Article: "World Peace..." reviews (A.V. Club, NY Daily News, LA Times, Michigan Daily, Newsday, Digi

Links posted by Belligerent Ghoul:

After a 5-year lull, Morrissey returns—and shrugs
by by Jason Heller (Grade C-) - A.V. Club

Review by Jim Farber
(3 of 5 stars) - New York Daily News

Morrissey's diatribes in 'World Peace' poke, prod, provoke by Mikael Wood (3 stars) - Los Angeles Times

Morrissey repackages the same old idiosyncrasies on 'World Peace' by Adam Depollo (Grade C) - The Michigan Daily

Bold and brash by Glenn Gamboa (Grade B) - Newsday

Review by Mayer Nissim (3 1/2 of 5 stars) - Digital Spy

Review by Matthew Miller (Grade C-) - Pretty Much Amazing

Hit Or Shit? Morrissey’s ‘World Peace Is None Of Your Business’ by Matilda Edwards - Tone Deaf

Anders sends the link:

Manden, der ikke vil kaldes en mand by Anders Houmøller Thomsen (5 of 6 stars) - Jyllands-Posten (Danish)
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Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (A.V. Club, NY Daily News, LA Times, Michigan Daily, Newsday,

The consensus that it is OK continues to build momentum.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (A.V. Club, NY Daily News, LA Times, Michigan Daily, Newsday,

Interesting that the rave reviews are coming from Britain whereas the less fulsome tend to be American. It's often been the other way round in recent years. A transatlantic divide is leading to a consensus somewhere in-between, if you can call it a consensus under such circumstances.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (A.V. Club, NY Daily News, LA Times, Michigan Daily, Newsday,

Read over 30 reviews. Noticed some trends.
Magazine reviews more positive than newspaper.
Digital more positive than print.
UK more positive than US.
Continental Europe more positive than UK.
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