An open letter to forum poster "biru"

I just died a little. Nugz... peaches and crrrreeeeammm... meow.
Wow, I can play the drum intro to "Sing Your Life" on my stomach to perfection.
Re: biru

homo biruvius:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
species:homo sapien
sub species: homo sapien sapien


lifestyle: semi aboreal - forages for food at night
diet: omnivorous, mostly eats vegetation from trees and flowers, but will occasionally eat small insects and grubs;particularly fond of saplings and shoots of young trees
disposition: neutral, shy, will generally use its great speed and agility to avoid conflict, but when cornered will fight with a fierce ferociousness
enemies: many pubescent moz-soloers chasing her with hard-ons
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biru cuntsniff don't look back draizecantfight draizeisamoron ebonics ftl peaches & cream run now stfu bluejag
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