i work at didn't even have a christmas party last year as a way of saving money. some guy that was hired back in May came as a layoff from an ad agency. The thing is that people were relieved to have something to pin it on out of inspiring guilt. "This terrible tragedy happened and now, we're losing money" which makes their workers shut up, and also these companies are now thinking they can get a nice handout from the government if they start running around screaming "september 11th!"

So, my conclusion is that many business owners are shameless pigs. I think they also like having the power to do what they do, and in the end, everyone is replaceable which is why it doesn't really bother them who gets what and who deserves what they get. they see everything in direct dollars, and if you aren't a sales person who can't come back at the end of the day and show an exact dollar amount of what you can do for them, then your efforts are sort of nil.

> I totally agree with you here. A friend of mine since High School,
> brilliant girl who would have gone far ended up pregnant Senior year. She
> didn't go to college as planned so she could raise her kid. Now she's got
> a 12 year old on ritalin, works 2 jobs and has no life but stress lines.
> She's 30 and looks 45. Poor dear always asks herself "what if".
> I couldn't live life that way.

yeah, there is no help or sympathy for girls who get pregnant. i suppose there is more than what there was a century ago. but i really wish what people would stop doing is thinking that if some guy willingly pays child support, he is automatically a great dad. i wish people would see guys who want to raise their kid and be part of their lives as good dads. they don't have to necessarily marry the girl.
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> i do.

> i keep imagining our country is going to eventually collapse in on itself
> from all of its excess.

Just like Rome did.

> people keep mentioning the "Protestant Work Ethic" as the basis
> of our country. Well, some habits have no problem in dying, and so I think
> it should actually be called something more accurate. The very basis of
> America is making money. It's how this country was started. People tout
> this religious freedom crap, but before then, people came here to grow
> tobacco and to try and find gold.

You're right. First the Spanish came looking for gold. In the process they killed off the great civilizations of central america. Later on the pilgrims came along and basically did the same thing. Oh we befriended the Indians at first...only to learn the ways of the land. Then once acclimated we proceed to kill most of them off and force the rest onto reservations where they still get free tobacco and alcohol courtesy of the us gov't. $15.00 a carton in an indian store on the reservation...what a deal.

> It continues on to this day. Everything
> in America revolves around making money. Even after the 9-11 ordeal,
> people were running around saying, "buy stuff or the terrorists will
> have won!" and true enough, instead of donating our time to helping
> those in need, even on the local level, a good many americans ran out and
> bought tacky plastic flags to put on their cars as some sign of support.

Did you happen to notice how much the standard cotton printed 3'x5' american flag was going for on EBay right after 9/11...anywhere from $50.00 to $350.00. That should be a crime considering that back on the 4th of July the same exact flag was selling for $14.99...and the stores were overstocked.

I've got one of those christian jesus fish on my car. Only difference between mine and the typical jesus fish you see is that mine is just the skeletal remain of the fish with "reality" imprinted down its spine. Big X for his eye with tongue hanging out the side. You should see the look of the radical born-again's face as he pulls up to my bumper and my dead fish comes into focus. LOL, it's a scream everytime!

> i mean, do you want to know why the terrorists made little difference in
> our economy? I think it was already on the downslide. the place i work at
> didn't even have a christmas party last year as a way of saving money.
> some guy that was hired back in May came as a layoff from an ad agency.

In order to save money (and partly due to the major stretch in payroll expense due to recent promotions, car allowances, etc) my company decided not to give the usual christmas bonus to everyone. Instead, we were all asked to give cash donations to the home that our company owner's retard son lives in. I guess their son isn't fit for either of their palatial mansions. He'd probably just be in the way and there are appearances to worry about.

> The thing is that people were relieved to have something to pin it on out
> of inspiring guilt. "This terrible tragedy happened and now, we're
> losing money" which makes their workers shut up, and also these
> companies are now thinking they can get a nice handout from the government
> if they start running around screaming "september 11th!"

> So, my conclusion is that many business owners are shameless pigs. I think
> they also like having the power to do what they do, and in the end,
> everyone is replaceable which is why it doesn't really bother them who
> gets what and who deserves what they get. they see everything in direct
> dollars, and if you aren't a sales person who can't come back at the end
> of the day and show an exact dollar amount of what you can do for them,
> then your efforts are sort of nil.

Yes, it's usually the sales people who reap the rewards. My function could be called profit finding in reverse...I save the company money by auditing expenses. I save them thousands weekly, money that if not audited would have been spent, but do you think anyone recognizes that? Hell no, I'm just the auditor in the corner office carpel tunneling from all the numbers.

> yeah, there is no help or sympathy for girls who get pregnant. i suppose
> there is more than what there was a century ago. but i really wish what
> people would stop doing is thinking that if some guy willingly pays child
> support, he is automatically a great dad. i wish people would see guys who
> want to raise their kid and be part of their lives as good dads. they
> don't have to necessarily marry the girl.

A dad who only pays child support without giving his child any regular attention is not much of a dad at all. A real father is there, not only financially, but physically and emotionally as well. A real father has a genuine interest in the well being and upbringing of his child. And you're right, he doesn't necessarily have to marry the girl. A real dad can do all those things without the strings of marriage.
Re: Is he a practicing catholic, or a recovering catholic?

> Just like Rome did.

> You're right. First the Spanish came looking for gold. In the process they
> killed off the great civilizations of central america. Later on the
> pilgrims came along and basically did the same thing. Oh we befriended the
> Indians at first...only to learn the ways of the land. Then once
> acclimated we proceed to kill most of them off and force the rest onto
> reservations where they still get free tobacco and alcohol courtesy of the
> us gov't. $15.00 a carton in an indian store on the reservation...what a
> deal.

> Did you happen to notice how much the standard cotton printed 3'x5'
> american flag was going for on EBay right after 9/11...anywhere from
> $50.00 to $350.00. That should be a crime considering that back on the 4th
> of July the same exact flag was selling for $14.99...and the stores were
> overstocked.

i've noticed that many department stores have some on their shelves, and it seems that people are starting to remove their flags from their cars, so it's sort of passed.

the funniest thing i saw was a 2 minute ad on TV where they were hocking cheap plastic laminated flags and the entire ad was "wait, there's more!"

> I've got one of those christian jesus fish on my car. Only difference
> between mine and the typical jesus fish you see is that mine is just the
> skeletal remain of the fish with "reality" imprinted down its
> spine. Big X for his eye with tongue hanging out the side. You should see
> the look of the radical born-again's face as he pulls up to my bumper and
> my dead fish comes into focus. LOL, it's a scream everytime!

many people i know drive around with the fish with the feet on it and the inside has "darwin" across it's belly. i like that one myself.

> In order to save money (and partly due to the major stretch in payroll
> expense due to recent promotions, car allowances, etc) my company decided
> not to give the usual christmas bonus to everyone. Instead, we were all
> asked to give cash donations to the home that our company owner's retard
> son lives in. I guess their son isn't fit for either of their palatial
> mansions. He'd probably just be in the way and there are appearances to
> worry about.

that's really bad. i think that money should go to someone who actually needs it and not to the son of some well off people.

true, there are others who live at that home, but jeez....

last year, we didn't get a chirstmas bonus either. we got a card and it said that a donation to some charity (whose name they left off the card and we were never told who it was) was made in our names. which, i'm sure they money they spent printing up these lovely cards was probably more than what they actually donated on our behalf.

> Yes, it's usually the sales people who reap the rewards. My function could
> be called profit finding in reverse...I save the company money by auditing
> expenses. I save them thousands weekly, money that if not audited would
> have been spent, but do you think anyone recognizes that? Hell no, I'm
> just the auditor in the corner office carpel tunneling from all the
> numbers.

yeah it sucks, but then again, it sadly looks like the model for our lives. i'm not hardy enough to go live in the woods and subsist off the land. and you think "oh, i can work for myself" or blah blah, but in the end, there is everything else around you that is demanding those same sorts of restrictions. Even if you sat down tomorrow and said, "i'm going to write the great american novel" about the only way it's going to go anywhere is if someone else smells money in it. the aspects of good art and bad art are irrelevant. i mean, yes, you might be able to sell it to some cult publisher or sell it on the internet, but the chances of actually being able to use that as your only means of support are about one in a million. you're still going to have to work at Burger King.

it's just such a pervasive thing. it's the basic idea of how we should live and what our lives mean.

> A dad who only pays child support without giving his child any regular
> attention is not much of a dad at all. A real father is there, not only
> financially, but physically and emotionally as well. A real father has a
> genuine interest in the well being and upbringing of his child. And you're
> right, he doesn't necessarily have to marry the girl. A real dad can do
> all those things without the strings of marriage.

but i'm tired of it. you see these people who applaud some guy on these talk shows because he sends money, and then they have paternity tests to see who should be the one "paying money" for this kid. and all the while you've got these morons screaming at each other "that ain't my kid!" i mean, it's no wonder why there are as many screwed up people out there as there are. and nobody seems to care. they are all selfish and think of how they can get out of it.

you have these people everywhere that act like its a shock that someone can get pregnant after you have sex, and you have to think "what were they thinking? that if you don't use protection that it will just sort of disappear into nevernever land unless you were married to them?"
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