Why has the media got a gripe with Moz?

Sonny Jim

Well-Known Member
Why has Morrisey got a media reputation for racism and the hard right? Is it mostly hard left attacks from media groups like the guardian, how long has it been going on for, since the 90s? Do they spin his words out of context or is this legit?
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depends what side of the fence your dangling on.he says what he thinks and stands by it,nothing wrong with that.
he has never said anything that he could be charged with or it would have already happened.
I don't think he's a racist just a bit of a dickhead these days based on his posts and interviews. I quite like him anyway though and love his music, don't think I'd want to meet him in person ..he probably wouldn't want to meet me either though so that's alright.
I'm just assuming you're trolling tbh.
I think its to do with the media, his private life is his private life and who knows what he really thinks, but prehaps it's spun out of its means in the media - keep your chin up Moz! Also this thread seems a bit lethal what did Sonny jim say wrong lol :unsure:;) I don't read the Guardian so coont comment.

Love Michael Caine xxxxx
It's kinda funny, almost everyone I know who listens to him is left leaning bar one person. So I'd wager he still has plenty of left wing fans
He clearly isn’t racist. Only morons and people with an axe to grind still perpetuate that rubbish.

He does however seem to have a certain degree of sympathy with nutty conspiracy theories, and his contrarianism wears thin at times.

People could forgive him for the latter when he still had a sense of humour and was making good songs, but not now. He has turned into a bitter old man and it isn’t pretty.

But racist? No, and he never has been.
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