When will Alain join the band?


Ringleader of theTorrents
Any info? It's been almost 2 weeks i heard he'd join the band but still no appearance, even in Pinkpop.
vivasouthpaw said:
Any info? It's been almost 2 weeks i heard he'd join the band but still no appearance, even in Pinkpop.

Unfortunatley, never. :(
I find the whole thing incredibly odd. Write half the songs, then not tour. Maybe he really wants to be with red lightning.

zom said:
I find the whole thing incredibly odd. Write half the songs, then not tour. Maybe he really wants to be with red lightning.


That was my thought. Maybe it was his choice not to tour.
vulgar said:
That was my thought. Maybe it was his choice not to tour.

He has got to be raking in some measure of royalties. I know all of the conspiracy folk around here might not like it but it may be true. He wants something different.

zom said:
He has got to be raking in some measure of royalties. I know all of the conspiracy folk around here might not like it but it may be true. He wants something different.


At the end of the day, everybody needs a change now and again, and I know it's hard to believe, but maybe that's the case. ;)
Alain PMed me on myspace and told me it was "their choice, not [his]" but that he and Morrissey are still the best of friends.

Maybe it was a management move? I never did like Jedd.
It somewhat suprises me that Alain manages his own Myspace account. How do you know it was him?
Jon said:
It somewhat suprises me that Alain manages his own Myspace account. How do you know it was him?
He and Johnny both manage the account. Johnny mostly writes but if you have a question for Alain, he'll answer. Alain's writing style is a bit "unique". They are all nice, you should drop them a line sometime.
Jesse is great, when will you people appreciate him and stop whining about Alain Whyte!!

As for myspace... Alain doesn't always send friendly messages...
isthisdesire said:
Jesse is great, when will you people appreciate him and stop whining about Alain Whyte!!

As for myspace... Alain doesn't always send friendly messages...

Could it be perhaps you didn't send a friendly one initially?
maybe a silly question: but who is the current manager of Morrissey?
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