"World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes, Divirta-se)

Links posted by Belligerent Ghoul:

Light that never goes out has now lost its glow by Eamon Sweeney - Independent.ie
Morrissey's return to the music world is great news for fans . . . just don't expect to be wowed by his latest lyrical 'genius'

Review by Andrew P Street (0 of 10 stars) - FasterLouder
Despite a chequered solo career, World Peace is None of Your Business is something genuinely amazing: the objectively worst thing Morrissey has ever done

Review by Brent Stavig - Seattle Music Insider
Morrissey’s tenth solo album is an odd hodge-podge of studio tinkering, random sound effects, half-completed songs, Spanish guitar, and brilliant vocals...

Review by Sharon Moldavi - Globes (Hebrew)

Morrissey resgata origens e explora novos sons em 'World peace is none of your business' by Mariana Peixoto - Divirta-se (Portuguese)
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Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

It's grand to see you back. Out of nothing other than mordant curiosity, do tell us which contemporary artists and albums you do like and listen to?

Why do they have to be contemporary? Do you walk into a bookshop and only limit yourself to new books?

But,um, off top of head, I love the music of the following who are all alive and doing great stuff:

Bonnie Prince Billy
Blue Rose Code
James Vincent McMorrow
Sons of Kemet
Felice Brothers
Bill Callahan
Sun Kil Moon
Scott Walker
The Unthanks
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

I'm fascinated by the supposition that an album is to 'make the grade' in order to be accepted. Notwithstanding the rubrics for this subjective measurement are bollocks. The notion that one can enhance or reduce the value of something, while concurrently doing nothing, is a delicious bit of ego. Particularly when dealt in excess.

It ultimately comes down to the most basic of statements - either you like it or you don't. The emphasis on grades and rankings speaks only of grades and rankings. It says nothing to me about my life.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Why do they have to be contemporary? Do you walk into a bookshop and only limit yourself to new books?

But,um, off top of head, I love the music of the following who are all alive and doing great stuff:

Bonnie Prince Billy
Blue Rose Code
James Vincent McMorrow
Sons of Kemet
Felice Brothers
Bill Callahan
Sun Kil Moon
Scott Walker
The Unthanks

Coffee-table music for white squares, basically.
Who in their right mind still listens to Beck lol??
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

I'm fascinated by the supposition that an album is to 'make the grade' in order to be accepted. Notwithstanding the rubrics for this subjective measurement are bollocks. The notion that one can enhance or reduce the value of something, while concurrently doing nothing, is a delicious bit of ego. Particularly when dealt in excess.

It ultimately comes down to the most basic of statements - either you like it or you don't. The emphasis on grades and rankings speaks only of grades and rankings. It says nothing to me about my life.

I give this post 4 symbols
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Why do they have to be contemporary? Do you walk into a bookshop and only limit yourself to new books?

But,um, off top of head, I love the music of the following who are all alive and doing great stuff:

Bonnie Prince Billy
Blue Rose Code
James Vincent McMorrow
Sons of Kemet
Felice Brothers
Bill Callahan
Sun Kil Moon
Scott Walker
The Unthanks

nights round yours must be thrilling :lbf:
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Folks who insist that WPINOYB is awful are under the same spell as those who think that it towers above everything else: Morrissey biases in both directions.

A friend of mine who was a casual Smiths fan back in the day but hasn't really paid much attention to Morrissey since listened to a stretch of WPINOYB with me the other day: he was grooving to it (and even laughed in a few places). This fella was surprised at the strength of Morrissey's vocals ("Man, he's singin' like Sinatra these days!") and even asked if Morrissey was coming to town soon, 'cause he'd like to go.

It's interesting to see how Morrissey can still connect with, surprise and engage listeners who don't care what he's been up to and haven't followed his every move.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Folks who insist that WPINOYB is awful are under the same spell as those who think that it towers above everything else: Morrissey biases in both directions.

A friend of mine who was a casual Smiths fan back in the day but hasn't really paid much attention to Morrissey since listened to a stretch of WPINOYB with me the other day: he was grooving to it (and even laughed in a few places). This fella was surprised at the strength of Morrissey's vocals ("Man, he's singin' like Sinatra these days!") and even asked if Morrissey was coming to town soon, 'cause he'd like to go.

It's interesting to see how Morrissey can still connect with, surprise and engage listeners who don't care what he's been up to and haven't followed his every move.

Never mind the quality, feel the commercialness! Sell more shit to idiots!
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

nights round yours must be thrilling :lbf:
You have no idea.

As a list of records it's neither one nor the other, is it?
You're clearly someone who's desperate to demonstrate your imperviousness to mass taste, yet there's nothing there that's truly alternative.
It's all a bit '90s hipster MOR.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Why do they have to be contemporary? Do you walk into a bookshop and only limit yourself to new books?

But,um, off top of head, I love the music of the following who are all alive and doing great stuff:

Bonnie Prince Billy
Blue Rose Code
James Vincent McMorrow
Sons of Kemet
Felice Brothers
Bill Callahan
Sun Kil Moon
Scott Walker
The Unthanks

Thanks for that. I mentioned contemporary, just to compare your current taste with the new Moz LP. (I don't read contemporary fiction at all as it happens.) I've been a massive Beck fan for years and think his recent is by far his best - though I know it has been divisive within elements of the fan base. I follow Scott and find him fascinating. The others not so much!

I just wonder why you post here about an album you dislike intensely when you could be posting somewhere else about artists you do like. I heard the James album recently. It did nothing for me. I'm not posting on any James website about how much I dislike it... that would seem a monumental waste of time to me.

Never mind the quality, feel the commercialness! Sell more shit to idiots!

Now for someone who claimed to only be here to discuss Viva Hate, that is just plain old-fashioned trolling!
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Never mind the quality, feel the commercialness! Sell more shit to idiots!
So Agharta, anyone who likes the new Morrissey album is an idiot?
Interesting position.
Tell me, is this the same for all the music you don't like?
Indeed, does this also mean if we like what you like then we're top hole brain boxes?
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Wow, no, not at all. There are songs and even whole albums that I rarely listen to because of the emotional impact they have on me. I mentioned the Cure's Disintegration in the another thread—it is definitely the album that is the most important to me above all (and the one I will always name as being my "favorite" when asked), but I hardly ever put it on because 25 years later, I still can't make it past the 00:24 mark in Plainsong without starting to cry. I just can't handle it. Similarly, I can barely listen to Late Night Maudlin Street or Driving Your Girlfriend Home, even though they're among my favorite Morrissey songs.

Hi Chickpea. I would also list Disintegration as my favourite album of all time, or at least in the top 3 along with 'Meat is Murder' and 'Setting Sons'. However, I don't cry when I listen to Disintegration. It sometimes makes me sad to think I attended the Prayer Tour concert in 1989 in Dublin and there is no footage of it, or even any kind of quality footage for that whole tour on the internet. And it makes me nostalgic for the days when you could be amazed by the sight and sound of your musical idol, without letting cynicism creep into the cortex. But it doesn't make me cry. I suppose I don't understand how a great album could have that effect on anyone, unless of course if it was the soundtrack to a particularly bad time of your life when you were young.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

I suppose I don't understand how a great album could have that effect on anyone, unless of course if it was the soundtrack to a particularly bad time of your life when you were young.

There's that, yes (which is what I was referring to back at the start of this discussion when I said "my reaction to albums has as much to do with my own life situation at the time of their release as it does anything else"), but in many ways I'm still as much of an emotional mess at 38 as I was as a teenager. You learn how to tamp it down, of course, just so you can get through life and pay your mortgage and go to the dentist and all of those things, but it's still there. If you know anyone who lives with anxiety disorders, they'll probably understand this—it's sometimes called being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), and it's really not uncommon. I completely understand that not everyone is capable of that intensity of what is sometimes irrational emotion into adulthood, but there are plenty of us who are.

But yes, nostalgia is a very powerful thing, and that extends not only to the supposed joys of youth but to the pain of it all as well. And, sadly, not everyone left the bad times behind when they got older. Some of us are just…that way.
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Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Anyhow, It's a nasty piece of a record, especially in a morrissey sense. Very very disappointing. We all lose.
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Anyhow, It's a nasty piece of a record, especially in a morrissey sense. Very very disappointing. We all lose.

It's shit innit
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Anyhow, it's a lovely piece of a record on a piece of plastic, especially in a Morrissey sense. Very, very impressive. Winning!
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

Also, just as an aside, re: Kill Uncle. I never knew I was supposed to be disappointed by it or that so many fans consider it a low point until years after its release. Seeing it derided so much has almost certainly colored my view of it, and that's a shame. I wish I were impervious to that kind of thing.

In fairness to Kill Uncle, I've come to view its 'weakness' was mainly in the production. Those songs played live had a tremendous energy that was lacking on the recording. Sing Your Life on the album and live, almost two different songs.
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Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

This is the only morrissey album i haven't rushed out to buy and having heard tracks online it won't be one i'll be buying.. No stand out tracks musically, melody or otherwise.. Pity really as after the autobiography, a stunning musical offering would have softened the blows of tour cancellations etc..
Although no more kristeen young can't be a bad thing.. :confused:
Re: Article: "World Peace..." reviews (Independent.ie, FasterLouder, Seattle Music Insider, Globes,

The more I listen to the record (and bonus tracks) the more I love it. It's completely adventurous. Almost Moz's version of a Tom Waits freakout. Which inevitably narrows the listening base b/c some people need everything spelled out. It's also a deeply misanthropic record, but the innate beauty of the vocals and music counters the lyrical dismay. It's absolutely narcissistic, but expresses deep feelings about life that many many people can relate to, and sometimes feel. So, on the one hand, you could claim it's 'defeatist' but the passion of the music says otherwise. And therein lies one of the many Moz riddles. Would he be a good friend in real life? I've no idea. But artistically there is NO ONE LIKE HIM and he's got massive COJONES, explosive kegs really, b/c he will take on anyone in an intellectual fight even when he knows he will be bloodied.
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