An internet question

  • Thread starter Trouble loves me
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Trouble loves me

I've noticed, since certain people on this site are trying to unmask their enemies, that the internet connection from which people post is subject to change; for instance, mine is a BT central line and whilst the range remains steady at 86, the number afterwards changes from anything between 129 to 134.
What does it mean, and does it have any relevance to where you live?
Do these people arguing in chat rooms for example live anywhere near me in Sheffield if they're posting with the same range and similar following number? (is it called an IP address?)

Lots of questions, but I'm internet illiterate, and also wary that i don't want to be accused of being someone i'm not and aquiring a cyberstalker who can find out where i live.

Any explanation will be much appreciated.
> I've noticed, since certain people on this site are trying to unmask their
> enemies, that the internet connection from which people post is subject to
> change; for instance, mine is a BT central line and whilst the range
> remains steady at 86, the number afterwards changes from anything between
> 129 to 134.
> What does it mean, and does it have any relevance to where you live?
> Do these people arguing in chat rooms for example live anywhere near me in
> Sheffield if they're posting with the same range and similar following
> number? (is it called an IP address?)

> Lots of questions, but I'm internet illiterate, and also wary that i don't
> want to be accused of being someone i'm not and aquiring a cyberstalker
> who can find out where i live.

> Any explanation will be much appreciated.

There are not enough ip addresses to go around as when the net was set up sometime ago it wasnt envisaged the number of users today so most servers give out dynamic ip addresses. This is a spare address unused at that time. Your ips will normally only change within a certain range.With bt this will mean usually about 4 ranges.
> There are not enough ip addresses to go around as when the net was set up
> sometime ago it wasnt envisaged the number of users today so most servers
> give out dynamic ip addresses. This is a spare address unused at that
> time. Your ips will normally only change within a certain range.With bt
> this will mean usually about 4 ranges.

If of course the site owner displayed the full ip address it would be easier to spot who was who, but you would still need to remember several nunmbers for each person.

This though would bring up the issue of privacy and security and is probably the reason why only the server is shown when you post.
You seem to know a lot about it Gerbil, cat got your tail?
Check all posts relating to Monday January the 23rd, I.P address's were shown

Instead of the range, David appears to of reverted an idea back to the range suddenly after a certain person called Brian Epstein begun posting,you probably noticed that the whole reason of the range, is to hope Ison stays away because of a lack of identity, proof, in turn after she was banned you saw this as an opportunity to brand random bt central plus users as Mitford, why say this when 'Morrissey,Forever' is the alleged chat user to have told Ison the culprit is Paul, i also noticed after 'Investigating' yesterday that you registered on Rourkes website just after Ison was banned, how can you say your not Mitford or Morrissen either when on this website it appears to be clear that you are looking for a scape goat rather desparatley so, it would seem after the rumour began circulating you were setup as a decoy to protect the interests of 'Freeyourself'.
I notice now you are looking to blame people from the guest book, i never used the guest book i never signed it, and it was shut down ages ago to be replaced with something more constructive, the recent fluctuation in posting here seems to be because of one mans attempt to defend himself against being branded after someone found something out, because he knows it's the truth and people would believe it so he needed a decoy blah blah blah.
If you were that ommportant you wouldnt be here in the first place. Worry not.

If y
One day this,one day that

> Instead of the range, David appears to of reverted an idea back to the
> range suddenly after a certain person called Brian Epstein begun
> posting,you probably noticed that the whole reason of the range, is to
> hope Ison stays away because of a lack of identity, proof, in turn after
> she was banned you saw this as an opportunity to brand random bt central
> plus users as Mitford, why say this when 'Morrissey,Forever' is the
> alleged chat user to have told Ison the culprit is Paul, i also noticed
> after 'Investigating' yesterday that you registered on Rourkes website
> just after Ison was banned, how can you say your not Mitford or Morrissen
> either when on this website it appears to be clear that you are looking
> for a scape goat rather desparatley so, it would seem after the rumour
> began circulating you were setup as a decoy to protect the interests of
> 'Freeyourself'.
> I notice now you are looking to blame people from the guest book, i never
> used the guest book i never signed it, and it was shut down ages ago to be
> replaced with something more constructive, the recent fluctuation in
> posting here seems to be because of one mans attempt to defend himself
> against being branded after someone found something out, because he knows
> it's the truth and people would believe it so he needed a decoy blah blah
> blah.

You seem to be having some trouble making up your mind.First I`m freeyourself who according to you (and someone in the chatroom) is Mitford/morissen,then yesterday I`m Irene and today I`m a decoy for freeyourself.
Also I dont know where you get that I registered on the Rourke board after Ison was banned from,although it did cross my mind that you might be "Grim Weeper" there in addition to being morissen of course.Btw I noticed you spelt the character morissen`s name wrong.Any significance to that? not trying to throw anyone off the scent by any chance? Incidently, reading the Rourke board it would seem that morissen (widely believed to be Mitford) has difficulty making his mind up too...Strange that

But anyway,I think most people with an ounce of sense between their ears that are interested in this saga (and that might not be many as there are more important things to discuss) will be able to judge who is who and what is what in this case.Especially of course after reading your garbled nonsense above.

My advice is to give it up before you appear even more stupid,first you cyber stalked Andy Ison and now you`re stalking freeyourself and for what?....Nothing....Because at the end of the day you`re just a screen name and mean nothing in reality to anyone.
Garble Gerbil and Freeyourself as Thick as thieves

Or thats as it looks to most, Freeyourself appears too much of fool to post anything half decent here a bit like you instead he attacks and wants to terrorize random people,just to set the record straight (again) f***hole you appear to have less intellect than previously considered,the blunt theory above seems to have made you go for the bait of trying to answer back you did well you did as i expected, you tried to blame me.

"But anyway,I think most people with an ounce of sense between their gerbil ears that are interested in this saga and that might not be many as there are more important things to discuss will be able to judge who is who and what is what in this case.Especially of course after reading your garbled nonsense above."

Sense involved huh? that counts you out then.

"My advice is to give it up before you appear even more stupid,first you cyber stalked Andy Ison(have i? prove it asshole) and now you`re stalking freeyourself(freeyourself started stalking me c*** get it right gerbil) and for what?....Nothing....Because at the end of the day you`re just a screen name(isn't everyone) and mean nothing in reality to anyone(apart from you it would seem)."

There you go again, trying to shift the blame onto me somewhat pathetic it would seem to most people,but rather than stoop to your level and blame you, can you prove it's me? can you prove it isnt you? Can you? without full I.P address shown, the post you make seems so obsolete you can't prove it is or isn't anyone.
you`re just a screen name too huh?
"Grim Weeper" so im the grim weeper now don't you mean the "Grim Reeper"? and as for mispelling morrissen(btw what do you consider to be significant about that, jeez) im not pedantic like a load of of people are on here.
Case Closed

You seem a touch angry,but never mind, I have better things to do with my time than become embroiled with a paranoid stalker over the net, so for me the debate is over and the case closed.
I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough

> What does it mean, and does it have any relevance to where you live?
> Do these people arguing in chat rooms for example live anywhere near me in
> Sheffield if they're posting with the same range and similar following
> number? (is it called an IP address?)

You seem like a nice person, so let's hope they live far away. ;-)
Re: An interenet question

> If of course the site owner displayed the full ip address it would be
> easier to spot who was who, but you would still need to remember several
> nunmbers for each person.

> This though would bring up the issue of privacy and security and is
> probably the reason why only the server is shown when you post.

This raises an interesting question. What is the point of showing the IP anyway? Anyone that wants to can get around it by using a proxy and since it doesn't truly identify anyone it seems pretty pointless. In fact, all it has done is lead to a lot of accusations that are based on misunderstandings of what might appear to be solid evidence.

All you have to do to disguise your IP is use a proxy. You can find a list of them here.
It's pretty easy to use them. You don't need any special programs. If you don't understand how to use it you can search for "how to configure a proxy in firefox" or whatever you use.

It might seem like I am trying to cause trouble by encouraging more anonymous posting but like the amatuer satellite trackers I am providing a valuable service!

Amatuer Spy Satellite Trackers
> This raises an interesting question. What is the point of showing the IP
> anyway? Anyone that wants to can get around it by using a proxy and since
> it doesn't truly identify anyone it seems pretty pointless. In fact, all
> it has done is lead to a lot of accusations that are based on
> misunderstandings of what might appear to be solid evidence.

> All you have to do to disguise your IP is use a proxy. You can find a list
> of them here. It's pretty easy to
> use them. You don't need any special programs. If you don't understand how
> to use it you can search for "how to configure a proxy in
> firefox" or whatever you use.

> It might seem like I am trying to cause trouble by encouraging more
> anonymous posting but like the amatuer satellite trackers I am providing a
> valuable service!

You are right anyone can use an anonymizer/proxy but the majority dont and apparently they crash a lot and are a pain to use.I say apparently because although I havent used one I`ve heard this.Correct me if that statement is wrong.

Before ip addresses were shown in part the board was even crazier than it is now (although it does have relatively quiet periods of course) and the site owner probably felt he had to do something.The improvment was only slight though as many people can be on a particular server.Some posters have numbers displayed but i`m not sure if this is the full set of numbers or not and it probably means also that the server is a smaller one.

Anyone using an anonymizer will have constanly changing numbers and not the more limited range of numbers from a genuine dynamic ip address so it could still be possible to spot them,but obviously more difficult than a non user.

I personally am in favour of the full ip addresses being displayed even though it would still mean most poster with dynamic ip`s having several sets of different numbers (within a certain range) and let the few determined proxy users run amok.I`m not the site owner though of course and I appreciate the privacy/security dilemma too.

All said and done however the argument is,should the site be regulated or a free for all? Or as it is now,partly controlled through (inconsistent) moderating and ip addresses being partially shown with posts?

I suspect it all depends on whether anyone is a troll,semi troll or definite non troll on what view one takes.
> You are right anyone can use an anonymizer/proxy but the majority dont and
> apparently they crash a lot and are a pain to use.I say apparently because
> although I havent used one I`ve heard this.Correct me if that statement is
> wrong.

> Before ip addresses were shown in part the board was even crazier than it
> is now (although it does have relatively quiet periods of course) and the
> site owner probably felt he had to do something.The improvment was only
> slight though as many people can be on a particular server.Some posters
> have numbers displayed but i`m not sure if this is the full set of numbers
> or not and it probably means also that the server is a smaller one.

> Anyone using an anonymizer will have constanly changing numbers and not
> the more limited range of numbers from a genuine dynamic ip address so it
> could still be possible to spot them,but obviously more difficult than a
> non user.

> I personally am in favour of the full ip addresses being displayed even
> though it would still mean most poster with dynamic ip`s having several
> sets of different numbers (within a certain range) and let the few
> determined proxy users run amok.I`m not the site owner though of course
> and I appreciate the privacy/security dilemma too.

> All said and done however the argument is,should the site be regulated or
> a free for all? Or as it is now,partly controlled through (inconsistent)
> moderating and ip addresses being partially shown with posts?

> I suspect it all depends on whether anyone is a troll,semi troll or
> definite non troll on what view one takes.

I think that these "anonymizers" do crash because they cycle through a list of IP's. For some reason some of these IP's in the list will be rejected at certain sites. I don't know the technical reasons. I just know that I did it as a challenge to see if I could.
So instead of using a tool like anonymizer or switchproxy to switch proxies every 2 minutes or whatever interval, you just pick one number that works and use it. Under tools, options, connections, eventually you'll find something similar to connect by proxy. All you do is paste your chosen number in that box and select that proxy. If it works the first time it won't crash. But those lists are updated daily. You would need a new proxy the next day.

Also I am not talking about these lists you subscribe to. I am talking about finding the free list ans just picking a number off of it. The subscription services may be different.

The other question is more philosophical, whether to post full IP's or not. I think that if people make threats their IP should be noted by someone in control of this site and that it should be reported. The problem, although it is a felony in some places to make threats via electronic means (phone, internet,etc) I looked this up when death threats were made at another site. I could only find one case where a person had been prosecuted and he had threatened hundreds of people because of their race, so there were more issues involved.

I believe that if you went to the police and reported that you were threatened at a website they would tell you to stop visiting that site and eliminate all contact with the person that threatened you. There is harassment which is another thing and for which I'm sure you could make a civil claim, but really how much is it going to cost to sue someone across the country or in another country, and what damaged could you ever hope to collect?

I am against the posting of the IP's not because I think it would make it harder for trolls, but because it is a half-measure that doesn't seem to serve much purpose. I agree with you that posting the complete IP makes more sense than posting a partial, but then what if one of these people uses your IP as a clue to where you live? One person here has repeatedly threatened me, members of my family, and even threatened more than once "I will boil your dog". Because I have told the type of work I do, it wouldn't be that hard to find me if the person knew what town I lived in. He has harrassed other posters attempting to get them to tell him my address. It isn't that I think he would really carry out a threat but we have seen other people's names, addresses, descriptions of the buildings they work in, and more, all posted here. I don't want to be harrassed at work and I don't want someone to figure out where I live so that I would have to have that small chance that they might actually show up. I believe that people that post with an aol address would still have there IP hidden anyway.

I know it may have been worse before. I used to see pictures posted here and that was abused and taken away. I think it is probably just too much work to patrol the site to the degree that it would take to eliminate all of the inappropriate posts, so I understand why posting IP's was tried. I don't think it has worked though. Some of the worst incidents I ever saw here or anywhere else happened with IP's visible.

So my choices would be in order
1 post no IP's, it doesn't work
2 post full IP's, don't let people hide, block aol
3 continue as we're going and hope for the best
Re: Case Closed

>why don't you just give it a rest, anyone on here can see your trying to make me look like a stalker, you don't listen do you, nobody is able to prove anything which means you're attempting to stir up trouble,if you use a proxy like described you could be freeyourself or his acomplice, you just cross me as similar to him, case closed.
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