A T T E N T I O N Morrissey...


Still Waiting

I'm STILL waiting. As your dwindling fanbase bicker amungst themselves, throwing harsh words so carelessly at eachother on this website in an attempt to maintain the smallest shred of sanity, I sit back and wait for something to happen. The state of this board illustrates beautifully what happens when the flock are left hungry for your words. It's maddening, the stench of restlessness, how much patience must I muster?

To pilfer threw these meaningless threads without any real glimmer of hope of what's to come, I ask myself why I still bother. You know the reason to that for it's all about you and what only you do so well.

Feed me, I'm dying, it's too cold outside.
This post was great, until that damned horrible grammar had to kick in!
> I'm STILL waiting. As your dwindling fanbase bicker amungst
> themselves, throwing harsh words so carelessly at eachother on
> this website in an attempt to maintain the smallest shred of
> sanity, I sit back and wait for something to happen. The state
> of this board illustrates beautifully what happens when the
> flock are left hungry for your words. It's maddening, the stench
> of restlessness, how much patience must I muster?

All too true.. I write about music here and things of a literary nature.. And, strangely, feel guilty for it. But what else is there to do? Without any real Morrissey activity to discuss the only valid thing I can contribute here is to spend time talking about current bands and songs that may be of interest to the Moz Solo colective.

So many people here distract themsleves in vendettas and abuse.. the beauty and the flaw in freedom of speech I suppose!

But when it comes to it.. I am sure we'd all stand together.

Let's all get married!
Other than a few typos, there's nothing wrong with the grammar. Piss off, bitch!
:::Clapping::: Yes, you are a royal idiot.

Let's see:

"Pilfer 'threw';"

"the reason 'to';"

Though I must say the sentence that surrounds that specific "to" is rather nonsensical in it's own way, so I would have to ask what you meant by THAT one...Originally read it looked as if it should be spelled "too;" however, going back over it, I wasn't quite sure what "You know the reason 'to' that for it's all about you..." means, nor what context to lay it within ???

So, FO, you freak.

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