"World Peace..." enters US Billboard Album Chart at #14 (updated)

Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

You realise how difficult it must be to make money in the music business now on album sales alone, when Morrissey sells such a relatively small amount and given how great the album is and all the great reviews.
If you want to survive you have to tour.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

in the end, to maybe cap this, i still think at the of the day with all his conflicting desires he still feels this way

morrissey - honey you know where to find me
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

For the clowns saying that those of us who do not like WPINOYB should leave and stop being a fan, grow up. We are being realistic and honest--we are not blindly following the sheep in front of us. Perhaps you should go and visit TRB--be sure take a blue rose with you!

No thanks. I don't care for TRB and he pretty much wants credit for the blue rose idea when all he did was take it from an anonymous woman. Yet these people claim to dislike anonymous people so much. I suppose so when there is something for them to attempt to gain. I find him uninteresting to say the least.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

Record sales and chart positions are 100% about promotion, at least since the early 1980's. Disagree? Think it's the "quality" of the music that gets the high chart positions? That's stupid.

The digital age has also affected Morrissey's album sales more negatively than most other artists.

Bottom line, though, if you're not doing TV interviews, you're refusing to sing songs on stage because you misunderstood a comment from the audience (Lincoln), and you're canceling yet another tour which most people blame on your fight with Kristeen Young (who?)...you aren't going to sell albums and chart well in 2014. With this same scenario The Queen is Dead wouldn't do any better...and I'm pretty sure people would say that's a "quality" album.

The Queen Is Dead was full to the rafters with fiercely intelligent, often witty lyrics and marvellous music, though, and came off the back of the acclaimed Meat Is Murder. The word of mouth on it was phenomenal and it was preceded by a Whistle Test performance of Bigmouth and Vicar that was simply one of the defining moments in the history of the programme, and in my opinion, music television in this country. It was an astonishing five minutes.

I'm not sure how digital downloads can have affected World Peace negatively. If anything it makes it easier to buy, and torrents should not be a problem either. Many Morrissey fans would have nicked the leak as a preview and bought it as well. It would be interesting to know just how many pirated it but did not feel moved enough to put their cash on the counter this time. I reckon it might be a lot.

Tom Waits has been mentioned here recently, and he and a select few artists seem to manage to have a furrow they are able to plough regularly and keep the respect of music fans generally, even if those fans are not Waits fans specifically. Does Morrissey have the respect he once had, and if not, why? I don't think so. He is a singer now known for his talking.

Sadly, the truth of World Peace's disappointing sales lies in its equally disappointing content. The songs are poor. It is really that simple. That coupled with his continued inability to keep his at best highly controversial thoughts to himself have made for a perfect storm. Morrissey's fan base is diminishing and he is failing to attract new listeners. In any business in any sector that spells disaster.

World Peace is an at best seven star album when he needed a perfect ten. It was always going to be a long shot.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

Very sad indeed, and a great object lesson: Morrissey has just put out his best album in a decade, and he utterly lacks the skills it takes to successfully promote his work in the digital age. He's always relied on the fervor of his fans to carry him through, but these days that just isn't enough. Time is working against him (and he hasn't helped matters any by drumming up some of the worst press this side of Justin Bieber). Great work just isn't enough, either. You need a media presence, and that is the very thing that he cannot (and will not) deliver. It's a flaw that could prove fatal.

Weird Al deserves his first No. 1 after more than 30 years in the business: he played the media just right, releasing a video a day - it was a sensation. The world's greatest novelty act finally made it to the top because he's not only very, very talented, he's very, very smart. His record label couldn't pay for the promos, so he got sites like Nerdist and Funny or Die to foot the bill for the privilege of hosting the content. That's how the game is played.

I sympathize with Morrissey: he has serious personal issues which make media outreach a task that is way, way, out of his comfort zone. Even at the height of his fame, he torpedoed opportunities most artists would have killed for. This time Harvest footed the bill for some creative, innovative videos, they set up a Twitter account that was wildly successful for the microsecond that folks actually thought it was Morrissey. He had everything he needed to push this album a lot closer to the top, but he couldn't make it happen. He's always managed to (somehow) pull himself out of what appears to be a nosedive - I hope he manages to do so again.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

The real problem I have with "World Peace Is No Longer Relevant" is that Morrissey has become such a huge asshole that it makes it hard for me to enjoy his early solo stuff or the Smiths.

I am a handsome gay man who has embraced his sexuality as well as his masculinity. Morrissey has done no such thing. How and when did he become such a vile, bitter old queen? What went wrong?

I feel sorry for him. I truly do. Especially now his state of mind has tainted his music. What a waste.

"I am a handsome gay man". Are you also a "broken" man?
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that Years of Refusal was an absolute stinker and even though World Peace... is his best solo album, there are undoubtedly a lot of fans who have already left the parish, as it were...
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

But o no! I do feel sorry for Moz: he's rich, famous, uniquely talented, genius, hilarious, still sex on legs and instead of promoting his greatest album ever on the media factory line he's relaxing in a lake side house in Switzerland.
Poor thing.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

The Queen Is Dead was full to the rafters with fiercely intelligent, often witty lyrics and marvellous music, though, and came off the back of the acclaimed Meat Is Murder. The word of mouth on it was phenomenal and it was preceded by a Whistle Test performance of Bigmouth and Vicar that was simply one of the defining moments in the history of the programme, and in my opinion, music television in this country. It was an astonishing five minutes.

I'm not sure how digital downloads can have affected World Peace negatively. If anything it makes it easier to buy, and torrents should not be a problem either. Many Morrissey fans would have nicked the leak as a preview and bought it as well. It would be interesting to know just how many pirated it but did not feel moved enough to put their cash on the counter this time. I reckon it might be a lot.

Tom Waits has been mentioned here recently, and he and a select few artists seem to manage to have a furrow they are able to plough regularly and keep the respect of music fans generally, even if those fans are not Waits fans specifically. Does Morrissey have the respect he once had, and if not, why? I don't think so. He is a singer now known for his talking.

Sadly, the truth of World Peace's disappointing sales lies in its equally disappointing content. The songs are poor. It is really that simple. That coupled with his continued inability to keep his at best highly controversial thoughts to himself have made for a perfect storm. Morrissey's fan base is diminishing and he is failing to attract new listeners. In any business in any sector that spells disaster.

World Peace is an at best seven star album when he needed a perfect ten. It was always going to be a long shot.

My Dad said to me a couple of weeks ago that Morrissey seems to be more famous for being Morrissey than for his music and to the neutral that's definitely true. He's always been spikey so there's nothing new that he's pissing off pretty much everyone who isn't part of his fan base, the only thing that has changed is that he's started to piss half of his fan base off too. Personally, I've always enjoyed his outbursts whether I agree with them or not, they offer some welcome entertainment in these days of boring bastards.

Either way, people of his age just don't write songs of the quality that they would as young men. I don't know of a single worthwhile musician that's still cutting it at the same level they were when they were young. My issue isn't with Morrissey but the fact that nobody has really taken his place. We've had tons of great bands whether I was into them or not, The Kinks, The Fall, The Jam, The Smiths, The Who, etc. Proper bands with a bit of spirit, there's been f*** all of that kind for years now.

I think the likes of Tom Waits and Nick Cave always get bought up because they've always been treated incredibly seriously by the indie sect but let's face it they make boring music for boring people. If you're so dull that nobody ever notices you then there's no surprise that as you get older you're still boring everyone to death apart from music journalists that crawled up their own arses years ago. If people want to listen to that bollocks and claim superiority let 'em get on with it, it's their own ears their f***ing over.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

We've had tons of great bands whether I was into them or not, The Kinks, The Fall, The Jam, The Smiths, The Who, etc. Proper bands with a bit of spirit, there's been f*** all of that kind for years now.

I agree with everything you say in your post, but I think Mark E. Smith is still producing great stuff!
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

Very sad indeed, and a great object lesson: Morrissey has just put out his best album in a decade, and he utterly lacks the skills it takes to successfully promote his work in the digital age. He's always relied on the fervor of his fans to carry him through, but these days that just isn't enough. Time is working against him (and he hasn't helped matters any by drumming up some of the worst press this side of Justin Bieber). Great work just isn't enough, either. You need a media presence, and that is the very thing that he cannot (and will not) deliver. It's a flaw that could prove fatal.

Weird Al deserves his first No. 1 after more than 30 years in the business: he played the media just right, releasing a video a day - it was a sensation. The world's greatest novelty act finally made it to the top because he's not only very, very talented, he's very, very smart. His record label couldn't pay for the promos, so he got sites like Nerdist and Funny or Die to foot the bill for the privilege of hosting the content. That's how the game is played.

I sympathize with Morrissey: he has serious personal issues which make media outreach a task that is way, way, out of his comfort zone. Even at the height of his fame, he torpedoed opportunities most artists would have killed for. This time Harvest footed the bill for some creative, innovative videos, they set up a Twitter account that was wildly successful for the microsecond that folks actually thought it was Morrissey. He had everything he needed to push this album a lot closer to the top, but he couldn't make it happen. He's always managed to (somehow) pull himself out of what appears to be a nosedive - I hope he manages to do so again.

I agree with all of this 100%. Well said, Anaesthesine.

He's always been spikey so there's nothing new that he's pissing off pretty much everyone who isn't part of his fan base, the only thing that has changed is that he's started to piss half of his fan base off too. Personally, I've always enjoyed his outbursts whether I agree with them or not, they offer some welcome entertainment in these days of boring bastards.

I also agree with this, though, and I would really hate to see Morrissey become someone who plays the whole game just to get himself a #1.

Can we have both?
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

What happens when someone who likes Morrissey casually goes on iTunes or eMusic or Amazon on WPINOYB release day, previews the new songs, and downloads "Staircase..." "Kiss Me a Lot" "Istanbul" and "Mountjoy" because those are what he/she liked the most based on the previews. Does someone buying 3-5 single tracks from an album do anything for the album chart placement? Probably not.

Like it or not, this is how a lot of people buy new music these days. The album format is only really relevant to the diehard fans of any artist.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

suedes original lineup came really really close.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20


The Billboard 200 chart is officially out, World Peace Is None Of Your Business debuts at #14, not #18 as reported by the final numbers at Hits Daily Double.
While I think there have been some good points made in the thread, lets be reminded that 'Kidz Bop' Compilation 26 debuting at #4 with 45,278 units sold doesn't necessarily reiterate some of them. Products are always subjective to the audience buying them, so it is more indicative of listeners rather than artists, IMO.
Hartmann...the record didn't do poorly. Morrissey's best chart debut EVER is #11. 14 is par for the course & even good. It's stunning people like you proffer "expert" opinions, & literally don't know what you're talking about.
Weird Al is #1 for his promotion machine and gimmick. You're an idiot if you think the quality of content is what sells albums in 2014. The guy was sitting in for FULL SEGMENTS on Fox News programs, for Christ's sake! Our entire planet is about the "spin" machine...something Morrissey has never done. The alienation of his devoted fan base over repeatedly canceled shows is to blame for any weak sales results. But as people have rightly pointed out...are they weak??? All I care about is Morrissey's voice on a new batch of songs.
Some People are pretty angry about the cancelations and if he tours the UK this fall some American fans will be angrier.

As someone mentioned above, many people simply know Morrissey as the guy who sang sad songs with The Smiths who now says outrageous things. So many people on twitter didn't even know he had an album out. How would they if they weren't a fan? If he had done some promotion, like everybody else does, he would have charted higher. There's a difference between releasing an autobiography where people think you will finally admit your sexuality and releasing an album.
At #14, this is Morrissey's 3rd-highest chart position ever in the US, with and without the Smiths. Quarry and Refusal are tied for the top spot at #11.

It's pretty remarkable that he was absolutely come in so high in the US market without doing any promotion whatsoever. Imagine if he'd been able to do the TV spots and the interviews and so on!

Of course, Mr. Hartman will probably be here in a few minutes to point out that this is all meaningless because Viva Hate was once #1 in the UK. :rolleyes:
i dont know about promotion being a sole provider of a chart placing. i mean nofx a band who didnt do interviews for like a decade, banned there self made videos from mtv and only did interviews about election politics at the time went number one in the u.s with war on errorism (2003). if promotion is the only accounting for chart placement how did they achieve that. how did metallica sell so many copies of and justice for all in 1990 with pretty much no promotion before the album sold so many copies. a lot of these bands got attention only after they sold so many records.
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