The Wiltern, Los Angeles 26 April 2004


Senior Member
26 April 2004
The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA
Average audience recording (35mb WMA)

First Of The Gang To Die
Hairdresser On Fire
The Headmaster Ritual
Don't Make Fun Of Daddy's Voice
Jack The Ripper
How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel?
The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Such A Little Thing Makes Such A Big Difference
I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
No One Can Hold A Candle To You
I'm Not Sorry
Subway Train/Everyday Is Like Sunday
A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours
All The Lazy Dykes
Irish Blood, English Heart
/Hand In Glove
Math Tinder said:
Thank you Boro!

I was there. Very special night. :)

xox, math+

I love this show. He played about are the other shows from the wiltern as good as this one he played about 5 nites i think.
I have 3 of the others, I think they're all quite good, i'll upload them if you like? :D ;)
I second that - please do, vulgar! I was there all 5 nights and only have audio for 2 so far. Video for 1 of them too, but it's a pretty crap recording.

Boro, the night you posted was one of the best nights of the 5 - they weren't all as good as that one, but damn close. :)

love, math+
Math Tinder said:
I second that - please do, vulgar! I was there all 5 nights and only have audio for 2 so far. Video for 1 of them too, but it's a pretty crap recording.

Boro, the night you posted was one of the best nights of the 5 - they weren't all as good as that one, but damn close. :)

love, math+

This is the first bootleg i got i love this show. Is it posible that you could Upload the video ? if not do worrey about it.
Yes Boro I can - just gimme a couple days. I must warn, though, it's a really crappy audience recording.

However, there's a point at which Morrissey says 'Nice hair' to my lover Steven, which makes it totally worth it. :D

much love, math+
I have the 22nd & 24th on DVD. They're both DVD format (around 3.5 gig), so there's no way to upload them, unless anyone can recomend a programme to shrink them? :D ;)
I have 23 April and 24 April on DVD too (unless maybe they're mislabeled? maybe I have the exact same two as vulgar? we should sort that out by PM perhaps...) - anyway, one is about 3.5GB, and one is about 4.2GB. Yowsa! So, give me a little time, Boro, but I'll put them up on in the coming days. :)

much love, math+
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