"World Peace Is None Of Your Business" US Deluxe CD - Best Buy Exclusive (July 22, 2014)


Geeez; Really? ...why?
Seems important; I mean, ya know - just to know the truth. I thought Itunes had it wrong but apparently Best Buy has same info ...,
- Oh we'll, never mind, never mind, never mind.
Has it leaked yet? I've pre-orderd my iTunes deluxe copy (which is good enough for my ears) and that's the only copy I'm paying for.

Two weeks before official release date and no leak? Must be somekind of record.
Has it leaked yet? I've pre-orderd my iTunes deluxe copy (which is good enough for my ears) and that's the only copy I'm paying for.

Two weeks before official release date and no leak? Must be somekind of record.

Exactly what I was thinking. We had 'Tormentors' and 'Refusal' at least a month in advance...
I had "Years of Refusal" several MONTHS before IIRC. I remember it leaked before Christmas and didn't come out until February of the following year or something.

That said, even in the past year or two labels have been more protective of leaks, it seems. It's not out of the ordinary for something to have not even leaked within a week of release. I check www.newalbumreleases.net often for Moz, no luck. And that's just so I can let others know, I'm gonna wait for my iTunes / vinyl.
This is pretty irritating. I waited until last week to pre-order the "deluxe" e-version of the album off of Morrissey Direct because there was no word on an actual deluxe physical CD. I should've waited longer. I would've waited an extra week to buy an album I can actually hold in my hand and display with the rest of my collection. As someone else mentioned... I'm not paying for two copies of the same album a la YATQ. At least with these digital releases of the singles they can't ding us with buying all of the singles individually, the standard album and then a deluxe album with all the b-sides we already purchased plus an extra track or two. I don't know how much of this strategy is Moz and how much is the label but it's really not right to take advantage of the fans like that. I know life isn't fair, blah blah blah but it really shows Moz in a bad light in my opinion.
Exactly what I was thinking. We had 'Tormentors' and 'Refusal' at least a month in advance...

I remember when ROTT leaked. For some reason Amazon decided to stream the whole album online a month or so before it was released. I think someone on here managed to recored the stream. I stayed up into the early hours of the morning waiting to download it. I still Remember lying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, listening to it for the first time. Good times.
Can anyone who has bought from http://www.myplaydirect.com/morrissey comment on the bit rate of the MP3s delivered thus far? That $25 tshirt/deluxe download bundle seems like the way to go, and then maybe pick up a physical copy once the price drops.

Because unless I'm missing something, there is no way to order a US physical deluxe version that is known to be available on 7/15. Correct?
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Can anyone who has bought from http://www.myplaydirect.com/morrissey comment on the bit rate of the MP3s delivered thus far? That $25 tshirt/deluxe download bundle seems like the way to go, and then maybe pick up a physical copy once the price drops.

Because unless I'm missing something, there is no way to order a US physical deluxe version that is known to be available on 7/15. Correct?

Mp3s are 320kbs.

Correct, you can not purchase a physical copy until 7/22.
Someone knows if it's possible at the end to get the big bundle with the signed autobiography if we live in France??? coz i tried to look for but can't find a way or perhaps i dunno how to look for :-s

Thank you

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thank you very much. i watch it but i don't see my flag. sucky

thank you though :)

Have you actually read shipping info?

France isn't in the country section. However, if you click Slovakia, you can find out price in Euro.
Have you actually read shipping info?

France isn't in the country section. However, if you click Slovakia, you can find out price in Euro.

Yes i read and i just asked them to be sure...to see if they could find a solution, a way..Well it's official its impossible ..
Oh well..
At least i tried...

Thank you all anyways :)
I ll have to catch an autograph by myself lol but it will be hard lol not to say impossible hihi

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got a mail from www.bol.com, it's on their site [Dutch], you can also pre order the CD and the deluxe CD,
better for me, as shipping isn't that expensive as Amazon or Morrissey official, and it's euro's, no BP or $

well the 2 CD is gonna be pre ordered

'and they say he's mentall' ... T-shirt mate!....
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Maybe I'm wrong but didn't Morrissey brag on how he supports local record stores --- then he offers his "deluxe" edition only to i-tunes & Best Buy --- thanks for nothing, buddy

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