What's the most subversive lyrics

- Off the rails I was & off the rails i was happy to stay
- It's so easy to laugh it's so easy to hate...
- I decree today
- I have forgiven Jesus
- The sun shines out of our behind
- Heifer whines could be human cry
- A blade in your soap & to be finished would be a relief
throw your homework onto the fire!
I've loved how in the concerts this summer he's emphasised this word in his vocal delivery, in a kind of plunging, elongated descent before spitting out "English". I'd kinda grown a bit 'meh' with this song live over the last couple of tours but I thought the live renditions this summer were the finest yet.

I agree.The alterations he makes for his live stuff often breathe new life into his songs, thats what keeps them topical and fresh sounding in my opinion. The emphasis that he places in his vocal delivery makes me re-think lyrics of songs that I may have become a little tired with. I think his voice only gets better with age :)
I agree.The alterations he makes for his live stuff often breathe new life into his songs, thats what keeps them topical and fresh sounding in my opinion. The emphasis that he places in his vocal delivery makes me re-think lyrics of songs that I may have become a little tired with. I think his voice only gets better with age :)
Amen to that friend:D
sorry has nobody on here realised what this discussion is actaully about?HIS MOST SUBVERSIVE LYRICS? I BLOODY DESPISE KYLIE HORSE TEETH MINOGUE

^^maybe you should relax a little bit.:p


Scarlet1987, I'd advise you to use ignore function on people who are talking about Kylie. :p

If you click User CP on top left, you'll find ignore function on the left.
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