YOR Billboard in London


Active Member
A friend of mine is visiting London and just sent me this:


I think this won't fit my scanner, so it's likely that it won't be on www.vulgarpicture.com
Nice. Did your friend say where it was? I haven't spotted anything so far this week.

He's a tourist there, so I'm not sure if he'll remember... but I asked it in an email right now. If he responds, I'll post here
Is it near Brick Lane, perchance?
Nice! I need one of those at the end of my street.:D

Too bad the babe got cut off.
Being a dedictaed trainspotter (not really but I do use the trains a bit) I've seen posters for the album at St Pancras, Euston, Paddington and Leicester.

I've also seen it advertised at various tube stations. Obviously they're trying....

Can't see the LP going in at number one myself but may stick around for all of 3 weeks!!!
There's one on Mare Street in East London across the road from SPACE and the London Fields pub for those who are interested...
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