"Bigmouth strikes again and again: why Morrissey fans feel so betrayed" by Tim Jonze - The Guardian

Another hatchet job in The Guardian

Bigmouth strikes again and again: why Morrissey fans feel so betrayed - The Guardian
By Tim Jonze

Once his songs of loneliness and shyness made him a hero to misfits and outsiders. Yet now he is voicing his support for a far-right party

Morrissey response:
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Oh, really? All true culture is kenetic. Never at all in stasis. To survive, it changes and elvolves daily. It doesn't pine for a past you clearly don't have a clue about.
Individuals like you aren't in any way whatsoever representatives of the White working classes I grew up amongst. It's safe to say you've more contempt and disdain for the working classes than the middle classes you scapegoat - as do your role models, such as Farage and Yaxley-Lennon.
See how he skulked off before the votes were announced, rather than face up to the graphically illustrated fact that he's no more a "man of the people" than Prince Charles is a true Cockney born within the sound of the Bow Bells.
Carry on pining all you want. It'll achieve nothing - other than feed your pitiful and pathetic need for self-serving "victimhood".

If you dont think culture can pine for a past you clearly dont understand why millions voted for Brexit.
Morrissey yearns for a past. It may well be a past that is gone - but that doesnt make him racist.
Man oh man. Morrissey is a racist. Look up the definition. I can’t believe there is even a debate about this. Read his own words. Look at what he does - wearing a far right badge.

I know it may be hard for some of you to accept, but he is a far right, sick, racist. Simple as that. Sorry fools, but it’s the truth

Nothing about Moz says he is racist.
Such redundant thin gruel from the usual suspects here and in the media. And they actually believe they’re right, which is truly hilarious.
Such redundant thin gruel from the usual suspects here and in the media. And they actually believe they’re right, which is truly hilarious.

Morrissey couldn’t even sell half of the tickets for his last, disastrous European tour. So yeah, we are “right.” But you keep holding on to your delusions of grandeur that he is still a popular artist here anymore.
I was thinking today though how Morrissey really has smashed his reputation to pieces in the UK now and I honestly don't think he will recover from this one . I can't even imagine the outcry there will be if he ever announces another UK tour / show . There will literally be protests outside the venue . I don't see it really affecting him much outside of the UK but I think he could be finished here now . Sure he will still have his fans but in the current climate of virtue signalling ultra left I don't think any promoters etc will want to align themselves with him anymore

Yes, I think you're 100% right about this. Justified or not, there's no way he can play UK shows for at least the rest of this year.

Oddly, I was driving around in the warm(ish) weather today with the windows down, with California Son playing, and it felt transgressive - for the first time since the early days of the Smiths, when playing those records risked (for me, at least) getting beaten up at school for being weird/gay/whatever.

And as others have mentioned, I wonder if - in some twisted way - this appeals to Morrissey. The outsider art / victimhood aspect of it all. It would be so, so easy to climb down, back off a bit - but he doesn't.
Morrissey couldn’t even sell half of the tickets for his last, disastrous European tour. So yeah, we are “right.” But you keep holding on to your delusions of grandeur :lbf:that he is still a popular artist here anymore.

Maybe Jonze and Haslam will start a band, it really is what modern day Britain deserves, enjoy ! :p:thumb:




Yes, I think you're 100% right about this. Justified or not, there's no way he can play UK shows for at least the rest of this year.

Oddly, I was driving around in the warm(ish) weather today with the windows down, with California Son playing, and it felt transgressive - for the first time since the early days of the Smiths, when playing those records risked (for me, at least) getting beaten up at school for being weird/gay/whatever.

And as others have mentioned, I wonder if - in some twisted way - this appeals to Morrissey. The outsider art / victimhood aspect of it all. It would be so, so easy to climb down, back off a bit - but he doesn't.

He will never play in the UK again. It's tragic.
Oh, really? All true culture is kenetic. Never at all in stasis. To survive, it changes and elvolves daily. It doesn't pine for a past you clearly don't have a clue about.
Individuals like you aren't in any way whatsoever representatives of the White working classes I grew up amongst. It's safe to say you've more contempt and disdain for the working classes than the middle classes you scapegoat - as do your role models, such as Farage and Yaxley-Lennon.
See how he skulked off before the votes were announced, rather than face up to the graphically illustrated fact that he's no more a "man of the people" than Prince Charles is a true Cockney born within the sound of the Bow Bells.
Carry on pining all you want. It'll achieve nothing - other than feed your pitiful and pathetic need for self-
serving "victimhood".

The middle class love victimhood.......their whole brain pattern revolves around it. Unless you're whitey course.:brows:
I went through a period of time thinking maybe he wasn’t racist, but I definitely believed he was xenophobic and islamaphobic. Now I think he’s actually racist as well. He is very well aware of he crowd he is courting now (just look at the blunt racists and neo-nazi’s that are infesting this website,) and he hasn’t come out and said anything to denounce these types of people that are publicly championing him! Not a single f***ing word. Some of these people aren’t even what I would call far-right, more like extreme-right. He showed admiration for LePen for Christ’s sake. f*** him.

Do white people like to be bombed and raped and the victims of crime? Asking for a friend.
Actually he was blaming the parents. And rightly. What parent let's their 14year old go to an older máns hotelroom. Did you frequent older men's bedrooms at 14? Is that the norm?
Common sense has gone out the window
Read the story. His parents were in the same business as Spacey. He worked to earn their trust. Spacey told him to watch tv in the bedroom while he partied. The 14 year old and parents were convinced he was ok. It was 30!years ago and Spacey had no reputation. Also, anyone who blames anyone but the perpetrator is clearly a c***.
Do white people like to be bombed and raped and the victims of crime? Asking for a friend.

You’re a complete f***ing moron. I’m white, I’ve never been bombed, raped, or whatever other fear-induced scenario you would like to create. Neither have any of the white people I know. Cause those things only happen to poor, innocent white people of course. You’re such a sad attempt at a troll, you really are.
.Why people put so much effort in destroy Moz career when there's real problems out there and they do nothing. Stop the lies, don't believe whatever people say about Moz. Where's a video showing what Moz said? Press used this same tactic in the past. You only see what your eyes want to see. The real fans know that Morrissey is a good person and one of the few revolutionaries remaining.

WONDERFUL!!! Pelayo really said it all.

The bums will always try to derail the greats (but they really CAN'T succeed in the end, because greatness shines). Also, people get a little more STRANGE in their old age, just an FYI.

Don't you love the songs/music enough?

Forgive the man. When he closes his eyes, he dreams of an old England, his old home - a place that's not the same anymore. Immigration is not necessarily connected to race all of the time. Maybe he did have too much to drink - I could totally believe that, but we don't need to be so sensitive. Last time I checked, Morrissey is not the Prime Minister.

You could still love the music. I still like Rock and Roll Part 2, it's played at every hockey game I attend. I could care less if Glitter is rotting in prison (or a tower!) - I really dig the tune.
You’re a complete f***ing moron. I’m white, I’ve never been bombed, raped, or whatever other fear-induced scenario you would like to create. Neither have any of the white people I know. Cause those things only happen to poor, innocent white people of course. You’re such a sad attempt at a troll, you really are.

If you'd have been the victim of terrorism..........you'd likely be dead knucklehead.
Seems to me like that article is much ado about nothing. 'National Front Disco' is not a racist song. Wearing a Union Jack flag is not racist. Minger Spice wore a Union Jack outfit at the Brits but is that ok because she was empty headed and had cleavage? Moz saying you won't hear a British accent in Knightsbridge isn't a racist comment if its accurate. Him wearing a For Britain pin/badge is his own business. His question about the 14 year old in Spacey's bedroom is the same question many people have asked. Ok maybe Moz is a grumpy complainer but that's no reason to burn him at the stake.

I hate a lot of rap music, actually all of it. I hate reggae too. Am I racist because I dislike shit music? That means everyone who hates Bin Jovi and that little ginger bollox with the guitar are racist too.
If you'd have been the victim of terrorism..........you'd likely be dead knucklehead.

Though to be fair, there are plenty who TERRORIZE this website.
If you'd have been the victim of terrorism..........you'd likely be dead knucklehead.

You do know that the chances of getting struck by lightning are far greater than being a “victim of terrorism,” right? You knucklehead. Should I not step outside, and fear and hate nature as well? God damn f***ing lightening! Coming here into this country and striking me down my neck! Why I oughta...!
Maybe it's time artists begin to rate musical magazines and reviewers. Morrissey already did it by means of not giving The Guardian a copy of his last album.
Ergo, Morrissey rated The Guardian 0/5.
You do know that the chances of getting struck by lightning are far greater than being a “victim of terrorism,” right? You knucklehead. Should I not step outside, and fear and hate nature as well? God damn f***ing lightening! Coming here into this country and striking me down my neck! Why I oughta...!

A buddy of mine lives in West Virginia (lots of big hills/mountains/etc). He's actually been struck twice in his life. Crazy.
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