what's your favourite piece if Morrissey hypocrisy?

for me it's probably got to be

Morrissey (on the other Smiths, circa 1985) 'they are more essential to me than breathing'

followed by (just after the court case, and I forget his precise words, but it was along the lines of)) ' the Smiths were just me and Johnny- the other two, Dave and Bill, were ultimately disposable'

so How Come you aren't dead yet then?
As ever, I find myself compelled to point out that circumstances change, people change, and most of us have the benefit of not having everything we've ever said written down to be dragged out later.

Contradictory opinions to one's previous opinions does not constitute hypocrisy. Do you speak in the same terms now about yr ex, as you did when you were still with that person? Same thing.

In his Smiths days, said they never would make, or aprove with a videoclip,
at the time it was printed, Derek Jarman was done with 3 clips

also a thing about people with sneakers also in the Smiths days
[Morrissey found people in sneakers repulsive]
[it was mentioned in an intervieuw about Robert Smith]
Last years I've seen pics of Morrissey with sneakers [in the park amongst
others/quarry erea]
My favourite bit of hypocrisy?

The fans that queue up to slag him off for any slight failing. You'd think they were pillars of our community who never put a foot wrong instead of bitter poison pen writers.
My favourite bit of hypocrisy?

The fans that queue up to slag him off for any slight failing. You'd think they were pillars of our community who never put a foot wrong instead of bitter poison pen writers.
You mean you didn't get the memo that Morrissey is perfect?
Did he really say 'Dave and Bill'??

If so, that's f***ing hilarious. :D :D

I thought he referred to them as Rick and Bruce, i.e the Jams rhythm section
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