This Charming Band need new Singer



An ad on craigslist requests 'Morrissey' applicants -

'Hullo Friends -

We are THIS CHARMING BAND, an active and successful Smiths & Morrissey tribute band, based for the past 5 years in San Francisco Bay Area. We are a guitarist, bassist, and drummer.

..and we've just lost our singer.

Our "mission", so to speak, is to spread the gospel of “the songs that saved your life.” We have a lot of fun with it, but also take performances very seriously. Doing justice to the The Smiths' music is priority #1, as the fans at our shows demand it.

We regularly practice 1-2 times a week, and have performed almost every song in The Smiths catalog, plus dozens from Moz’s solo catalog. We’re always learning something new, and trying to keep the show fresh.

We primarily play all over California, at venues like The House Of Blues (Anaheim, Hollywood), The Troubadour (LA), Slims (SF), Popscene (SF), Cafe Dunord(SF), and regularly play shows in San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, and Bakersfield. We also play the occasional show in Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, and most recently Chicago. In several of these venues, we regularly sell out or approach venue capacity.

AND...we're looking to getting back out there again, just as soon as we've found our new Morrissey.

Which comes to YOU. You have vocal chops. You can work a crowd. You are very familiar with music from both The Smiths and Morrissey solo. You can wail like 1983 Moz, and croon like 2010 Moz. You are ready to swing flowers, and keep large crowds engaged (and with respect to our previous singer, these are big shoes to fill).

We're not Smiths lookalikes. Although individually we've adopted looks that are relevant to the music & style of The Smiths & Moz. So you don't have to look like Morrissey. But if you can, great!

You’re able to play 2-4 shows a month, travel around the Bay Area and central California, with the occasional SoCal & out of state weekend shows, and are also able to contribute to the rent of our montly rehearsal space in San Francisco.

Does this sound like you? If so we'd love to hear from you. When responding let us know a little about yourself, give us your favorite Smiths & Moz tunes, and provide us with some mp3s of your singing ability, pics of you performing if possible, etc. All the better if you've got something on YouTube.

Thank you...and yes stay handsome :-D [ENDS]
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